Dinner With The Neighbors

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   I went upstairs to dress in something nice since my mom made me. When I slammed the door in Kyle's face my mom came and gave me a lecture saying I was being rude and shit. So here I am now while my mom talks to the noob. I sighed and put on a white blouse with black dress pants. I have a lot of black clothes...

   Me and my mom walked next door. They live to the right of us. As we got to the door my mom scolded me "Put your hair down, Kate" Ugh. Sighing, I took my hair out of the messy bun I had it in earlier.

   We finally got to the door and I knocked since my mom's hands were full with chocolate pudding. I don't even know why she bothered. The door opened and a tall guy was on the other side. He was 6"2, had jet black hair, and was slim. "You must be our neighbors! Come on it! I'm Johnathan Davids. Just call me John." We smiled at John as he stepped aside to let us in. We walked in to be greeted by the rest of his family. There was the noob and a tall woman about 5"11 with dark brown hair. She also had green eyes. Her husband had blue. That's why the noob's eyes were hazel! Blue/green that is. The woman led us to the dinning room, she took the pudding from my mom's hands and put it on the table. Of course she asked before taking it from my mom. "I'm Charlotte and my son there is Kyle" she said smiling warmly. My mom then introduced us. "I'm Rebecca Simons and this is my daughter Kate Simons" she said while patting my back.

   We sat down and ate spaghetti together. My mom was talking about what happened to my dad while I glared at the noob. He happened to sit right across from me. I ate a noodle and he wiggled his eyebrows. I looked away when John asked me a question. "So, how old are you Kate?" "17" I said while playing with a meatball. This was an awkward dinner. "How lovely! Kyle's 18!" Charlotte said. I blinked arching an eyebrow. "Maybe you guys can go hang out in Kyle's room" John said. I looked over to see Kyle wink and then my mom squealed "What a great idea!" I basically died while choking on my meatball. My mom patted my back, the Davids gave me a concerned look, and Kyle chuckled. Dick. I took a sip of some water and cleared my throat "Sure..." Me and Kyle stood as I let him guide the way.

   We both went up some stairs and all the way down to the last door in the hall. "Here's my room" Kyle said while opening a black door. His room was black. Black blankets, black curtains, and a black carpet. His pillows were a crimson red. There was a book shelf, computer desk with a lap top on it, and a closet. "Cool room" I said while walking to his bed. I felt the blanket, it was soft. Sitting down on his bed I looked around more. Analysing every detail. Kyle sat on his desk chair and spined around in circles. "What do you do for fun?" I asked looking straight at him. "Sex, games, boy stuff" I winkled my nose in disgust. Gross. "What about you?" He asked. Slaying vampires~ I thought. "Girl stuff" I said. He nodded. I laid back waving my arms like I was making a snow angel. This is boring.

   Sitting back up I looked over at the noob. The noob was watching porn. Pursing my lips I went back down stairs. My mom was already at the door. I skipped the rest of the way, dragging my mom out the door with me. She said goodbye to them and before closing the door they said something about doing it again sometime. Can't wait.

   I set my alarm clock and got into bed. I guess I'll just slay tomorrow. I yawned and curled into a ball. This time I dreamed about killing vampires. It was the best dream I had in weeks. 

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