A New Student

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   I woke up an hour before school started. I through on a new pair of black skinny jeans along with a red and black flannel shirt. I grabbed my book bag along with my phone that was charging.

   As I walked to the kitchen I through my hair into a bun. I didn't bother brushing it because it was already decent looking. Not like I was going to impress anyone anyways. I quickly ate and brushed my teeth. I now had 30 minutes before school started. That's the usual time it took me to get there. I kissed my mom's cheek as she began to get ready for work. We said our goodbyes as we got out of our house, my mom locking the door along the way. I quickly walked to school.

   As I finally got to my first class, I sat in the back. Here I could day dream. My first class was English. I got out my drawing notebook and waited for the bell to ring. It did a minute after and people finally filled in around me. The teacher came in and I began to sketch a fish.

    New foot steps appeared along with a new atmosphere and silence. As everyone looked up, or had been, I did as well. The teacher introduced him. "Alright class, this is our new student from Indiana" Oh yeah! I forgot to mention I live in New York. "Everyone be nice to him and treat him as how you wanted to be treated" She finally finished or so I thought... "Say a few facts about yourself, don't be shy either." He smirked and looked around the room, his eyes looking at each of us. He had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and was slightly tan. He stood at around 6 foot. He finally spoke after what felt like forever. "I'm Kyle Davids. I live with my mom and dad. I'm also 18" he winked at the girls up front as they basically drooled everywhere. Literally, that shit was on the floor too. "Why don't you sit down by Vanessa in the backShe smiled warmly at him.

   Kyle, the noob, made his way back here. He sat at the right of me since Vanessa was to his right. That was the only seat left since to my left was a window that viewed the nice sky and flowers. I went back to drawing when I heard giggling. I looked over to see the noob winking at the girl. She literally spreaded her legs for him. I snorted in disgust. Can't they do this somewhere else? As the bell rang I quickly flew out of there heading to my next classes. Not to mention, the noob had followed me.
   It was finally lunch time as I grabbed a tray and filled it up. I was starving. My stomach growled and I sighed. I then went to go sit outside. My usual spot was by a big tree on a hill. It was away from everyone and I could get some fresh air. I took a bite off my sandwich and listened to some music. The first song was Alive by P.O.D. I looked around me, there was a frog that leaped in front of me. I smiled as it croaked. "Awe~" I cooed. It was so cute! The next song that came on then was Asking Alexandria-I Won't Give In. I whispered the lyrics and stroked the frog's back. "Your smile, it eats me alive And I can't turn away any longer~"

   The bell ringed, it was my last class. I sat in the back like in every class. This time I had a view of the parking lot. The sun shinned brightly high in the sky. It was History class. The noob sat in front of me this time. I glared a hole into his back basically trying to kill him, but it didn't work. I finished my fish drawing and decided to color it. As I dropped my pencil I reached down to get it when another hand did as well. I grabbed it and followed the hand with my eyes to see who it belonged to. I raised an eyebrow and looked into the noo-I mean Kyle's eyes. He flashed a smile and I blinked. As if that would work on me. I finished coloring the fish just as the bell ranged. I packed away my stuff and headed home for another journey of slaying. It was going to be a long senior year with the noob being in my classes.

   I got home seeing my mom's car home. Why's she back so early? I thought. I walked inside "Mom?" I called. She came out from the kitchen carrying a a bowl of pudding. "Hey, Kate." "Why are you home early?" I asked confused. She looked offended. "We're going to be having dinner with the new neighbors" She said. "One of them will come by and say what time" I sighed and put my bag in my room when I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I yelled to my mom. As I opened the door a rather large grin met me. I glared and slammed the door in the noob's face. Definitely a long senior year.

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