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Two years have past after the devastating accident of Jeon  Jungkook's girlfriend. Jungkook saddened by what happened couldn’t finish his school career due to depression, and the rest of the members couldn’t help him... Also due to Jungkook wanting to be left alone, the members decided to respect his decision and gave him his space. Another year has passed and Jungkook has decided to live his life, start a new life even though the memory of his beloved *??* will always be a part of his life. He left the clinic and decided to journey to his hometown

Jungkook POV
It’s been two years since I left school, and another year being in that clinic, I think the rest of the members probably already finished school, but I don’t know if I should go and finish my degree or just go look for a job.. Wait maybe if I call one of the guys they’ll probably help me out.
(Jungkook dials all the numbers of the gang, but unlucky for him no one answered)
Maybe they are busy, wow...okay time to head back home.

Normal POV
Jungkook walked the great distance to his parents house, seeing as he doesn’t have any money on him to pay for a taxi... He had to be satisfied with walking. After walking for about 3hours he finally arrived at his hometown but he knew the distance to his house is still a great one, so he decided to take a break.. He found a bench he could relax on.

Jungkook POV
I guess it’s time for a break, but should  I.. I mean I can just rest when I get home, it’s not that far.. Or is it. I really have no idea how far I live, or where I live exactly, was I really away from home that long that I don’t even remember where I live or am I just too stressed out... What am I thinking.... Why am I over thinking stuff.. Why!!

Unknown: Hi..
Jungkook: Why.. Just why...???
Unknown: Excuse me are you okay?

(After a few seconds Jungkook finally realized he had company, he looks beside him and sees two really attractive young ladies)

Jungkook: Oh umm... Sorry I was just in thought. Do you need something?
Unknown: No we were just sitting here and we could see you are stressed out...
Jungkook: I’m not stressed, why would you think that?
Unknown: Well for starters you kept yelling “ Why am I so freaking stupid”.. and then you’ll hit the bench..
Jungkook: Wait!!!.. Are you telling me I was actually talking out loud!!
Unknown: Yip!!
Jungkook: Oh sorry, oh I have to go now bye..(waving)
Both Unknown: Bye (waving)

Unknown #1 POV
I can’t believe this guy is so stressed, he looks so young why would he be so stressed. I don’t know if I should stop him and talk some more maybe he would tell us why he’s so stress, but that would also be kind of weird seeing as he doesn’t know us and we don’t know him either.. Wait.. I didn’t even ask him his name.

Unknown #2 POV
Wow he’s cute... I wonder what his name might be.. Maybe I should go and ask him, but wouldn’t that be awkward seeing as we just met, and it wasn’t a real meeting... It was just a accidental meeting, maybe my friend will ask or maybe she’s also thinking that it might be super awkward... Gosh he’s really so cute, I really wanted to know his name..(whining)

Jungkook POV
Okay now that I probably just made a huge fool out of myself I better get out of here and try to locate my home. I still can’t remember the street’s name... Mmmm...what was it again.. Arrgghh... I’d don’t know. I..... (Hears footsteps)... Wait am I being followed or what..... No maybe its just the stress getting to me. So if I turn here maybe I would.. No... Why does it seem I keep going in circles...

Normal POV
Jungkook kept walking hoping to locate something that would remind him of his house, but each turn he took was exactly a the same he was before and to make his stress level go even higher... Each step he took.. The sound of extra footsteps could be heard.., his thoughts were being disturbed seeing as he’s a little confused to his current surroundings, and to make things even worse was that part of his memory seems to be missing. Jungkook finally decides to try something. The young boy starts walking faster and could hear the footsteps following his pace... He starts to run to anywhere he could find to hide..

Unknown #1 POV
What!!.. Where could he have gone.. Oh no we lost him... what do we do now..???....

Jungkook: Why are you following me??
(The two unknown girls stood in total shock, hearing a voice coming from behind them)
Unknown #1: We... Umm.. we just.....
Jungkook: You just what!!
Unknown #2: How do you know we were following you??... I mean how can you be sure??
Jungkook: Well seeing as you just spoke to each other saying “ Where could he have gone”... gave me clear indication you were following me... So speak up!!
Unknown #1: Fine we just wanted to know what your name was, and also why you were so stressed??
Unknown #2: Yes, you also kind of looked confused, like you didn’t know where you were heading.
Jungkook: Well.. I’m heading to my house but I’m  little lost seeing as I haven’t been this side of the country in 2 years.. Oh and my name is Jungkook.. Jeon Jungkook..
Unknown #1: Oh, if you like we could help you look.. Oh and my name is Mercyl.
Unknown #2: Yeah, we like to help people... And my name is Marijosh...but you can call me Mari
Jungkook: Well thank you, I’ll appreciate that.

