Black Jack

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Other Titles:

Black Jack: Anime

Black Jack OVA


Black Jack OVA

Black Jack Final




December 21, 1993 to December 16, 2011






Kuroo Hazama, also known as "Black Jack," is a legend in the medical world. Famous for being one of the best, as well as not having a license, Hazama and his assistant Pinoko save countless lives that other doctors cannot... for a price; an exorbitant price, in fact, which causes many to view the genius as greedy and heartless. Despite these claims, however, none can deny his skill and the lengths that he will go to treat his patients. This dark medical drama tells the story of the ominous and mysterious world of underground medicine as Black Jack risks his life to cure some of the most bizarre diseases imaginable, even if it means breaking every law in the process.

Characters and Voice Actors:

- Main:

Kuroo "Black Jack, Sensei, Space Jack, B.J." Hazama

Black Jack is a medical mercenary, selling his skills to the highest bidder. He is a shadowy figure, with a black cloak, eerie black-and-white hair, a scar across his face and partially black skin. Black Jack cures patients indiscriminately, from common folk to presidents and yakuza leaders. To his VIP patients, he charges absurd sums. All this has given him a reputation for callousness and greed which he gleefully cultivates. However, to the reader it is clear that Black Jack actually is a good man: he is anti-wealth and anti-prestige, and believes he is actually doing rich people a favor by removing their material wealth. The opposition to wealth and power is a common theme in Tezuka's work: powerful men are almost always portrayed in a negative light.

- Ootsuka, Akio (Japanese)

- Thornton, Kirk (English)

- Nozawa, Nachi (Japanese)

- Pfeiffer, Markus (German)

- Ibu, Masatou (Japanese)

- Wait, Russell (English)

- Yang, Seok jeong (Korean)

- Gu, Ja hyeong (Korean)

- Rafel, Oriol (Spanish)

- Ogouz, Philippe (French)

- Grinnan, Felipe (Brazilian)

- Rodríguez, Camilo (Spanish)

- Umehara, Yuuichirou (Japanese)

- Magi, Enrico (Italian)

- Supporting:


- Tanaka, Atsuko (Japanese)

- Ziesmer, Santiago (German)

- Laurenti, Jasmine (Italian)

Katina Aleko

- Sergeant, Lia (English)

A N I M E / O T A K U : PART 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang