Chapter 16: I'm Glad I Have Someone I Can Trust

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It's been 4 days and I was still crying my heart out. I've been cutting more and more. My arms were covered in dried blood.

Alex was coming over today so I needed to shower. After I got out of the shower, I threw on some pajama shorts and a fitted Never Shout Never shirt I bought a couple days ago. "Dez!" My mom called. "Alex is here!"

"I'm coming." I yelled back. I walked downstairs and found Alex frowning.

"I'm going out with Jesse. See you soon." My mom said, walking out the door. I sat down and Alex sat beside me.

"What happened?" He asked. I explained everything to him. "Wow, she's a hoe." I slightly smiled.

"I just miss him like crazy." I said.

I crossed my arms over my knees so Alex wouldn't see the cuts. "Is that blood?" Alex said, staring at my arms.

"No." I lied. He took my arms and looked at them.

"You've been cutting?" He asked.

"I can't help it, Alex. It led to this." I cried more. He leaned down and kissed my cuts.

"Please don't ever cut again. I hate to see you like this." He said. I've never seen him like this. So caring and protective of me. I nodded.

"Please don't ever stop being my friend." I said. He smiled.

"I won't."

"It's weird. All I think about is him, but when I'm with you I think about nothing but you." I said.

"That's good, isn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Just know, I'll always love you." Alex blurted out.

"I know." I said. I didn't know if he meant like a dating kind of way or best friend.

Alex just randomly kissed me. When he did, all I could do was think about Kellin. I pulled away. "This isn't right." I said.

"What isn't?" He asked.

"You kissing me. You know I love Kellin." I said.

"Yeah I know, I just had to do that," He said. "I'll go now. Bye." He hugged me. I'm hoping things won't be weird between us now.

(Sorry it's so short. I'm tired so it might suck. Requesst! Post it to my page cause I'm at my dads & I don't have my laptop with me. Love you darlings (; )

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