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Namjoon POV
I know giving these youngsters weapons is dangerous but we’re about to enter enemy territory and being armed is the best way to come out safe. The whole idea of having weapons is scaring me but what else am I suppose to do.

Unknown Girl#1: Sorry Monie but we’re not in that kind of business anymore..
Namjoon: What you mean Choing?..
Choing: What I mean is that we got busted last time and we’ve been put under strict surveillance so yeah.
Namjoon: Fine.. I understand..
Choing: Yeah.. But what I can give you is the layout of that building..
Jin: What building..
(Choing looks at Jin)
Choing: You’re obviously going to infiltrate Ms.Nayeon’s building but there is something you should know about her..
Yoongi: What is that...
Choing: You’ll find out sooner or later. But I’m not going to be the one to tell you..
Namjoon: ........

Normal POV
The warning Choing gave the boys got them rather scared as the look on Namjoon's face didn’t go unnoticed. The look Namjoon only gives when he is scared could be seen on the expression he was giving as he saw Choing when she said that.
Yoongi trying to calm them all down as well as giving them hope as it seemed they were slowly but steadily losing it. Yoongi walks towards Namjoon and Jin seeing as they were standing in front of them all and facing Choing.

Yoongi: It’s time to go. Guys..
Jin: Yeah he’s right Namjoon let’s go..
Namjoon: See you later Choing..
Choing: Come back safety you all..
Yoongi POV
In my years of knowing Namjoon he’s never been scared, I know him for being worried but scared is not one of his favourite expressions.. So that could only mean we are about To go up against a foe that even scares the strongest of people..

Namjoon POV
I’ve seen that look on Choing before and that was when we were still young and battled against a really strong foe, lucky for us we just left with a few scratches and bruises.. But thus new look I’m beginning to worry.
I know I can go in there and save Ion but I can’t do that if it means sacrificing my friends.. I guess I have to..

Jimin: Don’t even think about it Hyung..
(Namjoon turns around to be face to face with the group)
Namjoon: What..  Why did you all stop..
Jin: We’ve never seen you so scared before and I get the feeling you were about to ditch us and go after Ms. Nayeon and her people by yourself..
Namjoon: What.. How did you??
Yoongi: You’re easy to read Namjoon ..
Hoseok: Yeah and you’re not going in there without us.. So better get used to us being by your side..
Taehyung: Yeah.. Better get used to us crazy ones..
Jungkook: You’ve helped us so far Hyung and leaving now will not be right.. So we’re going in there together and coming out of there together..

Namjoon POV
These guys they.. They are prepared for whatever may happen..

Namjoon: Okay.. Thanks.. Let’s do this..

Normal POV
The walk towards the building was rather long as they got lost a few times thanks to Yoongi listening to the directions of Taehyung and Jimin. Yoongi tried to look for any possible entry that didn’t have that much guards but he couldn’t seeing as they are rather prepared for the ones who are to enter this building.
The guards who are heavily armed look rather trained as well but that didn’t bother anyone except for Jungkook as he could see two of those guards looked rather familiar.

Taehyung: What’s bothering you Jungkook..??
Jungkook: Two of those guards...are..
Taehyung: Mercyl and Marijosh.. Crap things are going to be troublesome from the start..

Normal POV
Seeing the two who almost ruined Jungkook’s life, Taehyung starts getting hot inside as the anger he has goes wild. The rest of the group looks around at anything that could give them an advantage but nothing comes up until..

Taehyung: I’ll go..
Jin: What you mean by that...
Namjoon: Don’t tell me..
Taehyung: I’ll go and challenge them and give you all time to go in and do your thing..
Jungkook: Taehyung that’s suicide.. You’re going to go up against them both..
Taehyung: Don’t worry I can do this...

Taehyung POV
I must serious be crazy right here.. I mean to go up against two of the most dangerous people but if this could give them a chance to go through I have to do it.. It is like Namjoon and Jin said..” Going through with this plane might kill you”.. So I’ve made up my mind..

Jin: Fine... But you have to at least have a plan right.
Taehyung: Do I ever use my brain...
Jungkook: Wait... You mean...
Jimin: He’s going to face them without having a plan... That’s Taehyung for ya..
(Taehyung turns to Jimin and smiles)
Taehyung: Well I’m off see you guys. Inside..

Normal POV
Taehyung looks at each of the members as he stands up from hiding and started approaching the gate. The walk seems getting further and further away from Taehyung as each step he took made him feel as if this may be his last. The young boy finally came to a stand still as he was now finally in front of the main gate but no one seemed to have noticed him until..

Taehyung: YO... WHO HERE WANNA RUMBLE.!!!!

Mercyl and Marijosh hearing the voice and knowing who it belongs to quickly turns around to see a prepared Taehyung standing with his hands  folded in front of him..
Mercyl and Marijosh starts walking towards Taehyung and finally came to a stand still. The three look at each other neither one knows what to do or say until..

Marijosh: You’ve got guts coming here dude..
Taehyung: Wow.. First time someone said that to me..
Mercyl: You do know you or your friends ain’t coming through here right..
Taehyung: See the first time I saw you two I realized something..
Marijosh: What is that..(smiles)
Taehyung: That whenever you start getting too confident it actually means.. You are nervous..

Normal POV
Upon hearing that Mercyl and Marijosh came to a complete shock as they were struck by what Taehyung has said. Taehyung being himself and just saying anything that came to mind was actually shock seeing their faces when he said that.

Marijosh POV
This guy may not be as we thought.. I mean he catches on real fast or maybe he is..

Marijosh: What makes you think that...?
Taehyung: Well for starters I just made that up...
Mercyl: Then how do you know you’re right..
Taehyung: Your expressions just now.. You two were actually looking scared.. So that must mean.. I WAS RIGHT... (Smiles)

Taehyung POV
I am onto something.. I just hope all this talking gave the others a chance to infiltrate the building if not.. I’m serious going to go crazy..

Marijosh: You’re pretty good with stalling Taehyung..
(Taehyung looks at them..)
Taehyung: Why would I be stalling..
Mercyl: So we wouldn’t know about your friends infiltrating our base..

Taehyung POV
What... How did they.. Know... This isn’t going what if they...

Marijosh: Don’t worry we can handle you... Did you really think we wouldn’t be prepared...
Taehyung: What you talking about...
Mercyl: We are quite scary but the ones inside the building are way worse than us..
Taehyung: (looks scared).. But there’s something you don’t... Know..
Marijosh: What would that be..
Taehyung: (smiles).. My friends came prepared as well..

Normal POV
Taehyung stood his ground hoping to be able to at least stall them seeing as he himself knew he didn’t have anything that could stop these two girls so he kept his confident smile on. Mercyl and Marijosh seeing this look as an Insult towards them ordered the guard to open the gate to finally start this game that would cost someone their lives.

Marijosh: Confident as you are.. Let’s see what you got..
Taehyung: Truthfully I don’t like hurting girls.. But seeing as you tried to kill me and my friends this changes everything..
Mercyl: Quite confident indeed..(pulls out a gun).. What you going to do now..
Taehyung: In a line of duty or would I say if you work for a high rank boss.. You always need to be ready right..
Marijosh: What you talking about..

Taehyung POV
I truly hope this works... If not.. Then I guess this will be my last day alive.. and I won’t  be able to see Sarach.. Hanna and Hanbyeol. Again.. But if I do this they’ll be safe so whatever happens I’m going to save them..

Taehyung started walking through the gates and approach Mercyl and Marijosh..


Jungkook: Where are we heading to...
Jin: Don’t know I’m just following Yoongi...
Jimin: But does he know where to go...
Yoongi: You guys do know I can hear you right..
Nana: So can we...

Normal POV
The sudden voice of a unknown girl made the boys stop. The voice may be unknown to the rest of the members but to Yoongi it was like a nightmare..

Yoongi: Nana...

Nana walks out of the shadows and stood in front of the boys..

Nana: Yes Yoongi.. It’s been a while...
Yoongi: If you’re here.. That must mean...(turns around).. Jill isn’t far behind..
Jill: Hi.. Cute Yoongi... It’s been a while...

Normal POV
Yoongi looks at these two girls and gets ready to go up against them but before he does that looks at the members..

Yoongi: You guys go left from here and right after that... That will take you to the head office of Ms. Nayeon..
Jin: What about you...
Yoongi: I’ll have to handle my past sooner or later...
Namjoon: Are these the girls that...
Yoongi: Yes... They are..
Hoseok: I’ll help Yoongi... You guys go on ahead..
Yoongi: Nah.. You go help the others Hoseok...
Hoseok: Nope.. Let’s finish this quick. And we both go and help them..
Nana: You two sound confident that you’ll get through us..
Yoongi: Well.. Everything is a challenge right..

Normal POV
Jin and the rest hearing what Yoongi said immediately runs towards the first turn which is left. The run was rather quiet as they thought Nana or Jill would stop them but even that came to a shock to Yoongi as all they saw was a smile on the two girls face.
Yoongi stood towards Nana and Hoseok stood face to face with Jill..

Jill: It’s actually a good thing you are facing me Hoseok...
(Hoseok looks confused)
Hoseok: Why would you say that..
Jill: Your little friend.. At the hospital gave the wrong Info so I..
Hoseok: What did you do to her..
Jill: Her name was Kate right... Well all I can say is.. I hope she wakes up before the poison completely destroys her..(smiles)

Hoseok POV
They... They gave Kate the same poison as Yoongi.. But that has no antidote so..she could probably.. Already be..

Yoongi: Don’t let them play with your mind Hoseok..
Hoseok: (snaps out of it).. What..
Yoongi: Don’t underestimate that girl Kate... She knew what she was getting herself into when she helped you...
Hoseok: But what if she...
Yoongi: She’ll be fine you’ll see her again soon...
Hoseok: You sure... Yes.. I’m ready..
Nana: Yoongi is right you’ll see her again...
(Yoongi and Hoseok turn to their opponents)
Jill: But it won’t be on earth...

Normal POV
The situation between these four began getting intense as Hoseok seemed to have gotten mixed into this fight. Yoongi trying to get Hoseok to calm down as he could see the look he gave was meant to kill anyone who was in his way but for some reason something or rather someone was keeping him in check.
The two bad ones Jill and Nana seemed to be calm themselves especially when they are about to go up against Yoongi who promised to get revenge for what they have done to him a few years back.

Nana: Why so worried Yoongi..
Yoongi: Not worried Nana.. Determined..
Nana: Oh is that so... Well let’s get this show on the road..

Normal POV
As Yoongi and Hoseok get themselves ready for whatever Nana and Jill may have up their sleeves got a bit of a surprise as Nana takes out a needle, but to Hoseok it seems like a normal needle but not to Yoongi as the look he gave, gave Hoseok a concern thought as he stared at the Yoongi worried.
The now worried look on Yoongi has got Nana's attention.

Nana: Oh.. Where’s the determined look now..
Yoongi: (Sweating)...
Nana: Yoongi... Oh are you okay...come on its just a needle..
Hoseok: Yo dude what’s.
Yoongi: That’s the poison they used once before..
Nana: Correct but..
Jill: This one is way worse... It causes..
Nana: Instant death..


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