Chapter 33

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[A/N: looool, hi! sorry i was out for a long time. hahaha tangina paq. enjoy reading mga bibeh.]

Camila's POV

I removed my shoes and made a bee-line to the living room. I slumped down as I slowly lay down my back on the couch and take a deep breath. My mind keep on playing what Y/N and I had talked about.

I look straight up the wall and try to think of the reason why Y/N went to my family's house? She said she talked to them, but why? And why did she have to lie about it? If she thought that I'll be mad that she went to them and I didn't know about it, she's wrong and the fact that she told me that my parents said that they wanted to meet my daughter and wanted to see me again... it makes me feel so weird, but in a good way though.

I know what they've done to me from the past, I know they disowned me, kicked me out to from our house and never made an effort to contact me for five years... but I'm over it. I know I should be mad and holding grudges against them, but they are still my parents, they are my family.

Even though they've done such a thing to me, they are still the one who gave me life and shelter for a very long time. They were the one who provided everything for me. And what ever they did, I'm ready to forget about it, I'm ready to start fresh with my family because if I'm being honest... I miss them, so much. Especially my younger sister, Sofia.

I sit up and run my hands through my hair the tie it to a messy bun. I went straight upstairs and check my daughter's bedroom.

I slowly open her bedroom door and peek my head inside. A small smile creeps on my lips when I saw that she's already sleeping while cuddling with the stuff animal that Y/N gave to her the day after her birthday, and it was actually her fave to hug with everytime she sleeps, because she said that it reminds her of her Mommy.

After Y/N and I broke up, and Y/N leaving Danny and I. My daughter cannot stop herself from crying every single day. She keeps on begging me to make Y/N come back because she wanted her Mommy back and she wants to have two parents again.

It was heartbreaking to witness that my daughter was so broken when she saw Y/N packing her stuff. She was so attached to Y/N and I know that, that's why this time, I'm going to put my little girl first... that's why I told Y/N that she have to make up things with Danny.

I quietly tip-toed inside and I stand next to her small baby blue bed. Her blanket is placed on her shoulder while her mouth is slightly agape. I brush my fingers through her curly locks and kneel down in front of my five-year-old daughter's level as I stare at her.

I've never been so thankful in my life, that I have this little girl in my life. Daniela is really the best blessing that God gave me. She's my source of happiness, she's the reason why I can't give up on everything even if it's starting to hurt me or stressing me out.

This little girl is my everything and I don't know what will I do if something bad happened to her. That's why I told Y/N if she hurt my daughter again, I will fucking leave her in a heartbeat, because my daughter's feelings are more important than mine. Even if I love her so much and I want her to be with me forever- but if she will only hurt my precious little girl, I'll break up with her. I don't think I can handle to see Danny to see cry and react like what happened when she found out that Y/N will be leaving us.

I cup my hand on her face and I brush the pad of my thumb on her skin, then I think to myself; she's my main priority. I have to put Daniela first, always. And I can't believe that she's so young but she've been through a lot.

Just like what every other parents want their for their child; I want what's the best for Daniela.

If I'm being honest, I didn't know that she would react that way when Y/N was leaving us. I've never thought about my daughter when I started dating Y/N. I never thought about her getting atteched to Y/N and getting hurt when she decided to leave us. I never considered about Danny's feelings because I thought she would be fine about Y/N getting in to our lives and she would still be okay when Y/N wants out of our lives.

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