13 4 0

The boys ran away from the house with a very scared Jungkook in the middle. Yoongi leading the group to a safe location, tries to think while running but each idea comes as bad one. The rest of the boys not knowing what to do, as the two that normally comes up  with ideas aren’t there anymore, and just thinking of that makes Jungkook very sad.
Jungkook tries to speed up but each time he does Yoongi runs in front of him while looking back. Hoseok seeing what Jungkook is trying to do runs faster until he was next to him.

Hoseok: You have to trust what Yoongi is doing Jungkook.
Jungkook: But it doesn’t look like he has a plan..
Hoseok: Still... Each time you try something, you’re making him lose focus.. You just have to trust him..
Jungkook: Fine... Sorry..

Normal POV
The conversation between Hoseok and Jungkook didn’t come unnoticed, as Taehyung seems to wonder what is going to happen now with Jungkook. The boys finally came to a stop as Yoongi seems to have arrived at a strange apartment, but the members seems to be confused as to why Yoongi would stop at this dirty apartment.
Yoongi starts signalling them to follow him but the members except for Jimin and Hoseok seems to be worried as to what this place could be.

Hoseok: Come in Jungkook and Taehyung..
Jungkook: What is this place..??
Taehyung: Yeah looks creepy..
Jimin: Just get in here before we get noticed by our followers..
Taehyung: What do you mean Followers..
Jimin: Yoongi picked up pace, because seems someone was following us..
Jungkook: What!!!
Yoongi: Better hurry Jungkook... Go upstairs on the third floor..
Hoseok: Follow him Taehyung..
Taehyung: What about you guys..??
Jimin: We’ll be there in a minute..
Jungkook: Okay..

Jungkook POV
This place looks really scary I mean the windows are broken and the stairs look as if It can break at any moment, but for some reason Yoongi thought it was a good idea to bring us here why... Why did he think a run down apartment was a good idea to hide out.

Taehyung POV
A run down apartment what the hell, why didn’t he take us to a bridge instead. The whole building looks as if it will fall on us at any minute ,but Noo it is a safe place...

Jimin: Taehyung.. Stop giving that face..
Taehyung: What face..
Hoseok: The face of disappointment..
Taehyung: Don’t worry I’m perfectly fine with a building that is about to fall on my head..
Yoongi: This is the last place they’ll look... So stop complaining..
Jungkook: Fine.. So which room..
Yoongi: Follow Me..

Normal POV
Yoongi led the boys to a room that looks to be their place for the time being, but for Jungkook and Taehyung this seems to look like a nightmare. Jungkook not liking the place tries to talk to Yoongi but he doesn’t seem to be in the mood for talking. Jungkook and Taehyung who’s not comfortable being in this apartment tries to walk around the whole building but Jimin stops them before they could exit the room.

Jimin: What’s wrong with you two..
Jungkook: I’m just not used to..
Hoseok: Well get used to it..
Yoongi: At this critical moment, we don’t worry about living arrangements only surviving and helping you with Madelyn..
Taehyung: Fine..
Jungkook: Okay I’m sorry..
Jimin POV
I’ve never seen Yoongi looking so serious before, or at least never in a while. The certain look is like a guy who’s out of ideas... Wait... Does this mean...

Hoseok POV
I’ve seen that face. And Yoongi has no idea what to do next... Or could it be..

Hoseok: Yoongi did you take your meds..
Yoongi: I’ve lost them when we were running...
Jimin: What!!!.. Dude you know you should take them ..
Hoseok: Jimin plan B for Yoongi hurry...
Jimin: Right.. Jungkook and Taehyung.. Stay here by Yoongi and make sure he doesn’t leave this place.. Got it..
Jungkook: Yes..
Taehyung: Got it...

Normal POV
Jimin and Hoseok finally realizing why Yoongi has been acting strangely finds themselves in trouble. The two boys hurry to try and find something to help Yoongi before the poison he once had starts getting worse again. Yoongi knowing what the poison was actually for tries to hold himself, but for some reason the poison seems to be working faster than normal
Jungkook looks at Yoongi’s reactions not knowing what is going on tries to look at Taehyung for answers, but he himself has no idea what is happening now. The time has gone by so fast that Jimin and Hoseok finally arrived to find a sleeping Yoongi and a very scared Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jimin: What happened??
Jungkook: He... He....
Hoseok: What..??
Taehyung: Someone came here...and gave Yoongi something..
Jimin: Why didn’t you lock the door..
Jungkook: We did.. But..
Jimin: But what!!!
Taehyung: They said they knew Yoongi..
Hoseok: They???
Jimin: What do you mean they...??
Jungkook: It was two girls..
Jimin: Wait. Did...
Taehyung: Before the door was kicked open by them Yoongi told us to hide..
Hoseok: Kicked who..
Jimin: Could it be..
Yoongi: NANA AND JILL!!!!!
(Turns around to see a sweating Yoongi)
Jimin: How did they find us..
Yoongi: I led them here...
Taehyung: Why..
Yoongi: You’ll find out soon enough..

Normal POV
Before Yoongi could finish the rest of his sentence he collapsed. Jimin and Hoseok rushed to his side and gives him something that seems to look like the antidote, but to Jungkook and Taehyung’s unknown knowledge they had no idea what he was given.
The night started approaching as Jimin decided to have first watch so Jungkook and the rest of the boys could sleep, but Hoseok not wanting to let Jimin be by himself offered to stay up with him.

Jimin: Do you think it will work.?
Hoseok: I hope so..
Jimin: These two look rather scared and...
Hoseok: I know... Protecting people that are scared will make the job harder..
Jimin: Yeah.. But for some reason I sense they are more determined than scared..
Hoseok: Yes..
Jimin: Let’s see what tomorrow brings us..
Hoseok: Yeah...

Normal POV
The rest of the night went by rather quiet as all the boys were able to have a nice quiet nap. Jungkook being the most tired among the group slept so soundly as he knows they are close to finding Madelyn and the others. Taehyung slept peacefully and dreaming of the good times he had with his friends.
Jimin and Hoseok finally done searching the area decided to take a nap themselves and make sure they are also well rested for whatever tomorrow may bring them.
[ 5hours later]

The boys finally seeing the sun rise knew it was time to get up. Jungkook still wanting to sleep tries to pull the blanket over him but Taehyung being stronger pulled it off. The boys knowing what is going to happen soon, enjoyed their last moment of happiness.

Yoongi: You better get ready..
Jimin: Yeah.. Let Jungkook go first...
Taehyung: Then me..
Hoseok: Yeah whatever..
Jungkook: Okay..

Yoongi POV
Why does it feel like someone is watching us..

Jimin POV
I get the feeling we’re being watched.. But I don’t know from which angle..

Hoseok POV
Seems Jimin and Yoongi noticed it too.. But how did someone find this place.. and where exactly can they be..

Normal POV
The boys now knowing they are being followed tries to keep everything calm, in order not to make Taehyung and Jungkook worried but for some reason that plan didn’t go as planned.

Taehyung: What is that shiny thing across the street..
Jimin: No... That looks like..
Yoongi: It can’t be... Is she...

Normal POV
Taehyung who went to the window suddenly sees something that so shiny that looks like someone is using a pair of binoculars, but Jimin and Yoongi seems to have noticed who the person is. Yoongi walks to the window and tries to get a better look but the certain person ran away.

Yoongi: Jimin...
Jimin: I’m on it.. Let’s go Hoseok...
Hoseok: Why..
Jimin: I’ll tell you.. On the way...
Taehyung: What’s going on..
Jimin: You don’t have to worry..
Yoongi: Jimin, Hoseok go... I’ll tell them..

Normal POV
Jimin and Hoseok hurried downstairs to find out who this person was that they saw across the streets. Hoseok who has no idea what they are heading for tries to ask Jimin what’s going on but Jimin looks at him to try and say “ Trust me”..
The run took a while as they got confused as to which floor and room this person was at.

Jimin: Which room..
Hoseok: Wait.. What you talking about..
Jimin: Someone was looking at our room and this person looked like..
Hoseok: Who??
Jimin: Taehyung’s missing friend..
Hoseok: But the only one that went missing was...
Jimin: Cleese..

Normal POV
The boys now finally having a really confused idea who this spy like girl might be, tries to make sure of their guessing.  Jimin looks at Hoseok as they both know what is about to happen.


Normal POV
Yoongi and Taehyung sit in the room waiting for Jungkook to finish showering but for some reason the Maknae is taking longer than he should.

Yoongi: Jungkook hurry up..
Taehyung: Why is he taking so long...Jungkook...
(No one answers)
Yoongi: No...(stands up and hurries inside the shower)..
Taehyung: He’s gone..

Normal POV
Yoongi and Taehyung kicked open the shower door to find Jungkook isn’t inside. The whole situation has gotten more troublesome as they know Jungkook wouldn’t run away so the only other problem would be.

Yoongi: Someone took him...
Taehyung: But how did they enter here..
Jimin: I know..
(Jimin and Hoseok enters the room)
Yoongi: You’re back.. And how did they..
Hoseok: There was someone next door...
Jimin: So the person who was looking at us..
Yoongi: No it was the one who..
Taehyung: Followed us..
( They all surprised by what Taehyung said)
Yoongi: How did you know..
Jimin: Because it was his former friend..
Yoongi: What you mean..

Taehyung POV
I don’t know if I should tell them.. But it seems they already know about Cleese.. I just don’t know how am I suppose to follow and reveal one of my best friends but now she kidnapped one of my best or more like my brother.

Taehyung: It was Cleese... Cleese Gin Yoo
Yoongi: Why didn’t you say something earlier..
Jimin: Because it didn’t look like she was going to do anything bad..
Taehyung: Exactly.. But I’m regretting my decision now..
Hoseok: Either way.. Let’s just try and find Jungkook.
Yoongi: Yes.. Let’s find some clues..

Normal POV
Yoongi and the rest of the boys now with more difficulty as to try and find Jungkook as well as try and get his girlfriend back has no more solution and  unfortunately has reached a dead end. Yoongi who’s suppose to be the one who comes up with ideas seems to have nothing in mind.
Jimin looks at the face of Taehyung as he realizes he has made a huge mistake by not telling them right away. The now very disappointed Taehyung sits down on his chair and couldn’t do anything but sulk.

Yoongi: Don’t sulk Taehyung.. Time to get to serious work..
Jimin: What you mean Yoongi..
Yoongi: If Jungkook was here this morning.. And disappeared as while ago..
(Taehyung quickly stands up)
Taehyung: Which means they aren’t far away..
Yoongi: Exactly..
Jimin: Let’s go..
Hoseok: I have a clue. But you won’t like it..
Yoongi: What is it..
(Hoseok hands Yoongi the phone)
Yoongi reads the message received by someone who seems to be unknown.

To: Jeon Jungkook..
I have Madelyn kept safely but if you don’t follow the girl I’ve sent then I won’t be responsible for what might happen to Madelyn next.
You have only 30 Minutes.. Be on time..

From: Unknown

Yoongi: Looks like things has gotten really difficult..
Jimin: Guess we have an idea where he might be..
Taehyung: We have to get ready..
Hoseok: Yeah..

Normal POV
The boys gets up and ready to rescue their young Jungkook who seems to have made a terrible decision by following this message. Yoongi who seems to be the worried one for the first time sees no solution to this problem but he has to keep a straight face in order help the boys keep their determination.
Yoongi and the boys head out to find something or anything to help them find their lost friends.


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