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It’s been a year after the devastating news of Jungkook’s girlfriend’s passing, and even though Taehyung wanted to be there for him, he was told to leave, seeing as Jungkook wanted to be left alone. Taehyung went home along with the rest of the group and just gave Jungkook his space. Two years have past and Taehyung finally finished college and went on to apply for a job in North Korea, seeing as he found it difficult applying for a job in the Southern side of Korea.

Taehyung POV
I can’t believe I had to move to North Korea just to keep my Job, I mean I’ve worked here for a few months and they still can’t see that I’m like  the only one putting any effort here....and to make things worse ,there were many chances to get me transferred to South Korea but my boss just looked the other way.... Why?.. does he like have a problem with me or something, just what did I do to get this type of bad treatment..

Unknown: Hi..
Taehyung: (turns around) Oh Umm...Hi..( confused look)
Unknown: You’re Taehyung right..
Taehyung: Yes I am.. I’m surprised you know my name.
Unknown: Oh?.. Why is that?
Taehyung: Because everyone here treats me like I’m  a outsider.
Unknown: Well I won’t treat you like a outsider.
Taehyung: Oh. Okay thanks, by the way what’s your name??
Unknown: Oh!!..My name is Sarach.
Taehyung: Sarach... That’s a nice name..
Sarach: Thanks.

Taehyung POV
This girl seems nice, and she doesn’t treat me like I’m an outsider... I think I’m going to hang out with her she’s cute too. I wonder if she’s a outsider like me.. that’s why she suddenly came to talk to me. I don’t want to think to much, maybe she’s just a friendly girl.

Sarach POV
I finally found the courage to talk with him, but I have to tell him something really important... But he won’t believe me. I mean we just met and me saying “that” all of a sudden would sound weird... So best would be to ask my best friend to help me gain his trust before we tell him “that”. I just really hope we can do it.

Sarach: So umm this may sound really weird seeing as we just met but...
Taehyung: What is it??
Sarach: Do you want to hang out later, it will just be me and my best friend..?
Taehyung: Yeah sure... I’ve got nothing else to do ..
Sarach: Really!!!...great!!!..(claps hands)
Taehyung: (giggles)..why are you clapping your hands..?
Sarach: Sorry I’m just being silly..

Normal POV
Taehyung and Sarach talked for a few more minutes, before the boss entered and ordered Taehyung to his office. Taehyung being the kind gentle guy followed the boss's orders and approached the office, but in the corner of his eyes he could see some workers standing together and gossiping.. But being the calm boy he was, he just ignored it.

(Enters the Boss's Office)

Boss: Why were you talking... When you were hired to work??
Taehyung: Sir. It was my break so I just decided to talk to her..
Boss: Next time go outside... When you want to talk GOT IT!!!
Taehyung: Yes Sir.

(Walks out of the office..)

Taehyung POV
What’s  with him he definitely has a problem with me, but still what the hell did I do to gain his hatred... I’m mean I’ve came to work for 7 months and had no warnings before why all of sudden. I’ve got to find out what’s going on in this building.

Normal POV
The day went on pretty difficult for the young Taehyung as he finished off his final paperwork. He started putting his things away seeing as it’s time for him to go home. But he started worrying as he put his last document into his bag. The boy now locking his office, walks to the elevator to be met by three boys that are waiting inside.

Boy#1: Yo outsider..
Boy#2: You do know you don’t belong here..
Boy#3: So why don’t you go back to wherever you came from Jerk..

Taehyung POV
What is it with these guys??.. Why do they treat me like this??...what did I ever do to any of them??...and why do I have so many questions lately... I mean I’m not the fighting type so I can’t fight against them, so what do I do now.. Just tell me what do I do now!!

Unknown: Hey Losers!!!
Boy#2: What did call us!!!
Unknown: Seems you’re deaf and a loser..
Boy #1: What do you want Hanna??
Hanna: Well why do you pick on this guy??... Are you scared he might be better looking than you three losers.
Boy#1: Arggh  please... Come on guys let’s get out of here..

Taehyung POV
Wow... Who is this girl??... She just practically saved me, but what was her name.. Hanna I think it was. I have to thank her but how do I do that when I just met her.

(Hanna turns to Taehyung)

Hanna POV
So this is Kim Taehyung. I have to say he’s cute... But why am I suddenly blushing...I never blush. Why does he make me feel like there’s butterflies in my stomach.

Sarach: Oh seems you made your mark again Hanna..
Hanna: Oh Sarach, sorry just had to..(laughs)
Taehyung: Oh...umm Thanks but who are you??
Sarach: Well Taehyung.. Remember when I asked if you could hang out with me and my best friend..
Taehyung: Yes..!!
Sarach: Well this is my best friend her name is Hanna.
Hanna: Hi. Nice to meet you Taehyung.

Hanna POV
It seems what me and Sarach feared is already happening, we have to make sure Taehyung is safe or something terrible might happen..

Sarach POV
Hanna and myself have to work fast to get Taehyung to safety and also tell him “that”...

Normal POV
Hanna and Sarach walked towards the stairs seeing as the elevator was already being used by the three boys, that almost attacked Taehyung. The three walked down the stairs but silently seeing as neither one of them had anything to talk about. The trio finally reached the exit and stood outside the building thinking of what to do next.

Taehyung: So where to now?
Hanna: Umm...I don’t now.
Sarach: Umm.. How about we grab a bite to eat?
Taehyung: Sounds good.. But I think got to go home, maybe we can do it tomorrow.
Sarach: Yeah sure

Sarach POV
Tomorrow sounds good.. It gives us more time to think of a plan to tell Taehyung what we’ve been trying to ever since he started working at our building. I’m still confused as to why he started working at our building seeing as there were lots of work in South Korea.

Sarach: Taehyung.. Wait!!!
(Taehyung turns around)
Taehyung: Yeah.. What’s up??
Sarach: May I ask you something??
Taehyung: Umm...Sure.
Sarach: Why did you come to work in North Korea... When there are so many jobs in the Southern side.
Taehyung: What do you mean by there’s so many jobs in South Korea???
Hanna: Are you trying to tell us you didn’t know!!
Taehyung: I’ve looked everywhere in South, but the places I went to see said they don’t have positions now.
Hanna: Okay, well we’ll see you tomorrow.
Sarach: Wait!!.
Hanna: Sarach not now!!
Sarach: Okay Bye
Taehyung: Bye

Normal POV
Taehyung walked away from the two girls, but he could still see the look on their faces that they are hiding something... something very important, but he doesn’t want to force it out of them. The young boy walks home quietly.. but a huge concern follows him as the path he normally takes is suddenly blocked.

Taehyung POV
This is weird, the road was just fine this morning... How can it suddenly have a working sign...or did I miss something. What do I do now?... I don’t know another way around... Other than this way..

Unknown Man: Do you need help.. Boy??..(evil look)
Taehyung: (turns around)... YOU!!!!..but what..........
(The unknown man suddenly grabs Taehyung...and covers his face)
Unknown Man: Now you’ll follow me...

Normal POV
Unknown to what’s happening now, Taehyung tries to get loose but the ropes that are tied to his arms.. Are way too tight. After struggling for a while the boy just finally gives up, seeing.. no matter what he tries he won’t be able to get loose. Now being taken to a building ,he is finally being put in a chair... but still being confused as to why he’s being kidnapped he just sits on the chair and observe... He tries to listen to the noises. But the air conditioner is too loud
(The unknown man removes his mouth tape)

Unknown Man: You’re name is Kim Taehyung right?
Taehyung: .............
Unknown Man: ANSWER ME!!!!
Taehyung: Yes...
Unknown Man: What are you doing in North Korea?
(The man getting frustrated at Taehyung's silence stands up...slaps him)
Unknown Man: Now the next punishment will be worse.. NOW ANSWER!!!
Taehyung:. (feeling the pain from the slap)...I’ve come to work here.
Unknown Man: Liar... YOURE LYING!!!
(The man stands up and gets ready to slap him again)
Unknown Woman: THAT’S ENOUGH!!!
Unknown Man: (Turns around)...But Mam.. He’s doesn’t want to answer.!!!
Unknown Woman: But being hares won’t help either
Unknown Man: Fine Mam....
Unknown Woman: Kim Taehyung.. Tell us the real reason you’re in North Korea??
Taehyung: I’m telling the truth Mam...I’ve come to seek work.

