Chapter 10: Perfect Girlfriend

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The next few days were tad awkward, but we all dealt with it normally I guess.

Tae and I were fine, since we resolved our tension the night after the game.

Hobi was still extremely awkward around me, it was as if he was afraid to even look at me. Even after what he'd done, I still felt bad.

Jungkook was just Jungkook, thank god. He was normal with me again, but I could see the way he looked at Taehyung and Hoseok, probably not helping the latter's situation at all.

And Jimin.

Well I'm not sure about Jimin, he seemed quieter, we had spoken quite a lot over the past few days, gotten closer... But he just seemed conflicted all the time.

But we all continued on like normal.

"Hey Y/N! C'mon we're going off to help on the farm today! Like food and stuff!" Jungkook smiled to me as I finished brushing my hair, "okay, okay! Kookie I'm coming." I rolled my eyes playfully at him making him pout.

"They're waiting Noonaaa~" he called and tugged my sleeve, I put my brush down and inspected my outfit one last time:

"They're waiting Noonaaa~" he called and tugged my sleeve, I put my brush down and inspected my outfit one last time:

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The clothes that Queen Chloris provided me with are all so pretty!

I followed my very excited brother down the stairs and out the front door where the rest of the guys were waiting, "sorry I took a while." I apologised as they saw us.

"Oh it's fine don't worry, you look amazing as usual." Taehyung smiled and I blushed as I always do, "thank you TaeTae."

"C'mon, lets go." Jimin mumbled and walked away from the house.

"What's up with him?" I whispered to Tae and he just shrugged, "Yo Jiminie! Hey, what's up?" Tae jogged off to catch-up with Jimin and the rest of us walked a little further behind.

I could see them talking to each other, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I tried to listen but was distracted by Jungkook's voice.

"Y/N Noona, I know it's not for a while yet, but I'm worried about when we have to go home. I don't want to leave this place, and even if we have to, what would we say to Eomma?" He asked nervously and I frowned a little before sighing and grabbing his hand.

"Try not to think about it Kookie, let's just enjoy our time here and we'll figure that out when it gets to that point." I tried reassuring him and he nodded a little at me, "Okay, I suppose I should just be grateful we're here at all." He then grinned and Hobi came along beside us.

"I'm super grateful to be here, there's not really anyone in the capital I was close with though, so I'm sorry but I don't have any advice other than to enjoy this as much as you can, that's all I'm doing." He smiled to Jungkook and then looked to me for a split second, before re-averting his eyes elsewhere.

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