Normal POV
Jungkook and the girls now known as Mercyl and Marijosh headed to different parts of town looking for any sign that could help them find Jungkook’s home, but walking for 2 hours straight they found nothing, not even a small clue. The young Jungkook and his now new friends decided to take a little break and headed inside a little Café shop to grab a little bite to eat... Before they continue their little search.

Jungkook POV
I can’t believe we walked for hours and couldn’t even find a single clue to where my house could be... I mean how is it possible for me to forget where I live... How is it possible for me to forget where I was raised..

Mercyl: Hey Jungkook are you okay?
Jungkook: Why can’t I remember...
Mercyl: Jungkook!!
Jungkook: Huh!!...what
Marijosh: Jungkook you spaced out again.
Jungkook: Oh sorry about that girls..( giggles)..

Mercyl POV
Why does he keep on spacing out?... What is he thinking about everytime he gets a time to rest... Just what might it be.

Marijosh POV
This guy looks like he might be having some serious issues.. I mean he spaces out even when he, just before we reached here.. He was almost hit by a car.. Jungkook what might be going on in your head..

Mercyl: Waiter!!
Unknown Waiter: Yes, may I take your order?
Marijosh: Yes I’ll have the burger and chips.
Mercyl: I’ll have the same. Thank You.
Jungkook: Oh I’ll have the cheese Burger and chips please.
Unknown Waiter: OMG!!!!.. Jeon Jungkook..waaahhh
Jungkook: Yes!...
Unknown Waiter: OMG!!.. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.. How are you??
Jungkook: Oh, I’m good and you?... Oh sorry who might you be?
Unknown Waiter: Wait??.. You don’t recognize me?.. Did I get that much cuter..(giggles)
Jungkook: Sorry.. I’m just having trouble remembering things.
Unknown Waiter: So you’re saying you don’t remember the chubby cheeks you used to pinch everyday at school..!!
Jungkook: No.. Not Wait.. BETH!!!..OMG.. You’ve grown so much.. (Jungkook stands up and gives Beth a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek)..
Waiter Beth: So now you remember. (Giggles)

Mercyl POV
What the heck is happening here?. It’s like me and Mari doesn’t exist and to make things worse I’m starving here... But Jungkook looks so happy.. I can’t ruin his happy face because I’m hungry (whines quietly).. I guess I’ll let him enjoy his happiness.. (Smiles)
Marijosh: Excuse me?.. I know you two are happy to see each other.. But I’m starving here!!.

Mercyl POV
But I guess Mari isn’t going to allow him to enjoy his happiness, seriously this girl Is so Savage.

Beth: Oh!!.. Sorry I’ll be right back.
Jungkook: Okay.
Marijosh: Sorry!!.. I just couldn’t wait.
Mercyl: You’re hasty as always Mari.
(15 minutes later. Beth finally brings them their food)

Mercyl POV
The food is here, but why does this Beth girl look at me and Mari.. As if we No... No... Can’t be.(Mercyl shows a face of concern)

Marijosh POV
The food looks delicious, time go dig in.. Wow even Mercyl has more chips.. Than... Wait why does Mercyl look so worried, she never looks worried..

Beth: Here you go Jungkook, enjoy and before I go just want to tell you be careful!!.
Marijosh: Mercyl, what’s wrong?
Jungkook: Beth thanks again.. Oh before you go..
Beth: Yes.. What is it?
Jungkook: This might sound silly but do you perhaps know where I live.. I kind of forgot.. I kind of got a message from my parents to come back home immediately.
Beth: Oh??.. I’m sorry Jungkook I don’t remember either, Oh but I wanted to ask but was a little scared, but could you come help me with those heavy boxes in the kitchen please..
Jungkook: Okay. No problem.. Excuse me girls.

