Chapter 1

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I started another one so god help me plez. ohh well enjoi!

'High flying business man, Donald Way's daughter Gee Way, has been kicked out of the prestigious boarding school in Belleville as she keeps cutting class and breaking the rules. Will Mr Ways daughter destroy his reputation?' Screams the tv with today's news on. Gee just looks over at Mikey who gives a sad look in response.

" I don't understand mikes what is their problem with me?" I sigh out to my brother over the kitchen table, news broadcast just going on in the background but no ones listening.

"Honestly Gee I don't know but if you want to stay in dads good books you better be careful while your at Belleville high." Mikey simply offers as a response.

"Yeah right. Me follow the rules? I already look like a girl when actually I have quiet a massive dick in between my legs."

"Gee we will not have any more talk of this. You will not show me up anymore than you already have recently. Now go get ready for your first day at school. Remember keep up appearances... and don't be late!" My dad screams at me whilst walking into the kitchen to probably scold me for talking about my dick that he just ignores and pretends I don't have. Maybe he has even forgotten about it in order to 'keep up appearances'

With that I just head upstairs to throw on some clothes and head out to the local school.


The drive here was pretty uneventful I just blasted the misfits at 100 and broke at least 50 driving laws. Oh well it's not like we can't afford to pay for them. I find a space that's out the way of everyone else and decide to park there. I pull out my smokes and head to the student smoking, that's just for top years.

I'm dying for a smoke as I haven't had one in a week. Ever since I got kicked out of that shitty boarding school, my dad set the maids on keeping a VERY close eye on me and its driving me insane. Why is it that public school is always romanised; with good-looking teenagers and young teachers crawling the grounds? Well I guess that's just as made up as the lies that the newspapers make up about my gender. It's not that I mind they call me a girl it's that they just assume I'm a girl. I think whilst smoking my fag against the wall that is used for only top years who smoke, stupid school knows something for once. TEENAGERS SMOKE! Wow I had no idea that they brake rules.

I glance at my phone and see it's almost 9:00. The time i am meant to be reporting to the office to get my timetable and I guess a guide although I doubt I will get a guide here, I did at my last school but that's what they were being paid to do I guess. Standing on my butt with the heal of my combat boot I head off to the main office to show that I am actually here.

I push open the door to main office and walk up to the old bag of a woman sitting behind an old wooden desk. "Hi, Gerard Way. I'm here for my timetable?"

"Uh hum. One moment please. Ah yes here it is Gerard Way-wait Way?"

"Yep that's me."

"Sorry Mr Way only has one son and his name is Mikey Way and a daughter Gee Way. Now if you're impersonating the very well respected Way family I'm going to have to call the police."

"For fuck sake newspapers and their lies. I'm Gee Way but my legal name is Gerard. Yes you can close your mouth now." The old bat of a woman just stands there shocked at either my language or that my father actually has two sons. I take my timetable from her grasp and walk away out of the office in search of my first lesson.

I step into the cold air and take this time to look at my timetable. Great maths, English then science. Best lessons first I guess. (sarcasm in the best way possible) Thank god I picked art and music or I might have just died. I also look at the map and decide maybe tomorrow is the day I will bunk as I would rather not get shouted at by my high and mighty father tonight, that can wait till tomorrow when I go out with Bert and drink my life away like I do most nights. It's almost strange how the papers haven't seen me and Bert together, lying in gutters or making out while so shit-faced we can't remember our own names. Still not that I would have it any other way. Mine and Bert's relationship is very much a friends with benefits thing without hooking up. Been there done it, there was a time and a place for that and now definitely was not the time for Bert and I. That's long gone, we now just make out if we are particularly sad that day or in need of each other in that way.

This map is just a big mess, so I guess I should just head in the direction I think maths is in. Walking down corridors and passed doors that lead into classrooms full of tired and bored kids that are now my classmates or school mates it's weird that everyone will feel the same at the same time in this place, everyone will hate it for a bit whether they did or didn't is irrelevant as at one point they will hate it and count down the minutes until we are free to leave this hell hole. I don't know, although I don't care so I guess it doesn't matter that everyone here is the same no matter how hard some people try to make themselves different or stand out.

I come across a classroom with the number that's on my timetable. Well that was bit of luck I think. Well no turning back now just open the door, let everyone gasp at me as OMG GEE WAY IS AT MY SCHOOL, like I give two shits about you as you're just a slut with blonde hair and fake tan that would put an orange to shame on who can be the most obnoxious or attention seeking thing in the room, smile at the teacher and hopefully walk to the back of the classroom and sit and zone out with maybe drawing or just living in my brain for a bit.

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