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Taehyung and Jimin finally reaching the rest only to find out they all are busy staring at a body that for some reason looks exactly like Jin. Jin who is supposedly in danger seems to be missing and hearing that news from Jazzeel has gotten the boys into a panic. Namjoon suggested splitting up to try and find Jin faster but that quickly went away as he remembers that the enemy may still be around and are probably hoping they do that.
Namjoon now staring at the body that could’ve been Jin’s tries to move on but something is holding him back, but he can’t explain what..

Taehyung: What is that in his shirt pocket..??
Jimin: It looks like a letter..

Normal POV
Yoongi moves closer and takes the paper from the shirt pocket. The letter seems to be rather Dirty as if it has been here for some time but something else catches his attention.

Yoongi POV
Why does it look like this was suppose to slow us down. I mean it was rather strange leaving an unknown body here inside this hallway.

Hoseok: What are you thinking Yoongi..
Yoongi: I’m just thinking.. That this body was obvious to find.. So why did they put it here..
Jungkook: They could be stalling like something went wrong in their plans..
Namjoon: You may be onto something..
Yoongi: But what exactly could they have done wrong..

Jungkook POV
Could it be that.. But I don’t get it.. Why would they make mistakes now when everything went well all day.. Unless..

Taehyung: They made a mistake by releasing the prisoners..
Jungkook: Yes.. They gave them all poison.. But they thought it would kill them but instead it just made them pass out.. So..
Yoongi: They are busy strategizing on something but where could they be doing that..
Namjoon: We have to think fast before..
Jimin: Jungkook didn’t you say there was a dead body..
Jungkook: The girl with the bandana..
Jimin: Yeah.. Maybe.. They killed that girl.. But
Namjoon: She had something they needed..

Normal POV
Figuring everything out the boys start running towards the room Jungkook described, the room they found. Yoongi running in front as Jungkook seemed to be forgetting which way to go. The run was rather long as each turn seemed to look exactly the same, but something around a certain corner got the boys going in the right direction.
Yoongi slowly approaches the door and takes hold of the handle before..

Namjoon: Wait..  Listen..
Jimin: What..

They stop talking and listen but nothing could be heard and the members look at Namjoon thinking what is it they were suppose to be listening to. The room as well as the hallway was so quiet but still nothing seems to be out of place.

Taehyung: What were we suppose to...
(Other side other the door)
Unknown: Just hurry up.. Before his friends come..
Jin: Why are you doing this..
Unknown: Hey you just keep quiet!!!

Namjoon POV
We have to hurry inside but without knowing what is inside.. Its like going in blindly.. I don’t know what to do.. I just hope someone knows what to do..

[Inside The Room]

Unknown: Nayeon sure kept this room so dirty..
Jin: Why did you all kill her.. Wasn’t she your boss..
Unknown: Nayeon our boss..(laughs).. She was an amateur compared to the people we work for..
Jin: What do you mean.. Wait.. Where’s Madelyn..??
Unknown: I don’t have that kind of information..


Namjoon: What are we going to do..?
Yoongi: We have to get inside that room as soon as possible..
Jimin: Let’s go..

Normal POV
Namjoon and Yoongi get themselves ready to kick the door open but the door opens by itself. As the door opens the unknown people suddenly turn around in a complete shock to see the members standing at the door.

Namjoon: Jin you alright..
Jin: It’s about time you got here..
Yoongi: Yeah.. We were kind of busy..
Unknown: How did you find this place..
Jungkook: You girls are real amateurs..
Unknown #2: You are one to talk..
Taehyung: You almost got us fooled with your lookalike..
Unknown: What lookalike..?
Jimin: The one that looked like Jin..
Unknown #2: We didn’t put any lookalike...

Normal POV
Hearing that made the whole room go completely quiet as neither one knowns what to say as something seems strange. Namjoon looks at Jin followed by Yoongi but no one knowing what to say. The girls walk closer to the door trying to escape but Hoseok step right in and stop them on their place.. Seeing he’s about to go up against these girls Jimin and Taehyung walks towards the door to help and support Hoseok dealing with these girls.
The two girls still wearing masks are asked to reveal their faces but they rethinking on doing it as it may reveal something they have been trying to hide.

Hoseok: How about you show us your faces..
Unknown: No can do..
Jin: (whispers to Namjoon).. Namjoon there are people on the roof..
Namjoon: Yeah I can see.. The mirror seems to reveal they look ready to..
Jin: GET DOWN!!!!!

Normal POV
Jin Immediately screams to the boys to get down as he could see the girls on the roof getting ready to fire their weapons. The gun seems to be firing heavy bullets and Jungkook moves closer to Namjoon and Jin as he starts getting scared of what is happening at this very moment..
In the meantime Taehyung and Jimin holds down the two girls who for some reason were too afraid to reveal their faces and neither one knowing why, suddenly feels something on their hands that has a strange feeling to it. Jimin knowing what this might be tries to turn the girl around but just seeing her soaked t shirt his hunch seems to be correct.
The whole scenery seems too extreme and they knew themselves they weren’t prepared for this kind of assault and especially over a few kidnapped girls.

Namjoon: This is a bit much for a few kidnapped girls..
Yoongi: Seems this is more.. Than just normal girls..
Jungkook: I think it has something to do with Madelyn and her parents..
Taehyung: Yeah.. Maybe because of the clues we got.. But still
Jimin: This is still too heavy..

