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I slid down the wall, in the corner in the boy's bathroom.

He never loved me. I was so fucking stupid.

A few moments later, Calum walked in.

"What the hell happened?" He demanded, sitting next to me.

"H- he- he left me." I began sobbing.


I took a moment to collect my thoughts and for a good sentence.

"He told me he couldn't do it anymore. He told me our relationship was pointless. That we had no future." I cried.

Calum pulled me into his lap and I curled up. The human contact felt nice.

"Luke, I'm so sorry." He sighed.

"You fucking told me it was going to happen. I should have just listened. I'm so fucking stupid. You even experienced it." I sniffled, my sobs shaking my body.

"Luke, I'm sorry. We all make mistakes. I did, too. I didn't listen to someone who was once his best friend. Ashton. Ash was his best friend once. He knew him, but I didn't listen." He told me.

"W- what did he say to you?" I wondered.

"Well, he took my virginity two, almost three, months into our relationship. We had sex a few more time. But within a month of taking my virginity, he left. He told me he didn't want me, that hr was sick of me. That I was useless to him." He explained.

"I'm sorry." I said.

He shook his head.

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt anymore. Are you going to be okay?" He wondered.

Just then, Michael walked in.

He looked right at me, where I was snuggled up in Calum's lap. Then, his eyes flashed up to meet Calum's.

"What the fuck do you want?" Calum spat.

Michael looked stunned, and I thought he was going to snap back. But he didn't. In fact, it was silent for so long that I thought Michael was just going to ignore him.

"I came to be alone. I see you're already running to other boys, Luke. Like a little slut." Michael sneered. Ouch. That hurt.

I didn't say anything. What could I say? It was clear that Calum and I had nothing going on. I was sobbing my heart out and Calum was comforting me. It isn't like we were making out, half naked or something.

"Leave him alone. You've done enough." Calum stated. I was surprised, but still said nothing. I couldn't bring myself to.

"You're one to talk. You fucked with him for the first few months he was here. You only stopped because I beat Grant's ass for it." Michael retorted.

"You used him and then shattered his fucking heart." Calum coldly replied.

Michael rolled his eyes.

"Now you're defending the slut. Are you guys already fucking? God, Luke. I wish you would have been that easy for me. We probably wouldn't have even gotten together." He said.

"Stop, Michael. Okay? You've done enough, leave him alone." Calum spat.

"Whatever. Have fun, you two." Michael chuckled before leaving.

It was quiet for a few minutes, except for my sobs.

"I- I have to get out of here." I finally said.

The Boy In The Back (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now