December 20th

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   "Remember at the Halloween party how you got your ass kicked?" I asked Kyle as we sat at lunch together. I couldn't help but laugh as I remembered what happened.

   "I didn't," Kyle said while he bite into his burger and stared off at the woods across from where we were sitting in the cafeteria. Did I forget to mention you can see the woods from the cafeteria?

   "Why are you still thinking about that, Kate? That was months ago." He insisted still in denial.

   "So you're admitting you got your ass handed to you?" I laughed but when Kyle glared at me I coughed to cover it up. "You wish," Kyle said and went to dump his tray.

  I waited for him and played around with the food on my tray. I was hardly hungry today. Yesterday I got a letter from the Slayer Society saying they wanted to dismiss me because it was my vacation time. It usually is during the winter season.

   Lost in my train of thought, I felt a presence sit next to me. "Back again I see." I looked up expecting Kyle, but instead I seen Alex. "Oh, hey Alex. I thought you were Kyle" I apologized.

   "No worries, Kate" Alex said while chuckling. "Anyways, how about tonight for that date? We never got around to it since you know...that inconvenience on Halloween."

   Tonight? "Sure, I guess. What time?" I asked while texting my mom of why I'll be leaving tonight. "How about 8 pm?" He asked after a moment.

   "That sounds fine," I said and looked up at him. "Great." He said and took my phone from my hands. I pursed my lips as he started typing away.

   "Here's my number. Just text me your address at 7. Cya then, Kate." Alex said as he handed my phone back and left. Like that's not creepy at all.

   Finally Kyle showed up after Alex left. He keeps doing this and it's odd. "Why do you always leave when Alex is here?" I asked Kyle as we walked so I could dump my tray. "What are you talking about, Kate?" Kyle asked like he didn't know. "Everytime you leave Alex shows up. It's suspicious, y'know?" I said as I dumped my tray. I can't believe he didn't notice or maybe he did?

   "What did he want?" Kyle asked once we got back to our seats. "The usual. Horror movies and chill." I smirked at Kyle while he frowned his eyebrows. "I'm being serious, Kate." I crossed my arms over my chest, "You're not my mother." "Kate, what did he want?" Kyle asked again. "Ugh. He wanted to take me out tonight. I don't see what the big deal is. Seriously."

   I put my book bag over my shoulders as the bell ranged. Today was the last day then it's Christmas vacation.

   "And you're going to go?" Kyle asked as we walked to our next class. "Of course I am. It's rude if I didn't." I sat down at the back of the class next to the window. It was snowing lightly outside. The snowflakes were beautiful. White and crystal clear, they were still innocent in the world.

   Throughout the whole class period I stared outside and day dreamed. I did that pretty much throughout all my periods till I got to my last class for the day.

   "Kate!" I heard somebody whisper from the right of me. I turned to see Alex waving. I raised an eyebrow at what he wanted. He just winked and looked up at the board all serious while the teacher talked about what not. We were hardly learning a new subject since it is the last day before Christmas break.

   "Have a wonderful Christmas break and I'll see you all on January 3rd." The principal said on the announcements as the bell ranged and we all hurried out of the school.

   I shut my locker after putting all my text books in there. Kyle was leaning against the locker next to mine and watched me. "Ready to go?" He asked and stood up taller. "As ready as I'll ever be." I replied and smiled back up at him.

   We left the school and headed for the parking lot, that was were Kyle's car was. Did I forget to mention also that he gives me rides? "Could you...Never mind." I said as I strapped myself in and we left the school's property. "What is it?" Kyle asked as he stopped at a stop sign. "Could you help me for my date? I know it might be weird, but I want to seduce him." I said while looking at Kyle with a stern face. "Wh-What?!" Kyle said as he almost hit the car in front of us.

   I couldn't control my laughter at his reaction. "I'm joking. Jeez." I reassured him as we finally made it to our houses. "You better be." Kyle said and turned the car off. We got out and shut our doors. "Welp. Now what?" I asked. "Now let's get you ready. I don't want him to enjoy himself too much with whatever you pick out. You might put him in a coma." Kyle said as we walked to my house and up to my room. "I probably would, Kyle. I probably would."

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