Chapter 31

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{S/O to @itslike4am bc you always comment telling me to 'UPDATE' xD thank you, it means a lot. :)}

Kellin kept trying to get custody of the kids. I told him it would never happen.

"You okay?" Alex asked.

"Perfect." I sighed.

"Stop worrying. He isn't going to get custody and you know it." Alex said and rubbed my back up and down.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"I doubt the kids even remember what he looks like or probably even don't remember him." He said.

"You're probably right." I shook off the thought of Kellin actually getting them.


"A girl is calling you." Jesse said handing my phone to me.

I looked at him. "Is it Dez?"

"No," he gave me a hard look, "some girl named 'Fay.'"

I took my phone and answered. "Hello?"

"Kellin, baby. I miss you." Her voice rung in my ears.

"Hey, I miss you too." I said.

Jesse's mouth dropped. "What about Dez!" he whisper shouted.

I shrugged. "When will you be back in Cali?"

"I'm not sure. Next week or two." I said.

"We have to see each other." I could practically hear her smile.

"We will, and possibly a date." I smiled.

"Great. Well I have to go. My mom's making me go pick up my little sister from band practice." She sighed.

"Okay. Hey, don't be a stranger. Call anytime." I said.

She laughed. "Bye Kellin."

I hung up and smiled.

"Pathetic." Jesse said and walked off.


4 days later

I dropped off Kellin and Genevieve at school.

"Bye, have a great day!" I yelled at them.

I drove home and parked the car. I got out and went inside.

"Hey babe." Alex kissed me.

"Hey," I noticed keys in his hand, "where are you going?"

"Jack's. He said he has an idea for a song. Wanna come?" he asked.

"No, you go. I'm tired." I said.

"Alright. Don't forget about the kids." Alex reminded and smiled.

I laughed. "I won't."

Alex left and I went into the bathroom. Under the counter was a pregnancy test. I grabbed one and used it.

"Please be negative, please be negative." I said to myself.

After a minute, I looked at it. It was positive. I threw it away and went on the couch.

I called Alex.

"Miss me already?" he laughed.

"Yeah, but that's not why I called." I said.

"What is it? By the sound of your tone it probably isn't good." He said.

"How do you feel about another baby?" I asked nervously.

The line went silent. I knew this wasn't good. He would leave me, or cheat on me like Kellin did.

"That's great." He said.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"I mean, if you want a child then yeah. I was ready, but I wasn't sure if you was." You could hear him smile.

"I'm not, but I'm going to have to make myself." I said.

"Well, should I tell Jack?" he asked.

"No," I sighed. "Not yet.

"Okay. Well I'll be home soon. I love you."

"I love you too." I said and hung up.

I wasn't ready for another child. I had two and I wasn't exactly ready for a third. I guess it's time for another. I feel so wrong though. It's weird having kids with another man.

I looked at my phone. Kellin was calling.

"What, Kellin?" I snapped.

"I just called to see if I could see my kids after 3 years." He said.

"Kellin I don't know. I'll have to talk to Alex." I said.

"No, you don't. They're my kids, not his." He said.

"He helped me raise them. He could take credit for that." I said flatly.

"I'm still their father. I want to see them," he said. "Where are you?"

I wasn't about to let him back in their lives. Not now.


Sorry it's short, the next one will be longer. :) I haven't updated this in forever omg I need a new cover for this. xD

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