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"Where were you?" My mom demanded once I walked into the door.

She was sitting on the couch, her arms crossed. My oldest brother was sitting next too her, far too enthralled in the show he was watching than me coming home.

"I spent the night with my friend." I responded. "I told you."

She sighed loudly.

"And who's clothes are you wearing?" She demanded.

"M- my friend's. Mine got all wet because we had a water balloon fight. I forgot to take extra clothes. So he gave me some of his." I answered.

"And where are your clothes?" Oops, they were still in Michael's dryer.

"I forgot them. Don't worry, I'll get them tomorrow at school." I responded. She pursed her lips, probably not believing me.

"Okay." She shrugged. I walked upstairs to my room and grabbed some black leggings, a big deep blue sweater, and some lavender lace panties.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I finished, I got dressed and dried my hair with a towel.

The next morning, I walked into first period and immediately took my seat. Michael was already there, with his head down.

"Hi, Michael." I greeted him.

He looked at me and gave me a small smile. He tossed my folded, clean clothes to me and I shoved them in my backpack.

"What are you doing after school today?" He asked me.

"Nothing, why?" I wondered, messing with the bottom of my baby blue sweater.

"Do you want to go get ice cream or something?" He suggested.

"I don't like ice cream, but we can do something else." I answered. He thought for a moment.


I smiled. "Sounds great. What time?"

"Right after school, if that's okay. You can come with me from our last class." He said.

"That's fine." I replied. My mother worked until late, so she wouldn't even know I didn't come right home.

He smiled back at me, a bigger smile this time. One that seemed genuine, unlike many others I had seen him wear.

"Great." He responded. He laid his head back on his desk, still not caring to pay attention in any of the classes I had with him. There was still a small smile on his lips, though.

The bell rang shortly after our conversation ended, starting the first class of the day.

The Boy In The Back (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now