Chapter 50

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"So what did you want to talk about?" Camila asked in a meek voice.

Both her and lucy had exited the gym, she had told normani and lucy had told Bruno that they would only need to be alone for a few minutes and that they would meet them outside. Now they were currently in a empty hallway where nobody would be able to interrupt or listen in to their conversation.

camila wasn't afraid of lucy in a sense that she might hurt her, but she was worried that lucy was going to tell her that lauren loved her and to back off. She really hated that this situation had evolved to the point that it involved more people as well.

"I liked your song.." lucy complimented as she slowly drifted her fingers across a locker nonchalantly.

camila gave a small smile. "Thank you..." She was a bit unsure if lucy had picked up on the fact that the song was about her as well.

lucy stopped moving her fingers on the locker and suddenly looked directly at camila's eyes. 

It wasn't a fierce look, but it still made camila's heart pound.

"I liked it in a sense that your talented, but...The message I don't like...You don't deserve to have lauren back." lucy began. 

The statement was blunt. lucy wasn't sugarcoating her words at all and it had caught camila completely off guard.

"All you want to do is play with her heart." lucy finished giving her honest opinion.

"I'm n-" camila started,

"You are!" lucy interrupted, surprising camila, by the sudden raise in volume of her voice. "You broke up with her...That crushed her! you should have seen how defeated she looked after that game! I hated seeing her like that! she doesn't deserve to go through that! lauren is to amazing of a person!" lucy continued her tone never lowering.

Her eyes showed just how passionately she felt about this topic, they were shinning.

camila's head dipped down and she shifted uncomfortable. She had wanted to have this talk with lauren, but now it seemed unlikely that she would be able to avoid explaining the situation to lucy.

lucy stopped her rant and looked at the girl who was no longer holding her eye contact. She felt a bit of anger come to her, but she held her temper.

"I love her." lucy stated bluntly.

That caught camila's attention. She had already known about lucy's feelings, but hearing her say it herself was completely different from normani telling her about it. It made it seem much more serious.

"I love her, but I still told her to try and get you back, but you- you instead had went back to some guy and let lauren catch you together with him!" lucy had started in a softer tone, but towards the middle of her sentence the anger had come back.

"It wasn't like that!" camila shouted finally seeing a chance to defend herself.

lucy shook her head. "It was though! lauren wouldn't lie about what she saw! Your actions effected lauren so much that she actually came to me and -" lucy stopped her sentence before she revealed to much. The lauren that had came to her door that day wasn't her so she wasn't going to hold it against her.

"But now you ask for forgiveness and want her back? How selfish are you?! What have you told lauren since she's gotten back?" lucy asked her anger level still rising. She hadn't believed she would get this mad, but the more she spoke the more red she saw.

camila bit her lip. "I- I told her that I loved her, which I do lucy...I know my actions don't show that, but I truly do!" camila raised the volume of her voice a bit.

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