Chapter 1: Perfect Life

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My 18th birthday is in 1 month.

When I turn 18 I am to rule Fantasia.

I have been preparing for this day my entire life, every lesson I have learnt on perfection was drilled into me a thousand times harder than any other child.

My mother is a loving person but she cares more about me being perfect than me being happy.

I was taught that happiness comes with perfection and I have never seen anything to doubt that other than my own self.

Everyone else I see around me is always smiling, always being happy.

Yet I've always felt something missing, something that stops me from feeling this happiness.

I feel as though I should not be here.

I don't belong in Fantasia.

But since I was born into royalty there is no way I would ever be thrown out.

People see my family's life as the meaning of perfect, everyone else aspires to make their lives like ours, but both Jungkook and I know that it is not the case.

Before when I said about everyone around me being happy and perfect, I did not mention Jungkook.

I believe he feels like me, but we have never been able to talk about these things since talking down on perfection is against the rules.

We have had many moments in our lives where we have hinted at things to each other and besides, I can see in his eyes he is not happy.

"Y/N dear? Please come and sit with us for supper now." My mother came to the living room where I was sat to ask me into the dining room. I followed her out with a smile on my face until I reached my designated chair and sat gently before crossing my right leg over my left.

My white pencil skirt was the perfect size to make crossing my legs the most comfortable way to sit. I picked up my small fork and knife before cutting into the meat on my plate delicately and placing into my mouth.

I chewed 5 times before swallowing.

My eyes lifted secretly to look at Jungkook sitting across the table from me. He ate in the same fashion I did, the same way we all did.

We were like robots.

But it was the same every day.

His eyes also lifted and met mine, he smiled a small bit and I returned the favour before we continued to watch our food as we ate.

By the time we had finished our meal, all at the same time of course since we each had the exact same amount and ate in the exact same way, I thanked my mother for the food before we all left the table.

I walked up the stairs to my bedroom before opening my white dresser and gathering the pyjamas I would wear tonight.

Since it was Friday I would wear my white silk long sleeved and legged pyjamas with Friday sewn beautifully in deep red on the left hand side of my chest.

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