[ s i x ]

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She glanced up to see Jungkook making his way towards her, however, her heart was beginning to pound that out of her instincts, she turned around to head in the opposite direction. She could still hear him call out her name, but she sighed, speeding up her pace.

That was until, she felt him grab her wrist and turn her around. 

"What do you want now, Jungkook?"

"Can we talk?" He asked, and she pursed her lips into a line. 

She doesn't reply, but he leads her outside to the campus garden. The two of them sit next to each other on the bench. 

"Did you get them?"

"Get what?" She looked confused and he raised his eyebrows. 

"The tulips? Did you get them?" She slowly nodded her head in reply and he slowly started to smile. "Did you like them? Did you read the note?"

"They're beginning to wilt, Jungkook. Where did you even get them? Good thing I hydrated them with water, or else they'd die." She said softly and he frowned.

"So.. you don't like them." He mumbled, until he sighed. "It's alright, you can throw them away. It's not like you'll like them ever. And the fact that I put so much effort—"

"But the note.. was pretty heartwarming." 

He glanced at her mid-sentence, and she could see a pink flush in his cheeks. She couldn't help but look away from him, and he smiled brightly.

"Don't take that as a sign that I'll allow myself to go out on fourteen dates with you." She added, and his smile soon vanished in an instant.

"W-What? Why not?"

She shrugged her shoulders and he sighed again, until a silence filled the air. The two of them just sat next to each other like that, breathe in the fresh air and admire the beautiful arrangement of flowers that surrounded them.

"Well, if that's the case, then I respect your decision." He nodded his head, "but that doesn't mean that I'll give up on you, Sori. I'll give you your space, if that's what you want. But I'll still be hoping that maybe someday.. you'd fulfill my wish."

He stood up, and he began to make his way towards the entrance of the school until he heard her speak up. He stopped in his tracks.

"Why are you doing this? Is it because you like me?"

He wasn't sure if he should feel happy that she can't see the redness in his cheeks. He gulped nervously, turning over his shoulder as he thought of a reply.

"Why do you think I'm doing this, Sori-ah? I'm pretty sure I've made it all crystal clear for you."

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with love, jeon jungkook.Where stories live. Discover now