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I spent most of my Sunday hanging out with my mom. We went to the mall and did some shopping.

I bought some new clothes while my mom bought some girly things such as hair products, makeup, and some essentials for the bathroom.

We grabbed some blizzards from an small ice cream shop in the mall after we were done shopping. My mom's was Oreo's while mine was that Reece's one.

"How's school?" She asked. "Oh, it's okay I guess. Schools school." I answered and took a bite of my blizzard.

"How's work?" I asked her after a few minutes of us eating in silence.

"It's the same as every day. Exhausting and those long hours aren't helping with my bags," she grinned at me but then frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's something strange going on, Kate." My mom's eyebrows were frowned and she looked deep in thought.

"Like what, Mom?" I asked her, encouraging her to continue.

"Well... there's just been more animal attacks." She said.

"And how is that strange?" For a second there I thought she was going to say something about vamp-

"Well, I never seen so many animals bite at the neck." She said interrupting my thoughts.

I choked on one of the reece cup chunks and started a coughing fit.

"At the neck?! When did this start?" I squeaked out after finally calming down from the coughing fit.

"Maybe a week or two. There's nothing to worry about, Kate. They were just animal attacks." She tried to reassure me.

"You're supposed to tell me this kind of stuff, Mom!"

"About animal attacks? Why?"

What should I tell her...? I thought.

"Because....I'm doing a research paper on animal attacks in our town..." I said hoping she'd believe me and she did luckily.

"Oh, really? That sounds fun, why didn't you tell me?" She asked as we got up to throw our trash away.

"Because you're always working 24/7" I said in a "duh" tone.

"I know, I know. If it was any other way I'd stay home with you all day Kate, but we need the money." She frowned. I knew she'd want it that way. But we did need the money.

After dumping our trash we heading home since we were done shopping here.


"Got any plans for this week?" Mom asked.

"Not really," I answered while pulling the popcorn out of the microwave. I threw in some butter and started shaking up the bag before pouring it all into a giant bowl.

"Not even a party on the weekend? You know I'll be gone, Kate."

"I know, I know. Why would I have a party anyways? It's not like I have anyone to invite." I rolled my eyes at my mom's suggestion.

"All I'm saying is that you should have some fun once in awhile. I trust you enough Kate not to reck the house." She said while grinning.

"No, mom. I'll be fine, don't worry about me." I gave her a reassuring smile, but only I knew that I'd be doing other things coming this weekend and I'm not talking about watching movies or chilling at home. No. I was talking about the war there was to come.

"If you say so," she said snapping me out of my thoughts and we both went back into the living room.

We watched a few more movies till it was 8:30. I excused myself and went to take a quicker shower before school tomorrow.

I took a new pair of clothes and my essentials that I would need into the bathroom.

After showering I headed to my room and threw my old clothes into the hamper in the corner of my room.

I wasn't like the other girls that wore face or hair masks so I just checked my social media before heading off to bed dreading of this weekend to come.

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