Patting them, I look to their brother to help me, but he's too busy laughing. I hate you so much right now. "Missed you guys to," I choke out. "Please get off of me." I complain.

They give me one more tight squeeze and then they get off of me. Sitting up, the dogs then start to poke and prod me with their wet nose, till I stand up on my own. But yet again the twins bone crushes me into another hug. "Please never leave us alone with him again!" Zoey cries out, like the drama queen she is. "He was a nightmare before you guys started to date, a good brother during when you guys were dating and a holey nightmare when you guys-"

Logan clears his throat loudly, shutting his sister up.

Sid who is a young spitting image of Logan. "Never leave us again!" He screams out and holds on to me even tighter.

Looking over at Logan, he's buttoning a fresh black sleek shirt up. He smiles at me, when he has the last button in place and sweeps his hair back. "Okay you two, take the dogs out of here and take yourselves out as well. Ally still has a goose egg on the side of her head." They complain. "Out!" He uses his brother voice and like that, they take the dogs and scram, closing the door behind them.

Sitting on the bed, I pick up the bag of peas that are no long frozen. "Hope your mom doesn't mind making peas with dinner." Logan's mom is the chief of the family and if she ever has anyone help her cook--which that hardly ever happens--, they go through a back ground check, deeper than the FBI would do.

He takes the peas, then kisses me on the head. "I'll take these to her, take a nap, I'll wake you up when it's dinner time."

Shaking my head, I turn to crawl to bed. With my ass in the air, Logan smacks me on the ass. Looking over my shoulder, I can't help but stick my tong out at him for a few seconds and then get under the covers.

"Sleep well, see you soon." He tells me, taking the peas, turns off the lights and closes the door behind him.

Ally Past:

One of dad's goons followed me home. I slammed the door shut on him and locked the door, but he broke it down with his boot. "Get out!" I yell out at him, my heart pounding.

His dark eyes look crazy, as he tracks me with them. "Am I not good enough for you, now you've had a rich brat between your legs?!" He roars.

Dad has had a lot of his guys keep a close eye on me. Not to help me if something would ever happen; just to make sure that I would follow my task at hand. This guy that's in the apartment, I've only met a few times and by the look in his eyes, he's on something.

"You have no right to say such things to me. I don't even know you, your crazy lunatic-"

He slaps me a cross the face, only to grab my throat and slam me against the wall. Clawing at his hand, he acts as if he can't feel it. "I've followed you, heard your words to him and seen you kiss him. You're to blind to others around you. You think he'll want you, after he finds out, that you've been sleeping with him, just to get information from him? Well think again."

No one knows that Logan hasn't shared that much with me, and we haven't been together in the way he's implying. I've slept over at the house, but not having sex with him. Not yet and maybe never, I broke his heart, if he took me back, that would be so crazy. "Like I care if he takes me back. I was just supposed to get info, nothing more."

His grip on my throat tightens. "Then he wouldn't mind, if I made use of you." Threw his words, his other hand groups my breast, only to start traveling south, making me move around, trying to get away, but I can't get away, I'm trapped as his hand gets closer between my legs. "I'll ruin you in every way possible."


The window breaks by one hole. Around the hole, there is scattered web like cracks around it. The bullet hits its target, the guy that's hand around my throat.

His hand loosens, his eyes wide as he falls over on the floor. Blood pools out around him, from the hole where his heart is.

I don't know how long I stand there, staring at the dead man, till Davis is in the apartment, shaking me to bring me back to my sense. "Ally, snap out of it!" He orders.

Blinking a couple times, things start to come into focus. "Th-Thank you Davis," I whisper, as tears start to fall and slid down my face. My body acts on its own and I latch on to Davis, like a lifeline.

He wraps his arms around me and pats my back softly. "I'm glad I was here before he could try anything." He pulls away and I really don't want him to. I've never been close to Davis, like I have with Xavier and Leo. But at this moment I could careless, he protected me and made sure nothing bad happened to me. "Your throat is going to bruise."

Touching my neck, it starts to hurt. "I'll heal," my eyes fall on the dead body. "What about him?"

Davis looks at the dead man. "I'll take care of him." He pulls out some keys from his pocket. "I don't want you here. Pack a bag, go to a duplex on Main River, it's blue, with black shutters. The one with the numbers 4521 is my place. Stay there it's safe, I'll be back when I get rid of the body."

It takes longer than it should for his words to sink into my head and before I know it, I have a bag packed, as Davis puts in a call for a pick up. "Davis, will you do me a favor?" He looks over his shoulder at me, with the phone in his hand. "Please don't tell Logan, I don't want him to know about this. I don't want him to think different of me."

He stuffs his phone in his pocket, turns, and faces me. "He never would think of you different. But I won't tell him if you don't want me to."

"Thank you." With that, I turn away from him and leave the apartment.

His Mafia Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now