Chapter 32

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[A/N: yo talk to me.]

"Did you guys have you know- talked it all out?" I glance up from my phone and saw Justin standing in front of my office desk.

"Uh, no." I said then went back to scroll down on my social media account. "Not yet." I mumbled.

"So, that's why Camila is looking at you like a sad and broken puppy." The Canadian said and slumped down on the couch. "When are you going to talk to her? It's been two weeks, Y/N."

I sighed and lock my phone as I lean back on my chair. I look at Justin and he is arching his eyebrow at me.

It's been two weeks since I move out of Camila's apartment, so it is also been two weeks since we broke up. I know I promised the day I left her apartment, I will be back and we will talk. I don't know what came up to me and decided to lock myself up in my room. I even broke my promise to Danny and I haven't visited her since the day that I stepped out of their place.

And I'm not doing really well if you're asking me. I know Camila too. The last time I saw her she was nearly had a panic attack in her bathroom. It's a good thing that I came just in time. It hurt me so much to see her being like that. She looks so small and fragile at that time, she looks like she's going to break like a glass once you stepped in to her.

I didn't mean to hurt Danny too. I've never wanted for her to witness me leaving and packing my things. The way she acted that day, I wanna beat myself up for hurting her. I feel like I'm a jerk for making the little kid cry. I keep on telling myself that no one will make that ball of sunshine- cry and no one will hurt her unless I'm with there to protect her. But I'm no better than Alessandro, because I made her cry and I hurt her but in a different way. And I think I'm worst than her own father.

I barely have gotten any sleep for the past two weeks and I barely eaten too. And I've been staying in my bed all since we broke up, sulking around. I don't think I have enough energy to do anything so I decided to just lay down in my bed while being wrap by my blanket.

Justin just dragged me to The Grid today because someone booked our bar again for the whole night. He wanted to look after me and he thinks that it would be better if I go out today. And we actually forgot that Camila is working as a bartender and that she will be here.

I immediately went to my office as soon as I spotted the brunette. Maybe because I'm scared that I will hurt her again if I open my fucking mouth.

"I know," I breathed out and close my eyes briefly.

"You guys have to talk. And you told me that you broke up because she caught you lying."

"And she accused me of cheating," I reminded the blonde guy and he muttered out right.

"But if you told her where were you at the first place, she wouldn't start making assumptions that you're seeing someone else behind her back." He pointed out and I groaned loudly because he is damn right. "If you told her that you've been to her parents house and you talked to them, you guys wouldn't be like this. If you told her the truth then maybe you're in between her legs, making her scream." He said jokingly, trying to make the situation a little bit better.

I buried my face on my hands and Justin continues to talk, "And if you think about it... you guys broke up in such a petty thing. You went to her parents house and ask for her hand because you want to marry her, then broke up with her because she accused you of cheating... and may I remind you that you lied to her, and told her that we are together, when in reality... you're with her family." He said the pause for a second then added, "What if you guys are married now then the two of you argue again about some stupid shit, will you file a divorce the next day?"

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