Mercyl POV
I don’t like this Beth girl.. She looks as if she knows something and I’m hoping it’s not “THAT”.. We better make sure Jungkook doesn’t find out or things are going to get real messy.
Marijosh POV
This Beth girl seems to know something, but what... It just has to be something big to get Mercyl worried. I just really hope it’s not... No.. Can’t be.. (Turns her head to the kitchen)...

Mercyl: Mari I got a bad feeling about this!!
Marijosh: Do you think she...
Mercyl: Shhh!!.. Here comes Jungkook..

Mercyl POV
He looks like his normal self, but I can still see the stressed expression on his face. But he looks a little more calm..  No wait that’s not the face of a calm person. But in fact of a furious one.. Just what happened in there..

Jungkook: Are you girls done?
Mercyl/ Marijosh: Yes!!.. So let’s go, oh wait I’ll have to pay first.
Beth: Oh!!.. No need, since Jungkook is a old friend.. I’ll pay.
Jungkook: Thanks Beth. Bye (waves)

Normal POV
Jungkook and the girls started exiting the café but the moment they came outside it started to rain. The girls wanted Jungkook to stay inside the café until the rain stopped but Jungkook was too much in a hurry to get home and see his parents.

Jungkook: Let’s keep walking.
Mercyl: Okay fine!!
Marijosh: Okay.
Mercyl: Jungkook. May I ask you something?
Jungkook: Sure what is it.
Mercyl: What did you and that Beth girl talk about in the kitchen?
(Jungkook stops and breathed in deeply before answering)

Jungkook POV
I wonder what Beth wants to tell me, I mean it’s pretty obvious she doesn’t want me to help her with these chores and she kind of looks stressed  when I asked where my house is. I just hope it’s nothing big.

Beth POV
I can’t believe I have to tell him, I’m scared but I have to, he’s in serious trouble.... Okay Beth relax and do it.. Jungkook is your friend and he needs to know, even if your life depends on it... (Breaths in and out)

Normal POV
Beth stops... And slowly turns to Jungkook having a concern look on his face, Jungkook couldn’t help but just breath slowly seeing as he once remembered the look Beth would give once she’s about to talk about something serious and dangerous. Jungkook now being even more stressed just looked at Beth moving her lips and is about to talk and he himself doesn’t know what’s about to be said.

Beth: Jungkook, I want you to stay quiet once I tell you what I know!!... Okay..
Jungkook: You sound so serious, what wrong Beth??
Beth: Promise me Jungkook you won’t scream or be angry right away!!..
Jungkook: Okay fine I promise.
Beth: Okay.
Jungkook: So what is it??
Beth: You see the two girls you came in with right.
Jungkook: Yes Mercyl and Marijosh. What about them??
Beth: Don’t trust them!!
Jungkook: What!!.. Why not they are trying to help me find my house.. Why shouldn’t I trust them??..
Beth: Jungkook, I’ll tell you later but on to more serious matters. Well I don’t know how to say this but your parents died the day you went into the clinic!! (Small tears appear)
Jungkook:.............. What??
Beth: Your parents died in the same year *she* died..
Beth: I’m so sorry...
Jungkook: Oh....... Then how did I get a message from them??..
Beth: I sent that message..!!
Jungkook: You!!.. What??.... Why..??
Beth: Because the people that killed *her* and your parents knew in which clinic you were in.... But.... But...
Jungkook: But what??... WHAT BETH!!!!
Beth: Your girlfriend. She didn’t die in that crash, she was kidnapped before she got inside her car.
Jungkook: What???

Normal POV
Now the situation got way more stressful for Jungkook seeing as he’s girlfriend that was reported dead was in fact alive but is missing.. And to make matters worse his parents died, but Jungkook still confused as to how and why his parents are dead, still looks at Beth waiting for more answers.

Jungkook POV
What the hell is going on here??... First I get sent to a clinic and now I hear my parents are dead and my girlfriend is still alive, what is happening here but.. But why did she tell me to not trust Mercyl and Marijosh, what does not trusting them have to do with all of this.

Jungkook: Then how did my parents die??
Beth: They found the location of your girlfriend!!!
Jungkook: (Jungkook now in total shock)..... WHAT!!!
Beth: They were killed for knowing the location of your girlfriend..!
Jungkook: Where were they killed?...(tears started to fill Jungkook's eyes)
Beth: At the same house you’re searching for now!!
Jungkook:........ So they were killed in their own house??
Beth: Yes!!.
Jungkook: Oh!!... (Jungkook walks to a corner and just quietly sits on a chair and just starts crying)

Jungkook POV
My.. My.... Parents...why.... How will I be able to live without them.... (Heavy crying)... How will I be able to recover from this.. I mean first the accident.. Then the clinic.. Then the members are gone.. And now I have to hear this.. I can’t. I just can’t..

Beth: I know it’s hard and I’m so sorry to make things even worse now!!
Jungkook: What can be worse now..
Beth: Well remember when I told you not to trust those two girls..
Jungkook: Yes!!.. Wait why did you say that??
Beth: The two girls aren’t trying to help you Jungkook, they are trying to keep you away from that house!!
Jungkook: What!!.. Why would they do that??..
Beth: I recognized their faces. The moment they came inside the Cafe
Jungkook: What do you mean by that?.

(Beth gets out her phone and shows Jungkook a photo. The reaction Jungkook showed was even more surprising)
Beth: Your mom took this picture before they got killed.
Jungkook: Are they.... Are they....
Beth: They are part of the gang that killed your parents and also from the same gang that kidnapped your girlfriend!!
Jungkook:.................... (Pure anger could be seen on Jungkook’s face)
Beth: Jungkook, remember be calm act like you don’t know okay. They are probably going to kill me for telling you....
Jungkook: What do you mean by killing you for telling me.... Wait no...No Beth... Please...
Beth: Relax... I wasn’t a part of their gang, but before they killed your parents.. Your mom left a message for me, and she also told me that I should tell this to you before they come and kill me one day.
Jungkook: What was the message?
Beth: Okay remember it because I won’t be able to say it again.. “Leaves may fall one by one.. But the tree will remain standing”..
Jungkook: Leaves may fall one by one.. But the tree will remain standing, what is that suppose to mean?
Beth: I don’t know, I think you should go now before they get suspicious. Bye Jungkook I will miss you..( gives him a kiss on the cheeks followed by a hug)
(Flashback ends)

Jungkook POV
Now how am I suppose to answer Mercyl's question without her knowing I know about her and Marijosh plans. I have to come up with something fast or they are going to get suspicious, okay Jungkook think... Come on think use your Brains..
Jungkook: Okay I’ll tell you, but promise me you won’t tell anyone..
Mercyl/ Marijosh: Okay we promise.
Jungkook: She wanted to tell me that, the manager needs new employees and wanted to know if I was interested in working there.
Mercyl: Oh!!.. Okay..
(Wow seems that worked)
Marijosh: Cut the nonsense Jungkook, that’s not what you two talked about!!
Jungkook: Well Mari if you don’t believe me that’s your choice but I’m telling you the truth, can we walk now..
Mercyl: Yes let’s go.
Marijosh: Fine let’s go.

Mercyl POV
Well guess little Jungkook knows..

Marijosh POV
Seems he knows, now we can finally end this. I’ve grown tired of pretending anyway.

Mercyl: Jungkook there’s me more place we need to check out..
Jungkook: Oh okay, where..??
Mercyl: ( phone rings)... Oh excuse me quickly.
Marijosh: Well seems you might be home soon..
Jungkook: Yeah!!.. I can’t wait to see my parents.
Mercyl: Oh sorry Jungkook me and Mari has to go now, we got an important errand to run.
Jungkook: Okay.. Well thanks for your help.
Mercyl: No problem.

Mercyl POV
Seems *he* phoned just in time, Okay time to execute plan B. I hope Mari didn’t forget it.

Marijosh: Oh, Wait Jungkook I remember a place..
Jungkook: Oh really where??
Marijosh: We’ll you go straight, then you turn left.. Around that corner and then the first turn right.. There is suppose to be a huge building, Go through that and maybe you’ll find a clue.
Jungkook: Okay, thanks Mari.

Marijosh POV
Yeah, you can thank me now... Because there wont be a later.. Goodbye Jeon Jungkook.

Mercyl POV
Seems Mari gave him the directions, well was nice meeting you Jungkook.. And we’re sorry for what we did.

Jungkook POV
I’ve got to hurry!!... But I’m so tired seems all that walking around took more out of me than I thought.... Okay Marijosh said straight.... Okay then.. I turn left.. Seems this way... Okay... And ..then what??..around the corner okay.... So then the first turn right... Wow this building is huge.. Now what??.. am I suppose to enter...??????

Normal POV
Jungkook stood in front of a huge building that seems to be empty, but the young boy seems to be confused as to enter it or just go around it.  Jungkook stood still thinking if he should enter or just go around... After a few minutes of thinking he decided to enter the building.

Jungkook POV
I think I should enter.... Wow the door is unlocked maybe it’s a sign I should go in.(slowly opens the door)...Hello!!!.. Anyone in here..!!... Oh seems no one is here.. Oh there’s a light at the end of the hall maybe I should check it out..

(Jungkook walks through the dark hall, taking each step carefully.. Seeing as he’s unknown to this strange building. He walks closer and closer to the door but to he’s unknown surprise the door is locked)

I could’ve sworn there was a light coming from this path, but why is it suddenly dark here..(tick tick).. Maybe it was just the light from outside shining through the hall..(tick tick).. I have to get out of here..

(Jungkook now panicking seeing as the door at the back of the building seems to be locked..)
Maybe if I try the door on the left..(runs towards the door. Tries to open it but it’s locked).. Why is this door locked as well..

(Jungkook walks back and tries the door on the right but to his surprise it’s locked as well... Now the young boy already tired, seems to be in a total panic)

Where do I go now, I tried all the doors why am I even in this building Marijosh told me to come here, but this place seems to be aban.... doned...

Beth: Whatever you do, don’t trust them!!..
(Flashback ends)

Jungkook POV
She told me not to trust them but I didn’t listen, why didn’t  listen.. NO!!!... NO!!!.. I have to get out of here..(tick tick tick).. I have to go... I have to..

(Jungkook runs to the entry but bad news for him, the door happens to be locked. Jungkook now not knowing what to do goes in total shock).

Mercyl: We’re sorry Jungkook!

(Jungkook looks up to find Marijosh and Mercyl standing outside holding the keys to the building)

Jungkook: What do you mean by saying sorry?
Marijosh: Are you really that clueless!!
Mercyl: We were ordered to get you into this building.....
Marijosh: And to also locked it after you entered.
Jungkook: But why??
Marijosh: To kill you of course!!
(Jungkook shocked at hearing those words, couldn’t say anything)
Mercyl: So I hope you don’t take this too personal!!
Marijosh: No you’ve got it wrong Jungkook.. We’re not trying to kill you!.
Jungkook: Really??.. Then what are you trying to do??
Mercyl: Well when you succeed in killing someone it isn’t called trying...
Marijosh: It’s called SUCCEEDING!!!.

(Jungkook suddenly hears ticking noises)

Marijosh: Seems we better go Mercyl. The bombs are about to explode.. Bye Jungkook. (Smiles while waving)
Mercyl: Bye Jungkook.. See you.. Oh wait I don’t think I will (Gives an evil laugh... Or tries to)
Jungkook: No.. No... Don’t do this please!!!..PLEASE!!!

Normal POV
The now really afraid Jungkook slowly walks backwards knowing he’s about to die, looking up into the roof as tears slowly starts to drip down his face. Jungkook gives up hope, as he hears the ticking noises going faster and. Faster..

Jungkook POV
I’m so sorry everyone, I’m so sorry *her*.. I couldn’t save you...I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you mom and dad.. I’m so sorry I was so weak.. I’m so SORRY!!!...I’m.....BOOM!!!!!...

(Suddenly Jungkook hears a noise coming from the left side of the building)

What..!!.. The door is open but how??..(He stands up as fast as he could.. And just starts running to that door. Finally getting outside he runs towards the far side of the city, but someone wearing a black hoodie and black jeans starts following him.. they finally reach a distance)
BOOM!!!(The building explodes..)

(Jungkook and the now unknown person.. Breathing heavily from the running finally stops)

Jungkook: Wow I made it out!!...But who are you??
Unknown: I was the one who kicked open the door.
Jungkook: You did it!!..(Shocked)... Wow Thanks.
Unknown: Sure no problem.
Jungkook: But.. How did you know someone was inside??
Unknown: To tell you the truth.. I have no idea... I was just told to do that..
Jungkook: But anyway who are you?
Unknown: Well all I can say is... It’s been a while Jungkook..
Jungkook: How do you know my name??
(The unknown person removes his hoodie)
Jungkook: V!!!!
Taehyung: Now I’ll tell you, how I got to be here at this specific time..


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