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Taehyung POV
I could see he still has the sadness inside him, I mean who wouldn’t if your girlfriend died.. Especially when you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her. I just really hope Jungkook can try to get over Madelyn because I can see deep inside of him the thought of her not being with him is really killing him.

Jungkook POV
I really have to find more clues to where Madelyn can be. I know now that she isn’t dead but kidnapped but how... Just how am I suppose to find her if all the leads are gone and to make it things worse people are after us as well. I have to tell Hyung about Madelyn.

Jungkook: V Hyung.. There’s something I have to tell you..
Taehyung: Yeah sure what is it..
Jungkook: Earlier when I came to this town.. I met Beth..
Taehyung: You mean Cute Cheeks Beth...
Jungkook: (Jungkook stares at Taehyung).. Seriously..
Taehyung: What..(laughing)..
Jungkook: Anyway... She told me that Madelyn. Didn’t die in that accident.. In fact she was kidnapped..
Taehyung: WHAT!!
(The people in the Cafe started looking at Taehyung)

Jungkook: Yes... That’s why the people are still coming after it looks like they came after you too..
Taehyung: Maybe it’s because.. We are friends..
Jungkook: Could be..
Taehyung: But why haven’t you gone to your parents..
Jungkook: Because it seems they found out where Madelyn was being held hostage.. And was...(starts crying..)..
Taehyung: No... Don’t...don’t tell. ..Me..(drops a few tears)..
Jungkook: Yes they were killed..

Normal POV
Taehyung stood up from his seat and moved to Jungkook’s side to hug him. The boy was finally starting to let out the sadness he held for so long... And he was finally happy that he had someone who was there to support him. Taehyung sat with Jungkook until he knew Jungkook was okay.
Jungkook cried for a few minutes before he finally stopped. Taehyung stood up and went to ask for tissues so Jungkook can wipe the tears.

Taehyung POV
I couldn’t imagine what Jungkook went through, first he lost his girlfriend... And now he found out she was alive but his parents died or rather was killed by probably the same people that kidnapped Madelyn. Just how do I make a guy that’s been through so much feel better again.

Jungkook POV
The sadness I’ve suppressed for so long has finally gone down a bit, and I’m totally grateful Hyung was here or I’ll be all alone. I don’t know what my next move will be but I just hope V Hyung will be able to help me with this.

Taehyung: Jungkook, I think we should try to look for clues to what really happened.
Jungkook: (shocked).. Will you help me with that Hyung.. Really!!
Taehyung: We’re like family and since your mom and dad was like my parents too, I’ll take it as they killed and ruined our family. So hell yes I’ll help you.
Jungkook: Thanks Hyung..

CRACK!!!... CRACK!!!.(The sound of falling plates and glasses could be heard)

Normal POV
The whole restaurant looked at the direction where the kitchen is, as they can hear plates and stuff breaking inside. Jungkook and Taehyung starts laughing as the sound of things breaking remind them of someone they know.

Taehyung: (laughing).. That sound of things breaking remind me of ...
Jungkook: (laughing).. It does sound like..

(Jungkook and Taehyung turn around hearing what they both thought might be their long lost friend)
Taehyung: Did I just hear that person say Namjoon??
Jungkook: I was going to ask you the same question..
Taehyung: Do you think it might be him..(shocked)..
Jungkook: I don’t know.. (Surprised look)... But what would he be doing here..

Normal POV
Jungkook and Taehyung both wondering who this person may be, if it may be their friend Kim Namjoon or perhaps someone with the same name as their best friend. The two look at the kitchen hoping to see a glimpse of the person but no luck. Taehyung sees the waiter approaching their table.

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