author's note | q&a?

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hey guys! i know this isn't an update, but i figured i'd just make an author's note just to give you guys a break from the angst and fluff and all that.

i noticed that all i've been doing is just updating stories, reading your comments, and then repeating that process. but, for quite some time now, i also noticed that you guys don't really know me as much? i mean, my stories don't really express my personality or like anything about me in general.

and so i figured, hm, why don't i let you guys get curious and ask me some questions? 

also, it's summer vacation here where i live and i get pretty bored most of the time because i don't work as much. so, please, please, please, i beg you (jk), keep me busy lmao.

i think i will make a different book where i can just put all my answers and anything related to me, so that it's all together.

so, shall we do a q&a? 

it can be anything, really. you can ask me simple questions like my name, what i'm planning to do in university, my goals, inspirations, anything that's pretty general, i can definitely answer those.

or if you really wanna get personal, you can ask me questions like how's your love life, what do you do during your free time, why did you start writing, any book recommendations, tips and advice for people who want to write stories, etc. 

so yeah, please feel free to ask me any question. however, if you do ask me a question and i don't really feel comfortable answering it, i probably won't answer it at all. just an fyi.

please keep me busy ;; your girl is literally dying of boredom especially in the scorching heat.

love you.

AND ALSO!! thank you so much for 11K reads!! i am so shook right now like i can't even put my gratitude into words. like holy cow, 11 K. i swear this story was literally at like 2K three months ago. and now that it's 11K it's just.. mindblowing. thanks guys. i'm actually really happy and glad that you've been liking this story so far. it's pretty funny to read your comments because yall are like, i ship sori with taehyung.. but this is a jungkook fanfic.. argghhgh i'm so conflicted.

trust me. i'm pretty conflicted too. and also you guys have been wondering if there's going to be an alternate ending with tae because in case you forgot, yes, this is a jungkook fanfic. and the answer to that question is.. to be determined because i don't want to spoil anything for you guys and i have a lot of saucy things planned for this story, so stay tuned and.. calm your shaking hearts. 

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!! i am truly grateful for each and every one of you. you guys are seriously the best and your feedback, comments, and suggestions truly shape my motivation in the writing process of this story. and on top of that, you guys are so frigging patient like how are you guys patient i do not deserve this you guys are so sweet and ughgghugh. you guys just understand me so much when i'm going through shit and stress because guess what life actually happens and i have just graduated high school and with university around the corner, life literally slaps me in the face. 

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! and please send me questions that you would like to know about me or if you just want to tell me something really important or how your day went, go ahead, there are no rules to this at all. 

with love, jeon jungkook.Where stories live. Discover now