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In my last class the next day, the teacher allowed us to work with partners.

Of course, Michael and I partnered up. He slid his desk against mine as the teacher passed out our project rubrics. We had to do a PowerPoint over a chosen country, and we had three weeks to finish it. It had to be at least twenty slides, and include ten or more pictures.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him after the classroom got loud enough that our conversation wouldn't stand out or be heard by anybody. It would just seem like a normal conversation. Like casual talk.

"Yeah." He replied. He looked up from the rubric to me.

"Did you and Calum ever like, have a thing?" I questioned.

He stopped for a moment before his gorgeous green eyes met mine.

"Yes. Almost two years ago. We dated. He took my virginity, and I took his. We dated for nearly eight months before I ended it." He informed me.

"Why'd you end it?" I wondered.

He sighed.

"I kept hurting him, and he cheated on me eventually because of it. Plus, I was starting to lose feelings for him." He explained.

I nodded.

"How'd you hurt him?" I was a little scared to hear the answer.

"I didn't give him enough of my time, or my attention. I didn't love him, though. Not the way I love you. It was just some stupid temporary crush." He shrugged.

"You love me?" I asked.

His pretty green eyes widened, and he went to say something.

"I- I-" He stuttered over whatever he was trying to say, his brain trying to come up with something.

"I love you, too." I answered.

His mouth closed and he relaxed, before he smiled at me.

"That's good." He chuckled. I giggled back.


The Boy In The Back (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now