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   As I walked down stairs to the kitchen where Kyle was, I dwelled over the fact that he possibly could be one.

   I just can't let my guard down...

   "What do you want to eat?" Kyle asked me from the table he was still sitting at.

   "Um...I really should be going," I said quickly and grabbed my stuff in a hurry.

   "What's wrong?" Kyle asked me and neared me from where he was.

   "Nothing," I said and a little bit too quickly.

   I hurried and left his house, glad to be out. How didn't I notice this before? I did see something that looked like fangs that one time...


   Kyle sat down at his desk chair. He put his right hand on his face, he dragged that hand down. He looked tired and worried. I wonder what's wrong...

   Kyle started nibbling his hand when suddenly a line of blood dropped down. What the fuck? I frowned my brows. Only vampires can draw blood when piercing flesh. Maybe he just bit his hand hard. Shaking my head, I crawled onto my bed. I guess I'm imagining things. Probably from lack of sleep. Closing my eyes, I thought of one last things before falling into unconsciousness.

End of Recap

   Thinking back to that day, I did remember seeing fangs. But why would a vampire be friends with a slayer? It was impossible...

   I went to my house and to my room. I could finally change into something different now.

   After a few moments and finally changed, I ate something quickly and headed off to the slayer cabin. In fact, we had to train today.

   Why would a vampire get close to me? Was he using me? I thought as I made my way there. Even if Kyle didn't know before like he said...Then what's the reason for still sticking around by me? In his journal he said he liked me. But that's impossible.

   I finally made it to the cabin and everyone greeted me.


   The war was in 8 days. I wasn't scared of course. None of us were...

   We ate hamburgers and talked about this year. A couple said they got married while other couple just got together. Someone else said they had a huge job interview in three weeks. Everyone had something going on. I only had this year then I'd be going to College. The years went by so fast...

   "That's it for today" Mike said.

   We all scattered in different directions. I sighed as another day went on. My mind couldn't help but drift to Kyle again. Are we friends...? I can't be friends with a vampire.

   I got home quickly and went inside my house. My mom was home eating and watching TV.

   "Hey, Mom" I said while sitting next to her.

   "How was your day, Kate?" She asked.

   "It was okay...Just the ordinary." I got up and looked at the time on my phone. It was around 8 already.

   "I'm going to take a shower and head off to bed." I told her and began heading up the stairs.

   "Okay, love you!" She called from downstairs.

   "Love you too..." I replied back to her.

   I loved my mom and hated that we never got to spend time together. It sucked that she had to work all the time too. I would get a job and help her but I can't because I'm a slayer. I do get paid when I'm on a case though. Sadly this war isn't one of my cases. It's more like volunteering and doing it out of generosity.

   After taking a twenty minute shower, I got into some warm pajamas and hurried to my room.

   I laid on my bed and rolled over onto my side. I could die in this war that's coming up...but I would die with pride. Just knowing I would actually die for humanities sake left me at peace while I slept.

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