Chapter 4: Perfectly Lost

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My expression lit up for a moment before my smile turned into a face of worry, "Woah Y/N, what just went on in the head of yours?" Tae then asked as he chuckled a little at my rapidly changing emotions.

I looked over to Kookie momentarily to see him grinning at me, "d-did you say Park Jimin?" Jungkook piped into the conversation turning to Tae.

"Yeah why? Wait do you know him?" He sat up higher and a look of hope sparkled in his eyes, "no, but we heard of him, he was the person who made us want to leave, we saw his photos on my laptop the other day." I explained and he sunk down a little.

"Ah. Okay, well I'm glad you guys chose to leave the same day I did or I would've been alone out here, I think that if we follow this path we'll get to the capital, Jimin told me about how there were different pathways leading to the different fractions entry points and I'm hoping I'll know which is Arcadia." Tae seemed to be thinking through his plan as he spoke before sighing a little.

"I really want to meet him." Jungkook smiled and I started to picture Jimin in my mind again.

He just looked so beautiful

"Believe me so do I, although, I'm worried he won't even remember me." Tae frowned and I felt bad for him, "I'm sure he will TaeTae, let's just go to sleep." I reassured and it brought a small smile to his face before he said goodnight and laid down.

Jungkook walked over and laid down beside me before wrapping a protective arm around my waist and whispering goodnight. He was my brother so it was nothing out of the ordinary, however I still ended up blushing as he slept since I barely even touched him for the first time yesterday so cuddling in bed was definitely a new experience.

I studied his face and was thankful that I was blessed with such a sweet and caring boy in my life. I smiled and kissed his forehead, "Goodnight little brother." I whispered and I saw him smile before I closed my eyes and joined his sleep.


"Y/N-ah! Get up sleeping beauty!" I groaned and opened my eyes to see Taehyung smiling down from above me, I blushed and slowly sat up and looked around, the sun had risen and birds where singing melodic tunes as they flittered between the trees.

A grin found its way onto my face as I took a deep breath in of the clear air and looked over to Jungkook and Tae who were helplessly trying to climb a tree with some sort of fruit at the top.

I giggled and stood up to go over to them both, "what are you trying to do?" I laughed as I looked at Jungkook with his arms and legs wrapped tightly around the trunk of the tree and the side of his face squished against the bark.

Tae joined in with my laughter before shaking his head cutely, "we need food." Jungkook managed to say between his squished cheeks, "pabo, try climbing the actual branches." I giggled and he carefully hopped down around 4 inches he had gained off the floor.

He scratched his head as he looked up at the branches and blushed, "heh, yeah I guess that'd be smarter..." I rolled my eyes playfully as I gripped one of the lower branches and started to hoist myself up each branch I could feel was stable.

Once I reached the top I looked down with an exhilarated feeling and a broad grin covered my face, I saw Tae and Kookie looking up at me with shocked expressions making me frown a little, "what?" I called down from the high branches.

"That was amazing!" Tae shouted and started to clap and jump around like a freak, I started to laugh and almost lost my balance on the tree, "Woaaahhh!" I hugged onto the trunk and steadied myself, "yah! Y/N! Be careful, throw us some food and then come down slowly!" Jungkook called.

The world beyond the gates | Park Jimin (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora