The War Part 1

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   "Do you have everything?" I asked my mom as she put the last suit case by the door.

   "Yes, Kate. Don't worry about me." She smiled and sighed.

   "I'm gonna miss you!" I hugged her tightly. My mom was going on that trip today. It was also the day of the war between us Slayers and those bloodsuckers.

   "It's only for a few days. Don't worry about me." She chuckled a little and hugged me back.

   A honk was made outside, probably her friend.

   "Bye and be safe!" I hugged her one last time once she left with her luggage. "No parties while I'm gone!" She called from the car as her and her friend drove away for their little vacation.

   I sighed and headed upstairs to my room to get ready.

   Once I entered my room I put on my Slayer outfit which was black ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top, boots, and threw my long hair into a high pony tail.

   I grabbed my stake and put my knives in their holders. Like I had one strapped to my thigh, in my boots, etc.

   I gave one last look at my room. This could be the last time I'm seeing it. I burned every small detail in my memory and sighed. There was lots of memories here.

   I did the same thing in each room of the house before heading downstairs to grab something to eat.

   I made myself two sandwiches with Doritos on the side. I decided to drink some Pepsi as well with it because water would taste gross with Doritos.

   The clock on the stove read exactly 3:55 pm.

   Ten minutes passed and I was done eating my snack you could say.

   I made my way to the door and took one last look at everything inside. I know what you must be thinking, 'why is she doing that?' 'Is she going to die?' Well to answer your questions, it's always good to memories what you have in case you don't make it out alive. You should never take what you have for granted as well.

   I walked outside, locking the door behind me. I took one last look at my house and with that I headed off into the direction of the Cabin where all the Slayers are meeting.


   "The war is today and I want to thank everyone for their hard work. You've all improved since you first arrived and it was a pleasure working with all of you. I'm proud to call you guys Slayers." Michael and the other leaders thanked us. It was like a one of those speeches they give before war like in Brave Heart.

   Everyone, including I, bowed our heads in respect and thanked them.

   "Move out!" A leader called and we began our journey to the battlefield. It was in the middle of the woods in a giant clearing that only took a 20 minute walk.

   "Good luck, Kate." Taylor, my friend, said next to me. I wished her luck also.

   "If I don't make it, just know I'm glad we're friends." She said and started to tear up.

   I shook my head at her and sighed. "Don't say that, Taylor. I believe in you. Just think of it, tomorrow we'll be laughing back at this and going skating!" I smiled at her and she giggled while brushing her tears away.

   "I hope you're right, Kate." She said.

   We were now at the clearing, or battlefield as you might call it.

   There was at least 100 Slayers and Vampires at opposite ends. Each around different ages, some even looking normal. The only difference is that we had heart beats while they didn't.

   "Vampires..." Michael and the rest of the Slayer leaders hissed out.

   "Slayers..." The Vampire leaders hissed out as well. At least I'm sure it was the Vampire leaders.

   "ATTACK!" The vampires yelled and started running at us. We stood are ground as our leaders instructed us too.

   "Wait for it!" Michael called. "And now!" He yelled as the vampires were a few feet from us.

   We all ran our way towards them, everyone finding someone as their targets.

   My eyes landed on a tall blonde hair girl around 5'9". She seemed to be in her early 20s.

   I punched her in the nose and she yelped, not expecting it as she stumbled back. "You bitch!" She screamed and slapped me with her long, black, razor sharp nails.

   I hissed from the stinging and my head turned sideways. I could already feel the warm, sticky liquid trailing down from my newly fresh wounds.

   I looked up at her and she smiled evilly at me.

   "Not so tough now, huh? I think my nails made you actually look pretty." She laughed and examined her nails.

   This wasn't no highschool fight, it was life or death. Clearly she didn't get that. But I guess that's one thing with vampire, they like to play with their prey.

   I threw some of my vervain powder at her face. She cried and screamed while holding her eyes. I took this as a chance.

   I took my stake and drove it through her back, straight through her heart. Her burning eyes widened and she choked out on her blood.

   I pushed my stake out of her now stone heart and headed off to the next target. This was going to be a long, long night.

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