Unknown Woman
The boy seems to be telling the truth but...there is still something that is bothering me about him. I just can’t figure it out, is it maybe the fact that he’s a good actor or that he seems really scared. I guess I have to let him go but.. Still I need know if he found out about “that”...but it doesn’t seem like this kid knows anything.

Unknown Woman: Kim.. I’m going to ask you something.
Taehyung:....... (Just nods his head)
Unknown Woman: Have you met any people here in North Korea?
Taehyung: I’ve just met my co workers....
Unknown Woman: Those co workers are their names perhaps Sarach and Hanna.....

Taehyung POV
How does she know about Sarach and Hanna??.... How do I do this now...I can’t say yes... What if I do say yes and she goes and kidnaps them too. I’ve got to try and protect those two seeing as they helped me out at work as well.... but how do I handle this.

Unknown Woman: Well do you??
Taehyung: Everyone at my job treats me like an outsider, so No I don’t know those girls.
Unknown Woman: Interesting...
Taehyung: What??... What is interesting??
Unknown Woman: It’s just that...
Taehyung: WHAT!!
Unknown Woman: I never said they were girls!!!
(Taehyung shocked by his mistake)

Taehyung POV
What have I done, now they’ll hurt Sarach and Hanna for sure... What do I do?...what can I do?...I.... I have to think of something fast before something really bad happens to them.

Taehyung: Yeah of course I know they are girls...because there’s no way guys would be called Hanna and Sarach.
Unknown Woman: Oh... Yeah you have a point.

Taehyung POV
Seems I was able to think of something real fast.. that’s some good thinking even if I have to say that myself. I have to think of a way to get out of here, and go to Sarach and Hanna... to warn them of these people and fast too. I don’t want them to feel hurt or maybe worse.

Unknown Woman POV
This guy seems to know how to think fast... I like his style. Guess I have to let him go. Maybe he’ll lead us to them.

Unknown Woman: Okay.. Let him loose.
Unknown Man: WHAT!!.. Are you sure boss??
Unknown Woman: Yes I’m sure...
Unknown Man: Okay.. Boss..
Unknown Woman: But...... Take him to somewhere else first before you remove those ropes and mask.
Unknown Man: Yes boss. Should I also....
Unknown Woman: Yes..

Normal POV
The Unknown Man.. Now grabbing Taehyung  downstairs. The man finally reaches the downstairs lobby. Quickly goes to the car and puts Taehyung in the back seat. After about an hour’s drive the man finally comes to a stop... and climbs out of the car. The man takes Taehyung out of the car and stood on the same place he first kidnapped him. He takes his time removing the ropes and slowly speaks something in his ears.. But to Taehyung surprise he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. After some struggling Taehyung is finally freed from the ropes. And he removes his mask. Just to find he’s standing in the dark streets all alone and have no idea how to get home.

Taehyung POV
Where am I now?...just how do I get home. I’ve been in these streets but never this late. I’m lost.. I need help... I don’t know where to go...JUST WHAT DO I DO!!!!!!!!
( Taehyung suddenly falls down from too much stress)

Sarach: Taehyung!!!..
Taehyung: And now I’m hearing voices again..
Hanna: Taehyung!!!
Taehyung: I going crazy...someone help me please!!!
( Taehyung slowly closes his eyes)
(Sarach and Hanna runs to where Taehyung is lying.)
Sarach: Taehyung!! Taehyung.. Wake up..!!
Hanna: Sarach he’s not waking up....(panicking)
Sarach: Hanna. Grab his legs..

Normal POV
Hanna and Sarach grabs Taehyung by his head and legs, and slowly tries to carry him to their apartment. They finally reach their place...but they had to wait for the elevator... (10 minutes later) the elevator finally comes down. The trio walks into it and wait. Finally arriving on their floor Hanna opens the door. The night went on to be one heavy problem seeing as Taehyung hasn’t woken up and the two girls have no idea what is wrong with him.
(3hours later)
Three hours has passed and Taehyung still lays quietly on the bed.

