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   It's Halloween today and I was thrilled! I love Halloween. Candy, scary monsters, Horror shows. What isn't there to like?

   I decided on being myself this year. A Vampire Slayer. I could easily dress in my outfit then take out any odd looking vampires who's fangs don't come out.


   "Kyle! We're gonna be late!" I called after banging on his door. I seemed to be doing that a lot now lately.

    The door opened after a few minutes. I put my book bag on that was sitting on the ground. "What are you supposed to be?" I asked checking him out. He wore black pants, a black T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. We almost matched but I had a black tank top on with my leather jacket. "I'm a slayer~" Kyle said while standing up taller. "Same... Now let's go!"

   We left to school in Kyle's car and showed up on time. The girls were dressed up as angels, cats, and anything else you can name. The boys were zombies, vampires, or anything typical for an average guy to be.

   We got out and Kyle shut the car off and locked the doors. We walked into school together and I quickly got my books out of my locker. Kyle did the same.

   The bell rang and teens hurried to their class. "Yet another day of Hell." Kyle mumbled as we hurried to our classes. "Yeah, but this time we're not different. Sure we are, but we can be ourselves." I said and smiled up at him. "What's the hold up?" He replied. "Huh?" I didn't know what he meant till I bumped into an angel. "He's so hot!" The angel said. "Who?" Kyle asked while smirking. Well not you of course. I rolled my eyes and shoved through the crowd trying to see who held up my time and making me and Kyle late. "You're supposed to be in class." I said to the guy. I couldn't see who it was because he was  turned around. "Come to check me out?" The guy turned around and it turned out to be...Alex? "You're a vampire? Is that why all these girls are crowding the halls? 'Cause of a vampire?" I started laughing and fell to the floor. The angels, cats, and whatevers looked at me like I had three heads or something. "Uh...I'll see you around Kate." Alex left and so did his mob of toys. Kyle came and helped me off the floor as I finished my craziness. "We're officially late now." Kyle said, huffing and puffing. "You really thought that angel thought you were hot? I mean you are, but you can't have that big of an ego, dude." Kyle glared at me and we quickly went to our class. "Whatever, Kate."


   "Everyone's welcomed!.... 8 till 12 tonight!....My house!" I looked around trying to see what was going on. School finished and now everyone was leaving.

   I rounded the corner to see Alex handing out flyers. "What's those for?" I asked him as the mob left with a flyer. "I'm throwing a party tonight. You should come, it's from 8 till 12 tonight." He said and handed me a flyer with a Gothic looking tree on it with blood red letters that had his address and the party time on it. "I did have plans..." I began to say but he interrupted. "Come on, Kate. It's a party, you have to go. It'll be fun!" I did want to hunt vampires tonight...but when do I ever get invited to a party? Never! "Alright, I guess. Do I have to bring something or something?" I didn't know exactly what people did at parties. Did you bring over food? Just go? They need a book on this. "Nah, just wear a costume." "Can I bring Kyle?" Kyle probably hasn't been to a party, or at least he hasn't in a while. I'll have to ask him sometime. "Sure...I got to go, be there!" Alex left and I went to go find my slaying buddy.

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