Ordinary Day

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Kate Simons is your usual 17 year old teenager. The only thing is, is that she's a vampire slayer. They protect the humans and rid the world of bloodsucking vampires. Kate was one of the best slayers in the world, the youngest too. She was 5'7" with black hair. Kate didn't have any friends. She didn't bother making any either. It was better this way.

As Kate walked home, she thought about her day. All Kate ever did was get up, go to school, come home, slay, repeat. It wasn't different, not ever. Sometimes she would get bored, even lonely. She didn't care though. Slaying was her life. Her mom worked 24/7 at the hospital as a nurse while her dad was killed by a vampire when she was 13. Ever since then she's been a slayer. She wants to be the strongest and fastest slayer there was. It was her dream.

Kate finally got home, quickly doing her homework and eating a snack, she then changed into her slaying clothes. They contained of black skinny jeans and a black hoodie. Nothing special. Usually she'd wear something more professional, but it was going to be chilly out. More hot and cold since it was October. She enjoys this type of weather, but wanted to carry her stake in her hoodie pocket. She was going to pretend to be a regular citizen. It was fun because they didn't know what was coming.


Kate's Point of View:
I walked through the local park with my hood up. I shivered as the wind was a bit chillier than I expected. As I looked up from the side walk I've been staring at I saw a person in the distance. I gripped the stake in my hoodie pocket.

As I got closer, they were gone. I looked around and walked forward. For it was just an act I was playing. I continued forward and felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me against a hard chest. They pulled down my hood and whispered ever so gently into my ear "What's a little girl like you doing out here all alone?"

They turned me around and flashed their fangs. Or should I say his fangs. He was an inch taller than me, had greying hair, and looked like a middle aged dad. I glared at him and retrieved my stake from my hoodie pocket."Hunting you!" I replied as I staked him in the heart. His eyes widened in complete shock, his mouth moved but no words came out, and with in seconds he turned to ashes. My work here was done. The world was rid of one less monster.

I walked back home, feeling exhausted already. As I got inside I locked the door and looked at the clock on the stove. I was out for three hours. Hard to believe, right? The walk home was an hour since that's how far I lived from the park.

I yawned not bothering to eat anything and headed straight to my bed in my room. Tomorrow would be a long day I thought as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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