8 3 0

The boys Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok rush out of that room as fast a they could in order to find the rest of the members. As they run they came across something that looked rather strange but no one knew how to explain it. Jungkook being the most scared stops to try and find something to use as a weapon but nothing, it’s like the room was changed when they were in the room.

Yoongi: Did something change here or..
Jungkook: Did you notice it as well..
Hoseok: But how can someone change the room.. In a few minutes..
Yoongi: Don’t know but one thing is for sure..
Jungkook: These guys are pro's..
Yoongi: I get the feeling..
Hoseok: It’s the same people that killed Nana and Jill..

Jungkook POV
Same people that killed Nana and Jill.. What are these hyungs talking about. Am I going crazy or are they hiding something from me..

Normal POV
As Jungkook looks at Yoongi and Hoseok talking someone else seems to notice their presence but seems to be scared to come out of hiding. The mysterious figure looks at the boys trying to approach them but seems to be scared of something or rather someone

Yoongi: You can come out now..
(Jungkook and Hoseok looks at Yoongi)
Jungkook: What you talking about..?
Hoseok: Yeah.. It sounds as if..
(Yoongi points to the hallway)
Yoongi: The shadow of a girl can be seen..
(The boys turn to the shadow)
Jungkook: I see it.. But how can you be sure it’s a girl..
Hoseok: Because that looks like the girl Taehyung described..
Jungkook: What girl..

Normal POV
Yoongi and Hoseok starts slowly approaching the shadowy figure as to try and figure out if what they suspect may be real, but for some reason the closer they get to the girl the further away she walks. Yoongi tries to figure out if what he thinks may be correct but this girl seems to be scared.
Jungkook who’s still standing on the same spot couldn’t do anything as he has no idea what’s happening here, but fully trust Yoongi and Hoseok in whatever they are busy doing.

Yoongi: Small figure..
Hoseok: Thin but not too thin..
Yoongi: Hair that seems long..

Jungkook POV
What the... What are these guys talking about.. Small figure. Thin but not too thin and hair that seems long.. Are they rehearsing a play or what.. Wait.. No it can’t be..


Taehyung: One of my friends.. She is really pretty. Especially when she smiles. It’s so cute..
Jungkook: Okay.. So tell me more of her..
Yoongi: Yeah.. Seems you like her..
Taehyung: I like them all..
Yoongi: So describe her to us..
Taehyung: Well she’s.. Thin but not too thin.. Her hair is long from far.. But up close it’s short.. And her figure.. Is small..
Yoongi: Nice.. So what’s her name..


Jungkook: HANNA!!!
(Yoongi and Hoseok turns around )
Yoongi: So you noticed..
Jungkook: Yeah.. She’s everything Taehyung described her to be.. But..
Hoseok: Yeah.. For some reason she’s scared..
Yoongi: More like terrified..
Jungkook: But if Taehyung found out about this..
Yoongi: Yeah.. He’ll kill the person that did this to her..



Jimin POV
Wow ... I have to hand it to Jazzeel she’s tough but why is she giving me so much openings.. I mean this isn’t her.. And her eyes..

Normal POV
As Jimin charges at Jazzeel.. He somehow got the advantage and lay on top of her to try and pin her down.. And seeing as its worked something else caught his attention. Jimin trying to figure out what the hell might be the reason for this sudden change of Jazzeel... But she somehow gets it right to cover it.
The whole laying on top of her suddenly started looking awkward and he immediately starts moving off of her, but something seems to be holding him down.

Jimin: What.. Why can’t I get up..
Jazzeel: Please.. I can’t..(tears falling)..
Jimin: Jazzeel.. Why you crying..
Jazzeel: I.. I... Just..(looks away)

Normal POV
As Jazzeel tries to say her words the door suddenly goes open. Jimin and Jazzeel both looks at the door at the same time hoping it isn’t the enemy as they know they both aren’t ready to face these guys. Jimin moves to the side but Jazzeel still holding him.. Begins to whimper..

Jimin: Why are you.. Wait.. Jazzeel are you..
Jazzeel: I..(gets closer to Jimin’s chest)

Jimin POV
What is Jazzeel doing .. She seems no.. What is happening here.. Is she scared..(big eyes)..

Normal POV
The door begins with the creaky noises as the footsteps of something or rather someone could be heard. The footsteps began to come closer and closer and each step made Jazzeel whimper and made Jimin more scared.. Since the one who taught him about fear being the weakness. Seems to be terrified.. And he doesn’t know why..
Jimin turns around and hugs Jazzeel in order to cover her from anything or anyone that’s about to enter this room.. But..

Taehyung: Wow.. I didn’t know we were suppose to get all touchy feely with our enemy.. Yo Namjoon come look at this..
(Namjoon enters the room)
Namjoon: Woah.. Jimin get a room.. Or wait.. This is a room and..
Taehyung: Yeah.. Seems we are interrupting..

Jimin POV
I’m officially going to kill myself now..

Jimin: What are you guys doing here..
Taehyung: Sorry didn’t mean to interrupt..
Jimin: We .. We weren’t..
Namjoon: (smirks).. No need to explain..
Jazzeel: Who are these people..?
(Jimin turns to Jazzeel)
Jimin: Oh the crazy one.. (Points to Taehyung).. His name is Taehyung.. And the other one..
Namjoon: I’m Namjoon.. Nice to meet you..
Jazzeel: Nice to meet you too..(smiles).. I’m Jazzeel..

Namjoon POV
Jazzeel.. Wait is she the girl that trained Jimin to get over his fear.. But why does it look like she’s terrified of something..

Taehyung POV
Jazzeel.. The one who got over fear.. But.. Her look is the same as Mercyl and Marijosh.. But just tell me what the hell is happening here... I mean the ones who we feared seems to fear other people... Does what Mercyl and Marijosh said. True..

Namjoon: Jazzeel is it.. Nice name..
Taehyung: Jimin.. Why is your teacher so scared...
Namjoon: More like terrified..

Normal POV
Jimin looks at the boys wondering what to tell them, but nothing comes to mind as the hold on him from Jazzeel seems to be getting tighter. Jazzeel looks at Jimin trying to ask for help but something gets her shaking which gets Jimin’s attention and worried..

Jazzeel: (smiles)..
Jimin: Why you smiling Jazzeel..
Jazzeel: They are coming for me... And I’m not strong enough to face them so ..
Jimin: Don’t say that..
Taehyung: They are the people that even Mercyl and Marijosh fears..
(Jimin looks at Taehyung)
Jimin: What you talking about..
Jazzeel: There are people who are stronger and way more dangerous than us..

Normal POV
As Jazzeel started with her story someone suddenly came inside the room with a girl in his arms. The boys turn around to be face to face with their teammates. Taehyung seeing Jungkook looking okay.. But turns to the girl in Yoongi’s arms and pure joy could be seen on his face. Taehyung quickly takes Hanna from Yoongi’s arms and puts her on the floor and came to relief when he felt she still alive.
Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi walks inside the room to find out why they are all gathered here ..

Jimin: Jazzeel was about to tell us something..
Yoongi: What exactly..
Hoseok: Does it have something to do ..
Jungkook: With a dead body inside the main office.

Hearing that came to a shock to the rest especially Jazzeel as what she feared has already began.

Jazzeel: Did that someone have a Bandana on her head.. A..
Yoongi: Blue and Red one yes..

Jazzeel POV
No.. How could they be this fast.. There’s no way they could be moving this fast.. I mean they only came here a few minutes ago..

Namjoon: Jazzeel.. What’s going on..
Jazzeel: I’m about to tell you all something which will probably be really hard to hear..
Namjoon: Wait..
Jazzeel: I thought you guys were suppose to be Seven boys..
Namjoon: Yeah.. I just noticed Jin isn’t here..
Hoseok:.. I didn’t see him..
Jazzeel: You guys have to get him as soon as possible..
Taehyung: Jin hyung can handle himself..
Jimin: Yeah..
Jazzeel: No.. You don’t understand..

Normal POV
Jazzeel starting to get really serious with her speeches, gets the boys full attention. Jimin looking most worried as each sentence she says her hold unto him got more tighter and it started to hurt. Jazzeel continues to tell them what they are about to face and how things are about to get really serious..

Jimin: What don’t we understand..?
Jazzeel: The people who are really dangerous right now..
Yoongi: The ones who killed Jill and Nana..
(Jazzeel looks at Yoongi and starts crying)..
Jazzeel: Nana.. Is dead.. (Cries)..
Hoseok: Yeah.. She looked super scared before she died.. why..
Jazzeel: The people who trained us.. Seems to have turned and wants us dead because we know a lot.. But..
Namjoon: But what..
Jazzeel: They only arrived a few minutes ago.. And already..
Yoongi: Already caused so much destruction.. Just how strong could they be..(worried)
Hoseok: This isn’t going well.. What could we be facing..(scared)..

Yoongi POV
Came in a few minutes ago and already killing people who we thought are really dangerous like its nothing.. We can’t go up against these people..

Namjoon POV
People came in a few minutes.. And kills.. Wait.. What does this have to do with..

Namjoon: You said something about Jin.. What did you..
Jazzeel: They know all of you.. And they know all your moves.. But..
Taehyung: But what..
Jimin: What is it Jazzeel..?
Jazzeel: They said.. They will lure one of you out and make sure to send a message to the rest..

Normal POV
Namjoon being the closest to Jin gets a sudden urge to kill someone.. Seeing as this new news seems to be a real serious one.. Especially since Jin is all alone and no one knows where he may be. Jazzeel finally releasing the hold she had on Jimin, and trying to stand up but struggles but luckily Jimin was there for support..
Jazzeel now finally on her feet looks at the boys and could see all their fears are gone and only pure anger could be seen.

Jazzeel: I could tell you all something.. You’ll just have to hope he doesn’t go to the top floor..
Jungkook: What..!!
(The boys look at Jungkook).
Taehyung: What’s wrong.. Kookie..
Hoseok: Why are you looking like that..
Jungkook: Me and Jin was on the top floor when..
Namjoon: When what..
Jungkook: When he met someone.. Who reminded him of his past..
Jazzeel: No.. How does she look..
Jungkook: Long hair.. But her face was hidden but Jin remembered the scar..
Jazzeel: On her neck...

Normal POV
Jazzeel finishing the sentence got all looking at her. Jimin who knows Jazzeel the best could see she’s freaking out and it doesn’t look like she’ll stop anytime soon. Jimin walks up to her and gives her a hug, but something seems to be strange, her voice seems to be getting less by each breath..

Namjoon: Jimin.. She’s..
Yoongi: But how.. We were with them the whole..
(The boys look outside the window)
Taehyung: There are girls. On the roof..
Jimin: Who are they..
Jazzeel: They... Are... The... Ones... Who..(totally falls over)..
Jimin: Jazzeel.. Jazzeel... Wake up..
Namjoon: We have to find Jin..
Yoongi: Let’s hurry...

Jimin POV
Please.. Please dont die.. Jazzeel..(sobs)..wake up please.. I can’t do this without you.. Please wake up ..

Normal POV
Jimin who still has a dead Jazzeel in his arms stayed behind while the rest went looking for Jin. The boys ran rather fast but Taehyung who’s turning around sees Jimin isn’t with them. Taehyung turns around and runs back to where Jimin was still suppose to be.

Jimin: Please Jazzeel..
(Taehyung enters the room)
Taehyung: Jimin we have to go..
Jimin: (cries).. How am I suppose. To..
Taehyung: You can take all that anger out in whoever did this..
(Jimin looks at Taehyung)
Taehyung: But for now.. Staying with her won’t help anyone.. Our teammate or rather brother is in danger and needs our help..
Jimin: Then let’s go..(stands up)

Normal POV
Taehyung and Jimin rush to where the rest of the boys are, but something seems to be wrong as the members are all standing still on one spot. Jimin and Taehyung walks closer to the group but they could see something or rather someone laying in front of them.
Taehyung walks closer with Jimin not far behind. Finally seeing the body..

Taehyung: Who is he..
Jimin: And why does he look like Jin..


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