The Mall

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   It was the next day and me and Kyle left school in his car. Today it was just going to be like a relaxation day. We decided on the Mall since we haven't been out since, like, forever.

   "What do you want to do?" Kyle asked as he parked the car and we got out. "I guess we can go look at stuff," I said not really caring. I wasn't much of a social person so it didn't matter to me.

   "How about you try on some new bras?" Kyle suggested while smirking. "Only if you try on some as well." I smiled up at him. "I'm fine with that." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "In your dreams." I bet you he probably does dream of that stuff. I shuddered at the thought. Gross.

   Me and Kyle walked into a Spencer's department store thingy. It was more of our style and they had cool stuff.

   "Look at this!" Kyle said holding up an outfit made for the bedroom and probably only the bedroom. Unless you're a stripper. "Will you try it on for me, Kate?" Kyle asked me huskily. "If you try this on~" I said holding up a matching outfit just like it.

   Kyle sighed and put it back. I put the one I had as well back and we left.

   There wasn't much going on today. Least to say there wasn't that many kids from school here today. They were probably at the beach seeing how it's pretty hot out today.

   "Look! A photo booth!" I said while grabbing a hold of his hand and dragging him to the photo booth. "Let's get a picture together!" Kyle smiled down at me and nodded.

   We got into the photo booth and sat down. There wasn't much room so we sat pretty closely.

   "What should we do first?" I asked Kyle. This photo booth took about five pictures.

   "Something goofy?" He asked. I agreed and we struck a pose that would probably embarrass me to my grave if someone saw it. Let's just say I licked Kyle's face.

   We kept doing embarrassing pictures until it came down to the last one. "Let's do a good one. Something I can actually have that's good looking." I said while pursing my lips. "Sure, why not?" Kyle gave me a warm smile.

   The timer went off and we quickly got into our positions I guess if you would call that. We didn't really know what to do so we did the peace sign 'cause why not?

   "Omg! Let me see!" I tried to get the pictures from Kyle but he was taller than me. "Hold on." He said and chuckled at my eagerness. I was only eager because I wanted to make sure I looked good.

   "Alright, here." Kyle gave me the strip and waited while the booth printed out a strip for him.

   I looked down at the pictures. They were goofy and I would be scared for life if anyone seen them. I looked down at the last one and smiled. This one would be my favorite out of all of them. We actually looked good in it. Now I have a picture of Kyle! I thought and rubbed my hands evilly. Mwhahaha!!! I mentally laughed to myself. Kyle looked at me weirdly like I was constipated or something. Which for the record, I wasn't.

   After Kyle got his strip we went and decided to get something to eat. It was around five in the afternoon.

   "What do you want?" Kyle asked as we looked around. The food courts looked gross. "Can we go somewhere else to eat?" I asked sticking my nose up in the air like a preppy girl. "Yes, of course." He said and laughed.

   Walking out of the Mall, Kyle unlocked the doors to the car and we got in. "What did you have in mind?" He asked after putting on his seatbelt. I did the same and pushed that button thing that rolled down the window. "I don't care. We should eat it in the park though. It's a nice day after all."

   Kyle hummed and pulled out of the parking lot. We were off to our destination in a matter of minutes.


   "Mmm~" I moaned as I bit into my big mac. It was sloppy and all over the place. "If you wanted to have an orgasm then why didn't we just go back to my place?" Kyle smirked at me. He was probably enjoying this.

   "Believe me. This burger is the only thing that can make me moan." I said and took another bit. "Well, the fries makes me scream like a girl having the time of her life." I sighed heavenly into my burger. "Wanna bet, Kate? We can still go back to my place. That burger isn't the only thing that'll be going into your mouth." He winked at me, satisfied with his own little plans and comebacks. "Yeah, but I wouldn't enjoy a child's penis. So good luck with that." I winked back at him. I can play this game too. "I'll have you know that my thing is very big. Girls practically drool when they see it." He said. I scoffed and shook my head. "I'm sure those girls do the same thing to every penis. Have you not seen the kind of girls you bang and ditch? They're practically walking STDs!" Kyle sighed and muttered a whatever.

   We finished our food and looked around. I always liked the park, especially on a beautiful day.

   "Hey, Kyle?" I asked and looked towards the swings. "Hm?" He said while slurping on his Coke. "Want to go swing together? I know we're all old and stuff-" I got cut off before I could finish my ranting. "I'd love too, Kate." He gave me a sincere smile and I blushed feeling smaller than I should have. "Okay..." I muttered.

   We threw our trash in a trash bin nearby and took our drinks to the swings. There wasn't any kids on them so we were fine.

   We sat down on the swings and I slurped up some Coke. I preferred Pepsi but we all know how Mc. Donald's is.

   Through the rest of the day me and Kyle swong on the swings and talked about our day and plans for when we're older. I actually had a great time today. If only everyday was like this...

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