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"You think that's funny!?" Michael screamed in Grant's face. He had Grant pinned against the wall, though Calum took off.

Grant stumbled over whatever answer he was trying to get out, as I stood there shocked.

"You think you're cool because you can hit someone that's so much smaller than you?" He demanded, his green eyes shooting daggers into Grant's brown ones.

It was even scaring me.

Grant opened his mouth again, but Michael punched him right in the jaw. Once. Twice. Three, four, five times. Grant weakly tried to defend himself, but Michael didn't stop.

After Grant had received multiple hits, he was released. He stood there, unmoving. Michael turned and slowly walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" He softly asked.

I flinched when he reached his hand up to touch my face, then instantly slid to the ground and hid my face.

It surprised Michael, my reaction. After a moment, though, he sat next to me on the ground. And I started crying.

"Luke, you thought I was going to hit you?" He softly, and slowly, asked.

"I- I'm sorry." I squeaked out, lifting my head to look at him.

I got up and walked outside. He followed, but that was okay. I sat in my car, and he sat in the passenger's seat. I didn't say anything, I just cried and he just sat there, shocked.

"Did you really think that I was going to hit you?" He questioned.

It sounded so bad. But, I was terrified. When he lifted his hand to me right after hitting somebody, that's the first thing I thought. And I felt horrible for it. But how could I say that? How could I say that I thought he was going to hit me?

"I'm so sorry." I began to sob.

"Don't be." He replied. It was quiet for a minute, and I was reminded of our phone call.

"Let's go to my house so I can clean you up, yeah?" He suggested. It wasn't a bad idea.

I nodded, and followed his car to his house.

The Boy In The Back (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now