10 3 0

As the rest of the members run towards the location given by Yoongi they come across a few clues but to them it was way too easy. Jimin being the one to lead as he was faster and also suggested to run ahead while looking for traps comes to a stop as he reaches a door that says “ Head Office”.
Jimin stood still and waited for the others but they took longer than they should. The time went by rather slow as the members finally arrived but confused as to why Jimin hasn’t entered yet.

Jin: Why you standing still..
Jimin: I waited for you.. But before we enter I get the feeling...
Namjoon: Ms.Nayeon isn’t behind this door..
Jimin: Yeah.. I think another one is here and my gut tells me its..

Normal POV
As the boys talked among each other the door suddenly started opening but this door seems to open rather slowly as if someone wants to scare them. The door opens halfway and Jungkook not wanting to wait, slowly peeks around the door to find there’s no one is inside.

Jungkook: There’s no one inside..
Jimin: WHAT!!!
Jin: What you mean..?
Jungkook: I mean the room is empty..
Jimin: Wait I’ll check it out..

The now readied Jimin slowly enters the room but was too late as Namjoon notices something inside the room to be specific the top corner..

Namjoon: JIMIN WAIT!!!

Normal POV
Just before Jimin could exit the door shut close real fast and things began getting troublesome for the others as they tried everything to open the door but somehow nothing seems to work. Namjoon looked through the hallway but it seems to be empty.
Jin and Jungkook still trying to open the door got a bit of a surprise as Namjoon started walking through the left side of the hallway.

Jin: Namjoon where are you going..
Namjoon: (Silence)...
Jungkook: Hyung.. Where you going..
Namjoon: Someone was here a moment ago..
Jin: What!!.. Who..
Namjoon: It looked like Ms. Nayeon..
Jungkook: What...let’s hurry..

Normal POV
Namjoon and the rest started running towards where Namjoon might’ve seen the strange fugue but each step seems to be hard as they kept getting lost or rather run around in circles.
Jungkook sees what’s happening here decides to go back to Jimin but for some reason he didn’t know which way Jimin was.

Jungkook: Guys which way were we just now..
Jin: I don’t know..
Namjoon: Sorry guys I think we’re lost..

Normal POV
The boys realizing they are lost tries to split up but they could see Jungkook couldn’t handle going into a hallway by himself. Jin tells Jungkook to follow him but Namjoon decides its best if they all stick together

Namjoon: Each of the boys are handling things right now so we have to hurry and end this before..
Jin: Best not to think of anything negative right now..
Jungkook: Let’s hurry.. Wait..
Jin: What..
Namjoon: What Kookie..
Jungkook: Just thinking.. I know where Ms. Nayeon is..

Normal POV
Jungkook comes to a conclusion that he might have an idea where the main boss is and also how all this are connected to a certain person but for some reason he is still unsure..

Jungkook: Since we’re dealing with Ms.Nayeon. And she once gave us clue of who she might be..
Jin: Maybe this of where she might be..
Namjoon: I saw some clues when we were running with Jimin. So..
Jungkook: She wants us to find her...


Jimin POV
Gosh how am I suppose to get out of here, and why can’t I hear the others anymore.. Whait happened on the other side. I just hope I or rather we could get out of here and also help the ones who were kidnapped by Ms.Nayeon and her goons..

Unknown: Oh so now I’m a goon.. That hurts you know..
(Jimin turns around)
Unknown: You do know you were thinking out loud..
Jimin: I do know.. What makes you think I didn’t do that unnecessarily..
Unknown: Don’t know.. That’s what makes you so interesting Jimin..
Jimin: Well.. I like to make my prey interested before I destroy them Jazzeel..
(Jazzeel walks out of the shadows)
Jazzeel: It’s been a while Jimin..
Jimin: Yes its been.. But it won’t be for long..
Jazzeel: Let’s end this. If you can defeat me..I’ll give you a clue of where Ms.Nayeon might be..

Jimin POV
Sounds like a good deal, but how am I suppose to defeat someone who trained me on how to fight as well as how to keep my fear apart. She knows all my weaknesses.. And I don’t know any of hers. Guess I have to go with my gut feeling...


Mercyl: What were you talking about..
Taehyung: You girls didn’t actually think I would face both or you and allow you all to point a gun at me now did you..
Marijosh: You’ve got a poker face on but it’s a really bad one Taehyung..
Taehyung: Fine then shoot me..
Mercyl: With pleasure..
(Mercyl points the gun to Taehyung and fires)
Marijosh: What are you waiting for shoot him..
Mercyl: I DID.BUT..
Marijosh: BUT WHAT!!!
Taehyung: It didn’t want to shoot.. I did tell you..(smirks)

Namjoon: Taehyung before you go.. I have something you could use..
Taehyung: What..
Namjoon: You see those times me and Jin went way..
Taehyung: Yeah what about it.
Namjoon: We were at the gun shop that gave them at the front gate the guns.. But we took the real guns and gave them dummy guns..
Taehyung: But can’t they tell the difference..
Namjoon: No.. They will realize it only when they shoot..


Mercyl: When did you do this..
Taehyung: I didn’t but this just shows you..
Marijosh: Shows us what..
Taehyung: To never underestimate us..

Taehyung POV
Gosh I really didn’t know that would actually work, but thanks Namjoon and Jin you’ll basically just saved my life here..

Mercyl: Fine.. Seeing as you past your first test..
Taehyung: (confused).. What test..
Marijosh: We’re going to tell you something..
Taehyung: What...
(Mercyl and Marijosh looks at each other..)



Namjoon POV
This whole place seems suspicious but for some reason it’s way too obvious. So why didn’t we just open any door..

Jin: Because it could be booby trapped..
Namjoon: Still we have to do something or else we won’t go anywhere..
Jungkook: Then let’s open the most obvious door..
Jin: Why..
Namjoon: Nice thinking Kookie..
Jin: I don’t get it..
Jungkook: She thinks we would go for the most difficult door.. But in fact..
Jin: The most obvious one is the real one..
Jungkook: Exactly..

Normal POV
After some really long walking the boys decided to test their theory. The first door looked like a hard one so they had to keep on walking but the further the walk the closer they came to their destination.

Jin: This one looks obvious.. But..
Jungkook: But what. Let’s open it..
Namjoon: But what Jin.
Jin: This feels like a trap..
Unknown: Seems Jin is as sharp as always..

Normal POV
The voice of someone new could be heard coming from behind them but these boys was too careful to turn around. The voice was unknown and they couldn’t just turn around. Namjoon knowing they had to turn around sooner or later decided to be the first to turn around seeing as he was the leader..

(Namjoon turns around)
Namjoon: ION!!!
Ion: Hi Namjoon...
(The rest turn around)
Namjoon: But how come I couldn’t recognize your voice..
Ion: Well.. I’ve been poisoned and it changes your voice.....(falls over)
(Namjoon catches her in time)
Namjoon: What’s...
Jin: Get her out of here. Quick ...
Jungkook: Wait.. Ion where are the others..
Ion: you’ll.... Have... To.... Check... each... Door...but... Be careful...(sleeps)
Jin: Hurry..
(Namjoon starts running with a knock out Ion in his arms)

Jungkook: I guess I have to hurry up and find Madelyn or else she might be in danger...
Jin: Jungkook wait up!!!

Jungkook POV
I have to hurry and find anything that could lead me to her or else  she might die..

Jungkook knows what’s at stack now so I have to keep up with this young Boy or else I might be the reason he didn’t make it in time.

Normal POV
As Jin and Jungkook hurried through the hallway searching for anything that may lead them to the others, Namjoon was running to get Ion out of the building but something bad happens along the way.

Namjoon: How do I get out of this building...


Jimin POV
How do I do this.. This is too hard especially since she isn’t giving me any openings. I should’ve known this will happen when I face her one day.

Jazzeel: I thought I taught you not to fear anything..
Jimin: Well it’s really hard when facing the one who taught it to you..
Jazzeel: I taught you the basics.. You were suppose to teach yourself the rest..
Jimin: Who said I didn’t..
Jazzeel: Interesting.. Let’s see who’s more superior..
Jimin: I hope you’re ready Jazzeel...
Jazzeel: I hope you are Chimchim..(smirks)



Hoseok: You can’t let that needle scare you Yoongi..
Nana: He knows the feeling.. But this time its has a little kick to it..
Jill: Yes but this kick.. Kills..
Yoongi: (smirks)..
Nana: (surprised).. Why you smirking..
Yoongi: Just saw something.. Good job Hoseok..
Jill: What you two talking about...

Namjoon: Yoongi.. That’s needle you were once strike with .
Yoongi: You mean the one Nana and Jill used..
Namjoon: Yes.. Well..
Jin: You have to distract them. Then look closely.. At the chemicals used inside the needle..
Yoongi: Huh..
Jin: If it sparkles.. Then it isn’t deadly..
Yoongi: How would y’all know..
Jin: When we went undercover.. We found out. That those poison she used were all used up for some reason.. So I get the feeling..
Yoongi: It was used on the girls..
Namjoon: Exactly..

(Flashback End)

Yoongi: Your famous deadly poison is nothing but water..
Nana: How can you be sure..
Yoongi: Because it sparkles..
Hoseok: And the other time. It didn’t so...
Jill: Nana..
Nana: Clever indeed... So let’s settle this another way..
Jill: Sounds like. Plan..
Yoongi: Bring it on..
Hoseok: I’m ready..
(They start charging at each other)


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