Chapter 3

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'Gee Way has her first day at public school...' I listen to the radio in my car on the way home and hear that report and instantly turn over the station; no thanks I would rather listen to something real not that rubbish on my drive home from school. Today has been well interesting. I sat alone at lunch I just didn't want to talk to anyone it's not like I didn't have offers to sit with anyone I just didn't want to be the centre of attention. So I sat alone. It wasn't so bad it's not like I haven't done it before.

I pull into my driveway and see my fathers car parked up already. Well something good must have happened for him to be home early from work today. Maybe it was because it's my first day at public school? Nah he doesn't care about that stuff. Without thinking too hard I insert my key into the lock to step inside my house.

Taking off my combat boots I drop my bag, heading into the kitchen to see my father sitting at the kitchen table reading a news paper with a picture of me on the front of it. Oh great, what have I done now?  "Hi dad." I offer in the silence and head over to get myself a coffee.

"Afternoon Gee. How was school."

"Fine I guess." I sound sceptical with my answer almost like he is asking trick questions that I don't know the answer to.

"Listen Gee, I have been looking at you in the papers and-"

"I'm sorry." I rush in before he has a chance to tell me what I have done wrong.

"It's not your fault but I bought something that will fix this small issue we have going on."

"Small issue?" I say turning around to face him from where I am making my coffee.

"Yes. You don't look like a girl Gee so I bought you a bra and some things to stuff it with in order to keep up the look. I know what you're going to say but you either wear it or I'm kicking you out the house. I do hope you make the right decision." With that he stands and walks out the kitchen leaving me gasping for air with the shock he just gave me.

I look at the table and see the bright pink bag with the thing I'm dreading to see hiding inside the pale pink tissue paper. It all looks very pretty but how can I just-ugh I have no choice I either wear it around or I live in the streets. I have no choice, I take the bag and head downstairs to my room in the basement. The only room in the house that I can be myself.

Once in the room I sit on the floor crosses legged and sit the bag in front of me. It didn't fit in my dark and dingy room, its way to pink and pretty for a grimy black place like this. Why do I have to do this? What father makes their son wear a bra with fake boobs in just for the newspapers? My room is the only place that's mine, the only place that doesn't look like a girls room, literally my dad has a room upstairs that's ment to be "mine" in case news reports come to our house and interview me. It's like I'm being hidden down here like I'm some mess or disgusting disease that should be terminated.

In this moment of crisis I think of the only person I can call. Bert McCracken. I reach for my phone and call Bert. "Hey man erm can you come over?...yeah....thanks.... my doors open and stuff...bye." I end the call and sit still staring at the pink fluffy bag.


"Hey man what's up you sounded pretty upse-oh." Bert says to me as he walks into my room. As soon as he sees the bag his eyes widen and he stops dead in his tracks.

"He's making me wear a bra with fake tits inside to make me look more like a girl. He said if I don't then I can find another place to live." I take a deep breath before turning around to face my best friend. "What the fuck do I do?" I almost scream cry at him.

"Gerard. Come on." Bert grabs my hand and pulls me up and out of the house.

We walk down the street to the local bar and we sit and order alcohol as that's what you do at bars. I down mine straight away and Bert is calling over to the bartender to get me another. God he really knows how to help me, or doesn't and this is the only way to "fix" me. Either way it helps and I no longer feel what I felt about half an hour ago.

"Berty I gotta go to school tomorrow."

"Ok Gerard, but right now drink up as tonight we are getting pissed." With that we both down more alcohol than we have ever before and we have had pretty bad nights where we cleaned out a whole bar but I guess today we were really feeling that going all out is what's best for us.


It must be early as the sun is burning my eyes with how harshly it's shinning. I take in my surrounds and see I'm laying in an alleyway next to rubbish bins. Basically I'm in the gutter and hungover, the worst I've been in months. Bert is still passed out not so far away from me; I can trust Bert to never leave me when I need him the most. He's a good guy no matter what anyone else says.

I glance at my watch ugh I need to get to school. I slowly sit up and see a bucket of rain water that's been collected along with whatever else is hiding in there and place my hands in it to wash my face. Yep best thing to wash your face with in the morning. Before I can breathe water is thrown at me. I'm stunned and shocked at what just happened but I quickly turn to face Bert who is standing over me holding a bucket the same with by the looks of it whatever is in the bucket I'm holding. I stand quickly and make a grab for my bucket but he's quick and swipes it away before I can grab it again. For the second time this morning murky water is thrown over me.


"You done having your little hangover woman moan?"

"Bert you know I hate that and now my head hurts more than ever." I say slowly coming back down again.

"I'm sorry Gee it had to be done and you know that now com'ere." Bert pulls me into a tight hug and slowly leads in to kiss me. I kiss back as I really do love him just not like that.

"Berty the papers are watching." I say as I pull out of the kiss and sigh.

"So let them see. Gee I'm sick of your dad controlling you, not only that he's forgotten that you are actually a boy all this getting you to wear a bra with fake tits-"

"Don't remind me just take me to school."

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