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Taehyung could only sit against the cold wall, staring off into the distance in the silence

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Taehyung could only sit against the cold wall, staring off into the distance in the silence. He slowly looks around the floor that was scattered with broken glass, flipped over tables, even the remote controllers were thrown across the room. He lets out another frustrated sigh before crawling a few inches to reach his phone, flipping it over to reveal a shattered screen.

"Everything she said," he began, staring Sori straight in the eye. "Is it true?"

Sori frowns, shaking her head. They haven't spoken to each other after Hyori left the place and the ride to Yoojung's school to drop her off was silent. "I had no idea that I was tearing their engagement apart. I never had an affair with Jungkook."

"Then why is she angry?" He asks her and Sori looks at him with hopeless eyes. 

"I don't know, Taehyung," she replies, "I never had an affair with him, I can never do that to you. But a few days ago, Jungkook and I somehow saw each other at the cafe and he needed someone to hear him out. Being a good person, I decided to go with him."

"What does this have to do with you?" He shakes his head and she holds up her hand for him to let her continue.

"He started to talk about his relationship and engagement with Hyori, how she's not putting any effort whatsoever into the wedding, and then somehow, the subject became us." Sori explains, and he could only frown even more. "He went on a whole ramble about how he wonders if things would've been different if he stayed, if he actually heard me out for once, if"

"If things would've been different if you didn't end up with me," he whispers and Sori's eyes widen.

"No," she shakes her head, "absolutely not. I was terrified, I was scared, so then I decided to just leave and I told him that he needs to figure things out with Hyori. But just as I was about to leave hehe kissed me."

"What?" He raises an eyebrow and Sori places her face into her hands. "What did he do?"

"He kissed me, Taehyung, which is why I'm not his wedding planner anymore because I told him to stay away and I told him to find another planner who won't ruin his engagement"

"Are you still in love with him?" He cuts her off and she looks up from her hands. 

"No, I'm"

"But from what he did to you, he still loves you, Sori." He interrupts her. "Now, answer me. I want you to be sure of your answer. Are you still in love with him?"

"I" She begins before falling silent, looking away from him. 

"You've got to be kidding me," he laughs bitterly. "So you're telling me that he's starting to get to you, that maybe you're beginning to wonder if things would've been different if he stayed, if he heard you out, if you didn't end up being with me, is that it?"

with love, jeon jungkook.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant