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The long walk was rather strange to the boys as they discovered that the further they walk in these streets the more clear it came that they’ve been in these parts of town before. Yoongi who’s walking in front looks around, trying to find any clue that may have been dropped by the kidnapper but unlucky for him it seems the kidnapper is smarter than he thought. The boys travel to different parts of town in search of anything that could lead them to the whereabouts of their young brother Jungkook .

Yoongi POV
All these streets look so familiar but why can’t I remember where I’ve seen this before. The whole place starting from the houses to the trees look so familiar, it’s as if I’ve been here before.

Jimin: Yo Yoongi.. What’s up..
Yoongi: Just thinking that I’ve been here before..
Hoseok: Yeah... This part of town looks familiar..
Jimin: It almost looks like..
Taehyung: The street Jungkook’s parents used to live..
(The boys turn around)
Jimin: Taehyung.. I think this is the street..

Normal POV
The boys finally coming up with a conclusion, that this might be the same street Jungkook used to live at. Yoongi runs to each post-box to try and look for the Jeon residence but unlucky for him there seems to be no post box having that initials. Yoongi didn’t let that stop him, he kept on searching for it  and the pure determination by him got the other’s attention. Jimin signalling the others to help him and Yoongi find the clue they’ve been looking for but no one was able to find it.

Taehyung: I have one here but... It has no name on it..
Jimin: No name means No one.. Taehyung look for the next one..
Taehyung: Okay..
( Yoongi turns around)

Yoongi POV
No name means... No one... Wait...could it be that house. I mean if there aren’t any names on the post  box, it must mean that..

Yoongi: Its that house..
(Jimin and Hoseok startled by Yoongi’s sudden screaming)
Jimin: What do you mean???.. Taehyung said there’s no name on it..
Yoongi: Exactly.. Meaning they removed it to make us confused..
Hoseok: Yeah.. You’re right..
Taehyung: So that means I found the house..(turns to the house)... Hey...
Yoongi: (looks at Taehyung).. What’s wrong..
(Taehyung runs to the nearest wall and signals for the others to follow him).

Normal POV
Taehyung suddenly runs to the nearest wall and hides. The young boy seeing the others about to walk to the front door of Jungkook’s house signals them to follow him. The members who are completely confused as to why they have to suddenly hide, sees Taehyung pointing at the window.
Yoongi moves his head to the window side and sees a few shadows moving around but to him, one of the shadows looks familiar.
Jimin being the second to look immediately recognises one of the shadows but still uncertain.

Jimin: One of the shadows looks like...
Taehyung: Jungkook!!!!
Yoongi: Yeah.. I can see by the hair.. But still who’s the other two with him..
Taehyung: (Thinking).. Could it be...???
Jimin: Yo... Taehyung what’s wrong...
Yoongi: Hoseok.. Jimin.. You two go around to the back...
Jimin: Okay...
Hoseok: Got it..

Yoongi POV
I have a feeling those shadowy figures are Cleese and someone we know otherwise Jungkook wouldn’t be so comfortable standing around and  chatting with them. The whole scene in front of me looks really suspicious.

Taehyung POV
Why isn’t Yoongi going in... What is he thinking here.. I mean Jungkook is right inside here but... that..

Normal POV
One of the kidnappers suddenly moves closer to the window and the figure could be seen. The young girl now being recognized by Taehyung, doesn’t seem to notice him and Yoongi hiding behind the wall. Yoongi tries to have a better look at this girl but Taehyung pulled him back down.

Taehyung: The girl is at the window.. If you look now she will see you..
Yoongi: Okay.. I see.. Thanks..

The girl suddenly seeing something outside signals her friend known as Cleese to take Jungkook inside but for some reason she doesn’t hear Cleese running. The mysterious girl still looking at the window gets a little surprise from behind her.

Jimin: It’s been a while Jewel..

The now mysterious girl known as Jewel turns around slowly and look Jimin and Hoseok straight in the eyes..

Jewel: How did you know..??
Jimin: Hoseok.. Go..
Hoseok: Yeah I know..
(Hoseok goes to the door and calls Yoongi and Taehyung)
Jimin: I knew the moment I saw your shadow in the window..
Jewel: Clever.. But still how did you know it was me...
(Yoongi walks in)
Yoongi: Because Jungkook would only be calm when friends are around..
(Taehyung walks in)
Taehyung: And seeing as we saw Cleese... The only other one has to be..
Hoseok: Jewel!!!.

Normal POV
The boys realizing an old friend has come to meet Jungkook. The members looking quite worried as Jungkook looks at them in a manner of saying “ How did you find me”.. But he knew he couldn’t ask, otherwise it would sound as if he didn’t want to be found.
Yoongi noticing Jungkook’s sudden silence as they stood inside the house, becomes worried and confused. The now leader Yoongi walks closer to Jungkook and tries to ask him something but..

Jewel: How did you find this place..??
(Yoongi looks at Jewel)
Yoongi: You need to make your hideout look for convincing..
Cleese: What do you mean??
Jimin: Every house had a name on their post box..
Jewel: Clever.. I see..

Jewel POV
These boys are cleverer than I thought... I guess that’s what happens when you underestimate them.

Cleese POV
Never would’ve thought they would use that as a way on finding Jungkook.. These boys are getting more and more impressive..

Yoongi: So why did you kidnap Jungkook..??
Jungkook: Yeah.. I also wanna know..
Jewel: Well.. You see...
Taehyung: What... Wait. You work for Ms. Nayeon...
(The members look at Taehyung)
Jimin: What you talking about...
Taehyung: See..(points at Jewel and Cleese's arms)...
Hoseok: What they are just....
Taehyung: The same tattoo...
Jimin: Ms.Nayeon...once had..

Yoongi POV
I don’t understand.. They kidnapped Jungkook.. But instead of taking him to their boss, they brought him to this place..

Jungkook: So if you two work for Ms.Nayeon..
Jimin: Why did you bring him here..
(Jungkook looks at Jimin as he finished his sentence)
Jewel: (takes a deep breath)... Because.. We have to warn him about something..
Cleese: But first hide downstairs.. Quickly..
Taehyung: Why...
Yoongi: (hears footsteps outside)... Let’s go...

Normal POV
Jewel leads the boys to the door that will take them downstairs. Yoongi walking behind Jewel looks at her and wondering why they have to hide, but the look on Jewel's face shows that she’s scared out of her mind.
Cleese looking very scared tells Jewel to hurry up before “ They” come. The boys finally reaching the door couldn’t help but ask..

Yoongi: Who are “ They”...
Jewel: (looking scared).. Best not to ask..
Jimin: Okay... Let’s go Jungkook...
Jungkook: Okay..


Yoongi POV
What the hell is going on.. I’ve never seen those girls especially Jewel look so scared before..

Jungkook: Am I the only one or did Jewel and Cleese just look totally scared..
Jimin: Yeah I’ve noticed but..
Hoseok: Just what could make them so scared..
Yoongi: It has something to do.. With the people that are currently entering this house..
Taehyung: Yeah.. But who are these people...
Yoongi: That I dont..
(Suddenly more voices can be heard upstairs)
Jimin: The voice... Sounds like...
Yoongi: Ms.Nayeon....

Normal POV
The sudden voice of a certain someone can be immediately recognized by the boys as it belong to Ms. Nayeon. The boys not knowing if they should go up and confront her or stay down here, but the young Jungkook couldn’t hold it anymore and decided to walk up.

Jimin: (grabs Jungkook).. What do you think you’re doing...
Jungkook: Let me go... The one person who has Madelyn is upstairs and we’re..
Yoongi: And what If you go upstairs and find out there are more people ... What then..
Jungkook: I.. I...
Hoseok: Stay here Jungkook.. We can follow them after they are gone..
Jungkook: But.. Don’t you think that’ll be too late..
Taehyung: What you mean.. Kookie...??
Jungkook: I mean.. We dont know if they came here with a car..or..

Jungkook’s mouth was immediately shut closed as Yoongi suddenly heard the creaking noise of the upstairs wooden floor. The noise got louder and louder as if the person is approaching their location. Jungkook looking scared not knowing what might happen now, holds tight unto Taehyung.
Yoongi looking at the terrified Jungkook tries to head to the door but Jimin grabbed him and signalling him not to go any further. Jimin knowing what Yoongi was trying to do softly whispers in his ear..

Jimin: I know you’re trying to help Jungkook... But it will get worse once they find out we’re down here.. So relax..
Yoongi: I know..

Yoongi walks back quietly to his spot as he knows Jimin was right. The young Jungkook still holding unto Taehyung suddenly hears something and immediately signals the rest to listen carefully too.

[ Upstairs]

Ms. Nayeon: So where is he..??
Jewel: We tried to. But..
Ms. Nayeon: But ..what ..
Cleese: His friends guarded him.. And it..
Ms. Nayeon: You’re making excuses.. And I’m..
Unknown Girl: Miss..
Ms.Nayeon: What!!
Unknown Girl: Looks like this place has a downstairs basement... And..
Ms. Nayeon: And what??
Unknown Girl:.. Here are shoes belonging to some boys...

[ Downstairs]

Jungkook and the rest of the boys hearing that, begin to panic as their location may be revealed. Yoongi quietly walking around, trying to find a place to hide  but unlucky for him there was no escape. Jungkook looking at Yoongi as if telling him to help him otherwise he’s not going to be able to survive this, gets a look by Yoongi that says “ I don’t know”..
The boys now knowing they are completely out of options goes towards Jungkook and just stands in front if him, preparing for whoever may come through that door.

Jungkook: What are you guys doing..?
Jimin: Well we promised to protect you..
Hoseok: And that’s what we are..
Taehyung: Doing right now.. So
Yoongi: Be ready for whatever comes..

The boys stood ready knowing they are about to face something they aren’t yet ready to face, but their determination of protecting Jungkook could be seen on their faces. The noise suddenly gets louder and louder as the unknown person comes closer to the door. Jungkook standing behind the Hyungs could see on their faces they are scared as well.

Jungkook POV
I can’t let the Hyungs sacrifice themselves for me. I just can’t go through losing more people in my life, but I’m too scared to face these people..

(Suddenly remembers a memory)
Madelyn: I’ll always love you Jungkook..
(Snaps back to reality)..

No.. I can’t let Madelyn down I cannot let this fear stop me from protecting my friends and also stop me from saving her.

Normal POV
Jungkook walks forward and stood beside his Hyungs. Yoongi looking at Jungkook and all he could do is smile as he knows that Jungkook’s fear has disappeared and seeing that made him and the others have more strength inside of them, knowing their young one can protect himself.
Yoongi signals the others to get ready as they hear the door knob turn and the shadowy figure appears in the top stairs.
The figure finally looking at the direction of the boys, gave a small smile as the boys look at this particular person straight in the eyes. Yoongi and the rest couldn’t see this person fully as the darkness still concealed its face, but by each step down this person took it became clear to them.

Yoongi: It can’t be...
Jimin: How...
Hoseok: How.. Did you ...
Jungkook: I thought you.....
Yoongi: I thought that back then you. And....
Taehyung: (shocked)...
Jungkook: (crying)...

As the unknown figure finally standing in front of the boys, he could be immediately recognized. Yoongi followed by the rest of the boys trying to figure out how the particular person came to be here, tries not to ask but could just stare at this amazing relief.

Yoongi: You’re here...
Jungkook: (wiping his tears)..
Jimin: Now we can..
Hoseok: Do it...
Taehyung: (Smiling widely)
Yoongi: Its good to have you back...

As Yoongi finished his sentenced another figure comes down, and even more happiness could be seen on the boys face as they couldn’t believe what they are currently and who they are currently seeing in front of them now..

Yoongi: Now we can go..
Jungkook: And get Madelyn..
Taehyung: Hanbyeol, Sarach and Hanna..
Hoseok: Back.. And get payback..
Jimin: For what the others did to us...
Yoongi: And we can do it as a team right...

The two figures step out of the darkness and reveal themselves to be...

Jin: Right...
Namjoon: Things are about to come to an end...
Yoongi: For the bad ones...


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