"Anyways! Dinah hurry up! I'm already late I'm supposed to be in make-up right now!" Normani whined as she urged the driver to speed up.

"It's your fault that we're late to begin with! 'Oh my hair is messed up!" Dinah replied as she mimicked normani's voice.

The dark skinned girl rolled her eyes not bothering to entertain dinah's joke.

"Normani, what is your role anyways?" Lauren questioned. She didn't really know that much about Shakespeare, but she was still curious.

"I play Juliet's mother."

Dinah laughed out loud. "How ironic the childish girl playing a mother." her words quickly resulted in normani pinching her arm.

"Well let's hurry, clearly they can't do the play without mani."  Camila said

"Great normani your here. Come on we need to get you dressed quickly!" The drama club teacher stated as normani walked inside the room. Camila, dinah, and Lauren had already went to find their seats since none of them could come backstage. Well camila could, but she opted not to since she knew austin would want to be alone right before the show.

"Alright!" Normani replied as she was quickly rushed to get into place.

"I bet your disappointed that mila is sitting so far from us." Dinah said with a laugh as she elbowed Lauren in the side.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "You know after a while you get used to it." She replied in a joking tone causing dinah to laugh even harder.

"Tough. Well at least one of our love lives are going good." Dinah said causing Lauren to look at her with a knowing smirk.

Dinah nodded already assuming Lauren knew what she meant. "Yeah, normani and I have been talking a lot I got to say at first I spoke to her because she was beautiful, but now that I'm talking to her I can tell there is just so much more to her."

Lauren frowned. "Ok, who are you?"

Dinah smiled, "I know right! It's to early to tell, but I think she might be worth keeping. Now you definitely have to date camila you know so we can have the whole best friends thing going in our group." She said causing Lauren to roll her eyes although it didn't sound like a bad idea.

"Say D, now that the school year is over I was thinking about asking camila if she wanted to come with us to the cabin next week." Lauren suddenly said catching dinah off guard.

Every summer since high school started dinah's dad rented a cabin in a near Forest next to a lake. The cabin had a track circling around the lake so the two could exercise, a built in gym, a outside basketball court, and a indoor pool. Basically it was the perfect place to relax and to train. Usually dinah's parents came with them, but since they were turning seniors they had decided that the two would be able to handle going alone.

Dinah chuckled. "Look at lauser thinking outside of the box. That's great! You and camila are a lot closer than me and normani so if camila actually comes I can get her to convince mani to come! Brilliant strategy!" She said as she patted Lauren on the back.

Lauren narrowed her eyes as she noticed that dinah had managed to find a way to get the situation to benefit her.

"Yeah, but that's if camila even wants to go. After all you know how she is when it comes to doing anything her boyfriend wouldn't approve of." Lauren replied as she felt her hopes drop.

Dinah nodded in agreement. "True...You could use that whole 'you promised to take care of me while I work out this summer' thing to your advantage." She suggested.

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