Xavier has been having girls over almost every night and to put it lightly, they are not quiet.

"I doubt," Xander scoffs.

"Not a healthy distraction but they keep him sober, right?"

"Now STD's are going to be his problem," Xander says, "You know, this is the longest he has been home."

"That's a good thing," Cara says positively.


When it comes to his twin, Xander doesn't put too much hope, so he doesn't get disappointed when Xavier does what he does best. Leave.

"Gonna take a shower," Xander announces.

Cara smacks his ass, "Nice ass, Mr. Black," Cara whistles. When he turns to her, she winks. "Don't stay too long in there."


"Don't do that, it didn't end well for the last guy who did," Cara threatens Xander who's laughing really hard at her. Xander is making jokes about them breaking up and Cara isn't finding it funny.

"Did any of your ex-boyfriends make it out alive?" Xander asks the woman before him who as threatened his life more than anyone has in his life.

"What are you, a cop?" Cara raises her eyebrows at him, as she pours syrup on her pancakes.

"Should I be scared?" Xander asks half-serious and half-jokingly.

"Maybe," Cara winks. "I might want to keep you around for the twins but no rule says I cannot separate some parts of your body from their rightful position," Cara says with the sweetest smile.

"Good morning guys," Xavier announces his presence as he walks into the dining room where the pair is seated. "What are we talking about?" He asks, picking up an apple from the center of the table.

"Breaking your brother's bones."

"Cool, when?" He looks at Cara then at his brother

"We will see," She laughs,

"You are happy today, as you have been this past month," Cara changes the subject, "Gonna introduce us to the girl or one of the girls?" Cara claps a little.

"No," Xavier simply says, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "I have told her about you guys and she doesn't want to meet any of you, especially you Carebear, she thinks you are a lot." 

"Haha, very funny," Cara rolls her eyes, "Well now I know, it's just one girl." She smirks.

"Nice work detective."

"So you are six months sober today," Xander says changing the topic as he looks at his brother.

Even Xavier doesn't remember that. Xander pretends he doesn't care about how his brother chooses to live his life anymore but he still does.

"Yeah, I guess it's been that long."

"That's great," Cara says surprised, "We should celebrate."

"Well, I have to go to work." Xander stands up, adjusting his suit. He walks over to Cara and places his lips on hers, "Have a good day," He says on her lips.

"You too,"

Xander walks out of the room.

"Well, that leaves us." Cara says chewing on her pancakes, "How are we celebrating?" Cara looks over to Xavier whose focus is on his phone.

"Shit!" Xavier cusses, dropping the cup of coffee on his left hand.

"What's wrong?"

"I have take care of something," He barely finished his sentence before he walked out of the kitchen in haste.

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