Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Waking up to an annoying alarm wasn't the best way to wake up at all. I was not a morning person, especially when it came to high school. Having to wake up early in the morning to go to a place where all you did was sit on a chair and listen to pointless lessons wasn't my way of going, but apparently, my mother didn't care about that as she pounded on my door.

"Amelia, get up! Your alarm went off three times already!" she shouted from the other side.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed. One annoying alarm was enough, I didn't need a living one at my door as well. I called back to let her know that I was awake before walking to my closet. My eyes roamed through the variety of clothes and I scrunched my nose up, feeling too lazy to actually pick something nice to wear. So instead, I made a beeline to my drawers and grabbed the first thing I saw.

I threw on some loose, black sweatpants and a simple white tank top, completing the look with my worn-out converse. Standing in front of the body length mirror attached to the back of my door, I ran my fingers through my wavy blonde hair. Since I didn't have time to actually brush it, I picked up a black beanie from the carpeted floor and adjusted it over my head. Green eyes stared back at me through the reflection of the mirror, contrasting slightly against my pale skin as I reviewed my outfit. Meh, it's not like I really cared about how I looked anyway.

Grabbing my weightless bag from the floor, I made my way downstairs. My mother was sitting on the couch in the living room, her feet up on the coffee table while she eyed a magazine. Her gaze lifted up to meet mine as she heard me approaching, her eyebrows knitting together in disapproval as she took in my outfit. Before she could make a comment on my choice of style, I picked up my headphones from the table in the dining room and made my way out. I never bothered saying goodbye, since I knew pretty well she would just throw a comment instead of actually bidding farewell.

I connected my headphones into my phone and listened to music as I walked to school. It wasn't too far of a walk, only fifteen minutes away. Even though I had my own baby inside the garage, I'd rather not show her off too much since it was just school, after all.

Once I stepped through the school gates, I received the typical stares I always got in this place. They tend to be annoying, sometimes, but I got used to ignore them most of the time. Having a reputation as I did pretty much came with all the eyes included. It wasn't like I could really complain, though, I've brought this upon myself on my own free will.

Walking down the packed hallway, I neared my locker to find two very familiar figures already standing by it. Danielle noticed me first, her perfectly styled, brown hair cascading down her back in waves. She smiled at me as I stood by them and her green eyes shone with amusement. I smirked at them, noticing how Kenneth was eyeing my outfit with a grin of his own.

"Lazy day, huh?" he spoke. "Didn't you have one last Friday?"

"Who cares? I dress up however I want, whenever I want." I chuckled and shoved them playfully away from my locker to open it. I eyed all the stuff I had, crafting a plan in my head carefully.

"Leave her be, Ken. You know how she is." Danielle giggled and reached up to ruffle his dark hair. He glared at her mockingly with his hazel eyes, slapping her hand away and fixing his hair. I ignored their playful banter and slung my bag off my shoulder, zipping it open to reveal a single spiral notebook and a small pencil case. From the corner of my eyes, I saw how Danielle wrapped an arm around Kenneth's waist and he leaned down to peck her cheek, causing me to fake a gag.

"Take it somewhere else, you two. I would really like to graduate without catching any cooties," I joked. They just rolled their eyes at me and I just smirked. Finally, after deciding what to use, I began stuffing my bag with different things and materials. The couple just stared at me in curiosity, asking me a silent, yet obvious, question. Once I zipped my bag back up, I slung it over my shoulder and closed the locker, facing them with a mischievous smile. "It's been a while since I've had my fun with Mr. Orwell."

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