Homecoming Plans

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Homecoming. It was supposed to be one of the best times of the year, aside from Prom. I was one of the planners for Homecoming this year. Homecoming was in two weeks. It was the day before Halloween.

"Ideas, people?" Tracy asked, looking around the table at each of us. "Paris?" A girl questioned. "No, we need something bigger. Much bigger." "A Masquerade Ball" I said. It was actually big and would be fun. "Alright! We need to make flyers now" Tracy then looked over at me "Care to do it Kate? It was your idea anyways." " I don't mind" Truly, it would be an honor, but they wouldn't get that...


I headed over to the library at lunch and started making the flyer. It wouldn't take long, really, but I'll have to go to the public library after school to make copies.

Opening up Paint I began creating. We needed something that caught people's attention. We needed bling.

When the bell ranged, lunch was over. I packed up my stuff along with printing out my flyer. I was finally done making it. I didn't think it would take all period to do it. I smiled to myself, feeling proud. I then headed to my next class.


The bell rang, again. This time telling us school was over. I grabbed my shit and walked out the school's back door. Back here was the parking lot then the woods that took ten minutes to get to the library. It was the quickest way.

Walking through the woods was calming. It was a beautiful sight too.

I heard a noise behind me and quickly turned around. No one was there. As I turned back around, Kyle was in front of me staring intensely. It was kind of creepy. Blinking, I stepped around him and continued walking to my destination. Kyle followed me again, but was further behind me.

"Wait!" Kyle yelled as I sighed.

I stopped and waited for him to catch up. When he finally did after hours of wasting my time I asked what. "Where are you going?" Kyle smirked. "None of your business" I replied and continued on my journey with Kyle following behind me.


I or we finally got there. We didn't say a word to each other the whole time. Not that I cared. I walked in and went to the lady at the desk up front. "How may I help you?" She asked. She was an older lady, but seemed rather nice. "I'd like 500 copies of this flyer please" I handed her the flyer and she took it. "It's for school" I added. She smiled and walked over to the copier. "It'll take awhile, dear. I'll call you over when it's down" "Okay" I replied and went over to sit in a chair. The Noob sat in the chair a crossed from me. "What was the flyers?" He asked, suspiciousness in his tone. "You'll see" I smirked knowing it would drive him crazy. The boy was impatient.

After about twenty minutes, she called us over. "Here you go, dear" She handed a stack of flyers over to me "Thank you, have a nice day!" "You too!" She smiled as I left the library. I began my journey home then. "Let me seeee!!!" The noob whined not even a minute after we began walking. "Fine, you big baby" I handed him one of the flyers.

Opening my door, I stepped in. "Come in" I said knowing he was still behind me. He closed the door and I made my way to me room. "My mom's working so she won't be home" I said on the way there.

Sitting on my bed, I put the flyers into my book bag I still had on. The Noob sat beside me and I pursed my lips. Go... I thought as I gleared a hole into his head hoping he'd get the idea of what I wanted. Unfortunately, he didn't. "What do you want?" I whined while putting my book bag under my bed. I usually put it there so it's not in my way. "Plenty of things" he smirked. "Ew" I put a pillow between us "Stay on that side of the bed" I commanded. "What if I don't?" He asked getting close, too close. "I'll punch your dick" I answered with a blank face. He didn't seem fazed and kept getting closer. I squirmed away, but it was too late.

laughed as he tickled me. "Stop!" I whined in between laughter. After minutes, he didn't. I grinned evilly. He was on top of me holding my wrist down, probably because he knew I'd punch him there. So instead, I brought my knee up as hard as I could and hit him where his little Kyle was. He finally stopped and flopped over, groaning in pain. "I told you" I said, grinning in victory. After about five minutes or longer, he recovered. "You're going to regret that, Kate" he hissed, clearly pissed off. "As if" I singed as I skipped out my bedroom and ran out of my house. I wonder what will happen when he catches me...

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