Sarach: Hanna don’t you think we should take him to the hospital.
Hanna: I don’t know.. I really don’t know...
(Sarach and Hanna sat still and kept thinking what to do)
Taehyung: Arggghhh...
( The two girls suddenly hears the groaning of Taehyung and runs to his room)
Sarach: Taehyung!!.. Are you okay??... hey!!!
(Taehyung slowly gets up from the bed)
Taehyung: Where am I??
Hanna: You’re at our apartment!
Taehyung: Why am I here??
Sarach: You were passed out on the streets Taehyung... Luckily we were worried...and we came to look for you.
Hanna: What happened Taehyung??
Taehyung: I remember something but it’s not clear...
Hanna: Anything will help...

Taehyung POV
What’s happening here....why can’t I remember anything .... Wait...wait...I think I remember a glimpse of what might’ve happened but still it’s blurry....

Taehyung: I remembered going home after we met. And as I was walking home the road I normally take was suddenly blocked. Which was weird for me seeing as this morning it was okay...and everyone was walking on it... But. Then..
Sarach: Then what???
Taehyung: Someone grabbed me..and pulled me to the ground.. But luckily I was able to fight back...and then...
Hanna: Then what???
Taehyung: I saw nothing... For a whole while...but when I finally came to.. I was sitting in a chair and being questioned by a man...and then a woman...but I couldn’t see their faces because my eyes were covered..
Sarach: What did they ask you...???
Taehyung: They asked me if I knew you two...
( At that moment Sarach and Hanna stood total shock)
Taehyung: But before they let me go she whispered something in my ear....
Hanna: What was it???
Taehyung: She said.....

BANG!!!!!! (Someone kicked open the door)

Sarach: Who is there??
Unknown Woman: It’s been a while Sarach and Hanna...
Sarach/Hanna:  HANBYEOL!!!!

Normal POV
The shock on Sarach and Hanna's face couldn’t be described. As they stood face to face...with the unknown Woman who kidnapped Taehyung. The trio stood still.. And a now confused Taehyung looks at the girls and back to the woman who now is named Hanbyeol...but the confused expression didn’t go unnoticed as Sarach saw the look on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung POV
Just what the hell is happening right now?... I recognize this woman’s voice for sure. But why does Sarach and Hanna act like they know this woman...and why does it seem they are friends, were they in on it too... I mean the kidnapping... Just what is going to happen now.... I’m so confused..

Sarach POV
Just how do I explain this to Taehyung now.

Hanna POV
This is going to be huge trouble.

Hanbyeol: Hi Taehyung..
(Taehyung now shaking, doesn’t know what to answer)
Sarach: Taehyung it’s okay... Don’t be scared!
Hanna: Taehyung... Please let us explain..
(Taehyung stands up and slowly moves backwards)
Taehyung: You girls played me... You never considered me a friend..
Hanna: We did and still do...
Sarach: You’re our friend Taehyung.. Please let us explain.
Taehyung: If you were my friend.. THEN WHY DO YOU KNOW THE WOMAN THAT KIDNAPPED ME!!!!!

Normal POV
Sarach and Hanna now in a difficult position couldn’t answer. They had no real answer to that question. Taehyung moves closer to the window... but something red is glowing in his eyes. Sarach and Hanna knows exactly what that red light is.

(Taehyung gets down just in time. A bullet shoots through the window. Followed by plenty more)
Hanna: Hanbyeol did you lure them here...???
Hanbyeol: Maybe they followed me I don’t know...
Sarach: Anyway.. We have to get Taehyung to safety. And FAST!!!!

Normal POV
Shooting erupted in the girls apartment as men across from their building started firing, and aiming at Taehyung ... But to Taehyung confused surprise he has no idea why they are trying to kill him. Taehyung now crouching along with the rest of the girls, tries to exit the apartment but they soon realize the men may already be in their apartment building. The police sirens could be heard from a far away distance.. But the trio knows that it will take the police some time to arrive as well as to calm the matter down.
(1 hour has passed)
The police finally arrived to the shootout.. but their arrival seems to be just a little too late as the armed men already entered the building.

