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"The one piece of advice I give you, and you choose not to listen." Ashton teased me as we walked to our next classes. His class was in the same hall as mine, only a few rooms down.

"I'm sorry." I chuckled. I wasn't. It was nice getting to speak with Michael. Even if it was very brief. After we said hi, I complimented his eyebrow piercing. He thanked me, and I nodded. That was it.

"Luke, you've got to ignore him. There's a reason nobody really likes him." Ashton sighed.

"Why, though? Plenty of students drink and smoke." I responded.

"It isn't just that. He's odd. He's withdrawn and some people are scared of him. Just don't bother, okay? You don't even need to know everything. It doesn't matter." Ashton shrugged.

His answer was unsatisfying, but I shrugged anyway.

I walked into my class and introduced myself to the teacher. She told me that I could sit wherever there was an available seat. I chose a seat towards the middle of the room.

As people filled the classroom, I didn't recognize a single face. I was hoping to get Kiara or maybe even Calum, but I wasn't lucky enough to.

Instead, a boy sat behind me that wouldn't shut up. The whole entire class, he talked to either me or his friends that surrounded him. It was extremely obnoxious.

"Hey, you're a boy, right? Why the hell are you wearing that? Are you some kind of fag or something?" He asked.

"I like it." I stated.

He scoffed.

"Well, you look ridiculous." He said. I didn't say anything. His opinion was irrelevant to me.

After that, he continued whispering fag and tapping on his desk over and over. I ignored him, knowing that giving him a reaction would only fuel his actions, thus causing them to continue. I wanted to snap his neck, but I restrained myself as I focused on math instead.

Finally, we were released to our last class of the day.

The Boy In The Back (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now