May the odds be ever in your favour.

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Chapter 35

" May the odds be ever in your favour. "

Rochelle Quinn's POV:

I hummed a song to myself, the sound of the doorbell ringing became louder until it wasn't as easy to ignore.

"Okay, okay. Don't get your panties in a twist." I roll my eyes to myself and open the door.

My eyes widened, staring at the swollen-eyed women on my doorstep. Her hair was greasy, with dirt decorating the tips of her usually ice blonde hair, and clothes ripped and torn.

I almost pitied her.


I slammed the door in her face without speaking and walked to the dining room, my mind blank with only the image of her repeating itself in my mind.

I heard the sound of the door being opened again, and muffled voices. None of it made any sense to me, just that image. Again and again.

Repeating itself.

Trapping itself.

"Rocky?" I gazed at Kenzie, my concentration not entirely matching his. I looked at him but my stare was blank, I couldn't focus on his voice, or his face or his body.

Just the woman behind him.

Olivia Quinn.

"Your mom's here."

"Get out." I whispered, my weak voice breaking into crumbs right before the person who broke it. "Get out of this house."


"No." My face scrunched up, refusing to give into the urge to cry. "No, I don't want to hear it. Get out of my house!"

"Please, hear me out." Her voice was the exact same; desperate and dehydrated. Probably from not getting her daily fix of heroin, or meth or whatever else she's on at the moment.

"No! You left. You left me alone with him, I was six. Where have you been?! No. Get out." I screamed, holding my hands over my ears as though her voice would kill me.

"Get out of my house." I raised my voice. It shook dangerously from the amount of wrath I forced into my tone. "Get out. Get out. Get out!" I half screamed, half cried, grabbing the closest thing to me and throwing it at her. It smashed instantly. "Get out of my house, get out. Get out. Get out!"

I collapsed onto the floor, drowning from the unshed tears building up in my throat. My chest heaved up and down as Kenzie clutched me protectively against his chest, holding me close while my body shook with silent sobs.

I hope you loved him Mom, I hope he was worth it.

Kenzie's arms held me as my mind went numb.

Story for a story.

"Did your mom ever tell you why I was taken into care?" I asked, my eyes sore from the desperate rubbing. I anchored to the pain in a bid to stop any falling tears.

Kenzie shook his head but didn't give me a verbal answer.

"My Mom left me and my little brother with her boyfriend. Two hours after she left, I was dead in a hospital two miles away from my home- drug overdose. My Mom's boyfriend had stupidly injected heroin into my system. If I had it now, it probably wouldn't kill or even hurt me, but at six years old that little bit of heroin was the difference between staying with my junkie Mom and going into care." I spoke calmly, my tone void.

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