Chapter 36

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Carlisle POV

We’ve being staying on the Island because we don't need anything happening to Bella, there something going on back home and they need to make sure that everything is the way it needs to be.  if they are coming for my wife then they need to look out because I'm not going to let anything happen to her if I can help it, I have waited for so long for my wife and nothing will take her from me.

Bella : babe I know you have something on that mind of yours, I think that you are worried about me but we’re both ok we are right here where it’s safe and sound from what's going on back home because they're preparing for everything, they will let us know when we can go back safely okay don't worry about it so much I'm right here with you on our Honeymoon. let's not worry about what's going on back home because if we do it will drive us crazy and that's why they told us to take care of ourselves and stay here, let's just pray and hope that nothing will happen to the ones we love.

Carlisle: you're right we have to trust that they know what they're doing plus Jasper knows everything when it comes to a newborn Army so let them do what they're doing but right now we're going to just relax and concentrate on the two of us, they said that you were the main target so it's best for us to stay here because they can't get to you. They have no clue were we are so and at least our family know that you are safe they will do anything to help keep it that way.

Bella: you know why I'm not freaking out or anything it’s  because I'm trusting that they know what they're doing I'm looking on the positive side cause if I don't I'm going to be scared, we need to think positive and rational cause we don't want nothing to happen to them so let's concentrate on ourselves while we're here.

Carlisle: you always know what to say to calm me down thank you my baby

Bella : you're welcome but it's my job as your wife to take care of you,  you know that right and I love you

Carlisle: I love you too baby trust me I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and sound in my arms where you belong

With that I kiss my wife and took her to the bedroom so I can show her how much I love her .And I will do what ever it takes because we all need love in time like this , I just hope that my coven can handle what’s going on back at home they told me my job is to stay here and keep Bella safe and that what I'm going to do.


Jasper POV

I have being working on a training plan because we need to know what we are up against and we need to be ready for when that happens.

Alice : hey are you ok babe

Jasper : just trying to do what I need to do if I'm going to be able handle how to dealing with the newborn army. I'm going to help you all learn what to do, it just crazy that this happing babe and I don't like that we all need to deal with that because it not a pretty site to tell you the truth I just wish something like that wouldn’t have to happen anymore cause in a world like today everybody should be able to live without fear.

Alice : I understand what you're saying baby but if you need me to help you through anything you know I'm here for you an I love you.

Jasper: I love you too baby

It’s a good thing to have Alice in a time like this because sometimes I still think back to everything that has happened when I was in the southern Wars and I have to be strong if I want to help my coven because there's no way I'm about to let Bella come back here and be at target right now, she's better off being where she's safe and sound with her husband on their honeymoon. there's no way I'm about to let anything happen to the ones I love I know one thing for sure Maria's is involved so now I have to make sure that I do what I have to do and stand up to her.

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