Chapter 28

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~I dont own anything, Everything converted to Camren~

After School 20 minutes Before Tip-Off

"WOW! I can't believe how many people are here!" Camila screamed so normani could hear her over the crowd.

"I know right! I hope dinah and lauren won't let the pressure of preforming in front of so many people mess up their game!" Normani yelled back.

They had managed to get seats in the front row since they were close to the two best players. The gym was beautiful and extremely spacious. It definitely could match the size of a college basketball court.

"Did you wish lauren luck? I managed to catch dinah since we have our last period together." Normani questioned.

Camila frowned. "No..I haven't managed to really talk to lauren at all today... I texted her to meet me before she left to get ready, but I don't think she looked at her phone."

"I'll text dinah and tell her to meet you in the hallway! You have to wish lauren luck before the season opener! It's one of your future duties as her girlfriend!" Normani scolded camila as she pulled out her phone and quickly typed up a message and sent it to her girlfriend. "I told dinah to tell lauren to hurry and meet you in the hallway on the English hall since it's close to here."

The duo stared at normani's phone until it lit up signaling dinah had replied.

**Alright, she's on her way. Make sure mila is there, it's almost time for us to take the court.** dinah replied.

Normani looked at camila. "You should go now!"

Camila nodded as she got up in order to go see lauren. "Don't you dare lose our seats mani! Stay there and make sure nobody sits where I was!" Camila told her friend.

Normani laughed. "Shoo Shoo, Hurry up! I got this."

Camila gave her friend a doubtful look before running out of the gym she only had a few minutes to meet with lauren because she knew she probably wasn't even suppose to leave the locker room yet.


It only took camila a few minutes to get to the meeting place that normani had set up, she wasn't surprised to see that lauren hadn't arrived yet. The hallway was completely empty since everybody had already piled into the gymnasium ready for the game to start.

"Looking for me." A raspy voice interrupted her thoughts.

Camila quickly found the origin of the voice and smiled. "Who else would I be standing out here waiting for?" She questioned in a teasing tone.

Lauren shrugged as she gave camila a gentle smile.

The basketball player had on het black school warm ups and a white headband.

"I just wanted to wish you luck out there tonight lo." Camila softly spoke as she walked closer to the basketball player. "You've worked really hard this summer so I know you won't let me down." Camila's eyes went up to lauren's as she wished her luck.

"Thank you camz." Lauren replied as she once again placed her forehead on hers now that she had closed the gap between them. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have worked nearly as hard. Thanks for motivating me."

Camila laughed a bit. "Please, you would have did everything alone if I wasn't there."

Lauren couldn't help, but chuckle. "True, but it did sound nice to say."

Camila nodded in agreement. "It did. Helped build the moment..." She replied her voice fading a bit as she got on the tips of her toes inching her face closer to lauren's.

"Good...because I've been wanting this moment for a long time now..." lauren replied catching the hint as she leaned in as well licking her lips a little at the same time.

Just as the longing became unbearable, lauren's lips met camila's. The warmth of her mouth sent a current running through her body. Camila gently wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck as she intensified their kiss.

When she had came out here she had not known what to expect, but she was definitely not disappointed. The kiss felt right. She had heard the saying that when you kiss the right person you felt sparks and for the first time in her life she understood the quote. Camila couldn't stop a few tears from leaking out of her eyes just from the amount of emotion she was feeling.

She wasn't sad.

She was happy.

The happiest that she had been in a long time...

She gasped a bit as she felt lauren's arm wrap themselves around her waist bringing her even closer. Camila removed her arms from around lauren's neck as she placed them on her cheeks as her lips matched the motions of her.

The two continued for a few seconds before finally camila pulled away quickly drying her tears which lauren didn't notice.

Camila looked lovingly into lauren's green eyes before finally speaking.

"You lied."

Lauren frowned. "What do you mean I lied?" She questioned a bit confused.

Camila giggled a bit. "Back when I was tutoring you at Dinah's house you told me you've never kissed a girl before."

The basketball player continued to give camila a confused look. "I haven't?"

"There is no way you can be such a good kisser and that was only your first time." Camila laughed as she wrapped her arms back around lauren's neck.

Lauren laughed finally understanding camila's joke. "Maybe it's because it was with the right person."

Camila couldn't help the blush that appeared on her face.

After a few more seconds of silence camila finally released the girl.

"Well get back to the locker room before somebody notices you. I'll be in the front row rooting for you." Camila told lauren as she backed up a little.

Lauren nodded as she turned around and began walking back towards the locker room before stopping

Camila looked at the basketball player a bit confused as to why she stopped. Suddenly without warning lauren turned around and walked back up to camila, she didn't say a word as she leaned down and gave her a small chaste kiss on her lips.

"For good luck." Lauren gave her a smile as she turned back around and ran towards the locker room.

Love&Basketball (Camren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang