The Date

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   "How about this?" I came out and showed him my Halloween costume from five years ago. It was a black dress and by now it hardly fit.

   "No! Do you want him to have a orgasm throughout the night? You'll fucking make his dick explode." Kyle said while covering his eyes. "I wouldn't wear this there." I reassured him. I went to go change into something more appropriate after looking at the clock on my night stand. It was about 6:45 pm by now.

   After changing into a new dress I bought last week, I stepped out of my attached bathroom and did a little spin. "Cool, right? It matches my style." Kyle pursed his lips. "Let's do your hair and makeup now." Kyle stood up as I went to grab the supplies. "Are you gonna do it, big guy?" I asked as I picked up my eyeliner. "As if." I rolled my eyes and went back into my bathroom to apply my makeup and do something with my hair.

   While finishing up my hair, I texted Alex my address. Sure he already knew from past events, but it was dark out during those times. At least then if he forgot where I lived, he could just look at the text.

   I took one last look in the mirror then smiled to myself. Perfect. I had black eyelids and heavy eyeliner. I didn't really apply lipstick since it made me look weird, so I just put on chap stick. My hair was straighten down. It was naturally straight, but I wanted to burn it for the fun of it.

   "Are you ready?" I called out to Kyle. I was rather nervous, which was odd. I hoped I looked like a Gothic beauty, not a hot mess.

   "Anytime today would be nice, sunshine." Kyle called back out. I opened my bathroom door and stepped out. "How do I look? Dashing or smashing?" I asked and smirked. "Is both an option?" Kyle smirked back. "Why yes, Sir. You're so kind." I bowed do him as if he was the master of the house. "Want to get something to eat before you leave? You have an hour left." Kyle said and looked at the time on his phone. "Depends. Are you making it or me?" I asked as we walked downstairs and to my kitchen. "As someone as beautiful as you look tonight, I'll make something. After all, it's on the house." Kyle smirked. "It's my house though. You're not even paying." I glared at his little joke. "You get what you get." He said and started making me some Mac n Cheese.


   We were done eating by the time it was ready for me to go. Not a minute too late or even too earlier, there was a knock at the door. Kyle got up to answer the door the same time I did. We both stared down at each other before I sprinted off to the door. Sadly, however, Kyle beat me since I fell.

   I made it just in time as Kyle opened the door. Alex looked between us two and raised an eyebrow. "Kyle was helping me get ready," I said trying to clear things up a bit. He probably got the wrong idea.

   Alex was wearing black pants, and a white dress shirt. His hair was up and styled like Taylor Lautner's. He looked hot to say the least.

   "You look beautiful, Kate. I got you these," Alex said while handing me red roses. I liked them, but I prefer black. At least he tried, right? "You didn't have too." I said as I took them and shoved them into Kyle's hands. Kyle glared down at them.

   "I want her back at 10 pm. Nothing later." Kyle said as he looked up and glared at Alex. "Don't worry. She's in good hands." Alex said as he stepped aside and gestured for me to lead the way. I straighten my posture and walked past Kyle to Alex's black car. I honestly couldn't tell you what type of car it was for the death of me.

   Alex followed behind me and opened my side of the car door once we got closer. "Thank you, mate" I said and sat down in my seat. "Anytime~" He said and closed my door. I put my seat belt on as he got in on his side and we were finally off to the movies. I wonder what we're going to watch...


   Once at the movies, Alex shut off the car and got out. He came to my side and opened the door like a gentleman once again. "What are we going to watch?" I asked as we entered the place. "How about...Don't Breathe?" Alex said as we waited in line to get our tickets. "I've been waiting forever to see it!" I smiled up at him. I love Horror movies.

   After five minutes, we got our tickets and entered the screening room or whatever you call it. We decided to sit in the back since it was a better view of the movie and there was less people back here.

~2 Hours Later~

   "I can't believe he would try and do that! That's disgusting! Ican'tbelievethatoneguydied- WHYYYY?!" I kept going on and on asking millions of questions. Alex chuckled and opened the car door once more for me, "It was a great movie, right?" "GREAT?! I NEARLY LOST IT!" All these questions I still had were unanswered. "No more movies for you, Missy." Alex said and drove back to my house. "Why not?" I frowned. "Do I ask too many questions?" I asked while looking out the window. "I was joking, Kate." Alex said while turning down my street.

   After parking in front of my house, I took off my seat belt. "I had a lovely time." I said and looked over at Alex. "Likewise, we should do it again sometime?" He asked and I glanced at my phone seeing I had no messages, like always. I'm such a loner. "I'd love too, but I can't." "Why not, Kate? Didn't you have fun?" Alex asked disappointed. "Of course, I'm just not looking to get into a relationship right now. I'm sorry." I frowned and began opening my door. "I understand. Goodnight, Kate." Alex said while staring up his car. "Goodnight, Alex." I said while closing the door and walking up to my front door. I heard Alex's car drive away and finally let out a breath. I'm glad that's over.

   I opened up the door and stepped into the living room. "What are you still doing here, Kyle?" I asked after I spotted him sitting on my couch and eating all my food while watching movies. "I'm spending the night, duh." "Who said you could?" I threw my heels on the floor and pounced next to Kyle. "I did of course." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "How was the date?" He asked as I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "It was horrible." I sighed. "Why's that? What happened? Did he make a move on you? If he did I'll kill him." Kyle ranted on while I pushed him over. "It was none of that. It's just, a jump scare popped up and I farted." I pretended to cry just to be dramatic. "Wait, you farted?" Kyle laughed his ass off. "I'm kidding, dork. It went fine." I huffed while Kyle cleared his throat. "Anyways...Where do I sleep?" He asked after a moment. "On the floor of course." I smiled evilly at him. "Come on, Kate. I helped you out give me somewhere better to lay my fine ass." "Lay your fine ass on the couch, in the guest room, or on my floor. Those are your options, choose wisely." I said impatiently. "I choose...your floor." I blinked and grabbed my heels as I headed to my room. Kyle followed me there and I put my heels in the corner and bushed my teeth in my bathroom. Kyle did as well while I took off my makeup.

   "Go out there for a second" I told Kyle as he watched me intently. "Why?" He asked. "I need to change you pervert." I grabbed some pajamas as I headed back into the bathroom. "Can't I watch?" He asked while making a dog face. "Are you having a stroke? Stay out there."

   I locked the door and changed into a tank top and booty shorts. Once done, I unlocked the door. "Close your eyes." I yelled from behind the door. I didn't want him to see me like this. "Are your eyes closed?" I asked. "Yessss" Kyle replied sluggishly.

   I opened the door and turned out the light. I hurried over to my bed once I seen that Kyle was turned around. Once over the covers, I said he could now look.

   "Finally." Kyle said and I threw a blanket and pillow down at him. "Goodnight, Lover boy." I said to him as he turned off the lights. "Goodnight, Hot Stuff." With that we both fell into a deep sleep.


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