Jungkook POV
I never knew this would get this bad .. I would’ve never asked the hyungs to go through all this trouble for my girlfriend.. And now it’s too late.. I can’t do this.. I can’t..

Jin: By the way Taehyung.. Your friends.. Hanbyeol and Sarach..
Taehyung: What about them..?
Jin: They are safe as I was coming or rather kidnapped.. I saw them but as these dead girls approached I quickly hid them.


This whole building seems to be super confusing.. I mean you take one step forward then turn around just to see something has changed. I just hope I could get out of here as soon as possible and get something to eat I’m starving..

Normal POV
Jin kept on walking trying to find Jungkook but nothing seems to lead him to the young Maknae. The walk was rather long as each time he would get lost and had to take a new road but as he walks two young girls approach him but something seems to be off about them, they look like they are about to..

Jin: Woah.. I got you..
Hanbyeol: Thank you. Very much..
Jin: It’s okay..
Hanbyeol: Hanbyeol.. My name is Hanbyeol..
Sarach: And I' m Sarach..
Jin: Hanbyeol and Sarach... You’re the girls Taehyung spoke about..

Hanbyeol POV
How does he know Taehyung.. Did he or maybe he’s one of the people wanting to hurt him..

Hanbyeol: Who are you..
Jin: Of I’m Jin.. The older brother of Taehyung.. But not like by blood but more like by heart..
Sarach: Oh nice to meet.. You..(faints)
Jin: Hey.. Are you okay...
Hanbyeol: We are just. (Faints)..
Jin: I have to get them.. Who’s that..


Jin: I saw two people approaching so I hid them  in the nearest room.. But the room was safe..
Taehyung: Thanks Hyung..
Jin: Sure..(smiles)

Normal POV
The shooting finally subsided but still something seemed off about the whole situation. The girls who held Jin captive seemed to have been shot but one of them were still breathing but it was a faint one. Hoseok holds the girl close to him to try and help her but it doesn’t seem to work.

Yoongi: Those bullets must’ve been some really deadly. Ones..
Hoseok: Yeah.. They lost too much blood..
Jungkook: But everyone who was kidnapped was found but why doesn’t anyone find anything about Madelyn..
Jimin: I haven’t heard anything..
Taehyung: Me neither..
Unknown: Your friend.. (Cough).. Made... Made..
Jungkook: Madelyn.. Yes..
Unknown: Yes her.. She’s been. Taken to...
Yoongi: Where...
Unknown: I can’t say the place but... It’s way more dangerous than what you’ve....been.. Experiencing.. So far..(faints)..
Jungkook: What..
Hoseok: She’s dead...

Normal POV
Yoongi stands up followed by the rest. Each knowing this journey is about to either get more messy or end right here. Jimin being closest to the door starts walking out followed by the rest. As they walk out of the building no one says anything as each tries of figure out their next move. Taehyung remembering his friends quickly tells the rest of help him and they do a he asked.
The boys finally reaching the bottom floor with the fainted girls in their arms carry them to the oncoming ambulance followed by the police. As the police finally reaches the building each member gets questioned and each gives their story.
As everything seems to be done the boys gather together to give their final answer to the whole situation of Madelyn still being in danger as well as the whole business getting more dangerous than this but no one knows what to answer..

Jungkook: I’ll understand if you all aren’t up for another situation like this one..
(At that moment Jungkook’s phone suddenly rings)
Namjoon: Put it on speaker..
(Jungkook puts phone on speaker)

Unknown: I must probably say CONGRATULATIONS to your victory..
Jungkook: Who is this..??
Unknown: No need to know my name.. Just call me Unknown..
Yoongi: Well what do you want unknown?
Unknown: Oh.. It seems the rest are there too.. Well Yoongi.. Firstly sorry to hear about Nana. Jill and Jazzeel..
Taehyung: You forgot to mention Mercyl and Marijosh..
Unknown: Yes them too.. Well Jungkook.. Your girlfriend is safe for now..
Jungkook: You better let go off. Her.. Your hired help wasn’t enough for us... So..
Unknown: Oh poor Jungkook those girls... Who went to visit and kill all your friends.. They are what you would call.. Still in training..

Normal POV
Hearing the still in training part has gotten the boys in one huge shock as they got what others would call goose bumps. Yoongi looking on as each word the unknown individual kept saying seems to sound more and more terrifying.

Unknown: You have exactly 2 weeks to save your girlfriend.. Jungkook..
Jungkook: Why 2 weeks..?
Unknown:  Because that’s how long her body can fight against the poison..

Normal POV
More terrifying news for Jungkook a he has less than a month to say his girlfriend and to make matters worse he has to do that while looking for the specific area she is in and also prepare for what might happen once he makes it. Jungkook’s whole terrifying act just reached a new level, a level he couldn’t handle.

Unknown:  To put it in better words.. Your real journey begins now..


Jungkook: How am I suppose to save her in two weeks.. And I can’t move on .. I mean we have been together for so long.. And right now she’s my lost puzzle piece..(sobs)..
Taehyung: Sounds like a challenge.. I’m in..(smiles)
Jimin: Sounds like a workout..(smiles)... Count me in..
Yoongi: I got nothing better to do.. I’m in..
Jin: I’m in.. (Pats Jungkook’s head)
Namjoon: Count me in..(smiles)
Hoseok: Yeah.. Me too..(laughs)
Jungkook: (Cries while smiling).. Thanks guys..
Taehyung: LET’S GET GOING...
Jimin: Yes..




Thanks to those who read my story.. I appreciate it and I hope it was okay😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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