Sarach: Guys we have to find a way to get Taehyung out of here!!!
Hanna: But how??... These men are armed and dangerous..
Hanbyeol: I have a plan but before I do it...(looks at Taehyung)
Taehyung: What!! Why are you looking at me??
Hanbyeol: Taehyung I have to tell you something before I go...
Sarach: Hanbyeol... You should tell him., while Hanna and I try to keep these men from getting on this floor.
Hanbyeol: Will do!!... I’ll be with you girls soon.
Hanna: (laughs)...Hope these armed men know what they will be facing now!!
Sarach: Bye Taehyung.... I hope we get to meet each other one day again.
Hanna: Bye Taehyung..
(Hanna and Sarach now armed opens the door and goes)

Hanbyeol POV
I think it’s time for him to know before I go as well.. I just really hope he understands.

Hanbyeol: Okay listen carefully Taehyung.. When you go through that door..(points to the closet door)
Taehyung: But that’s a closet!!
Hanbyeol: No!!.. It may look like a closet but it’s actually a secret exit.. Okay anyway, you go through it and you follow these directions.. DON’T GO ANYWHERE ELSE BUT HERE UNDERSTAND!!
( Hanbyeol hands Taehyung a piece of paper)
Taehyung: Yes!!.. But what is there.?
Hanbyeol: I don’t exactly know what is going to happen, but all I want you to do it go there. Once you arrive in this specific place... I want you to remember these exact words..” The branches on the tree.. We will one day see”
Taehyung: The branches on the tree.. We will one day see.... What does that mean???
Hanbyeol: Just remember those words. Because they were given to me and the girls by the Jeon family.
Taehyung: WHAT!!!

Normal POV
The shooting finally happened on the same floor as where the girls were waiting, but they were outnumbered and couldn’t hold on any longer.

Sarach: OWW!!!
Sarach: Hanna.. Help....
(Hanbyeol turns around and looks at the door.. And back to Taehyung)
Hanbyeol: Hurry Up!!... I’ve got to go to them.. Bye Taehyung..
Taehyung: Bye

Normal POV
Hanbyeol now heading out to aid her fellow mates finally made the numbers seem fair even though they were still no match for these gunmen. The shooting lasted for hours but in the meantime Taehyung was finally able to escape.. And headed to where he was told to go.
(2 Hours of running)
Taehyung finally reached a bus stop. The boy searched his pocket for money and by his luck he still has some change left. He buys his bus ticket and waits for the bus to arrive... But the thought of what happened a few hours ago and the worry he has on his mind still haunts him as he has no idea if those girls has survived or died.
(45 minutes later)
The bus finally arrived. He stood up and climbed the bus., gave his ticket and looked for a seat. The bus drive was long and he was so glad he took the directions Hanbyeol gave him otherwise he wouldn’t have found the bus stop seeing as he would’ve gone the other way around. Taehyung now sitting in the seat suddenly feels sleepy and decides to take a nap.. But he overhears a man and a woman talking.

Man: Did you hear what happened on the highway close to Seoul?
Woman: NO!! what happened!!
Man: It seems there were people waiting there.. They started shooting a man but when they went for a closer look they realized they shot the wrong person.. but luckily the police found the men and arrested them.
Woman: Wow!!.. To think people would kill just to get pleasure out of it.
Man: No.. Its seems these men were hired to kill a specific man..but they didn’t say much.

Taehyung POV
Highway close to Seoul...(Taehyung suddenly has a shocked expression)...that was the path I would’ve taken. I would’ve taken that exact path if Hanbyeol didn’t instruct me to follow these direction.. Could it be that those men were actually trying to kill me, but an innocent man was killed instead..


Taehyung POV
I have to follow these instructions and directions. Hanbyeol said to head to this Cafe..
(Taehyung walks to this specific Cafe.. It takes him exactly 1 hour)
Okay.. Now that I’m here what do I do next. The instructions ends there...what do I do now. I mean I know I was suppose to escape but why to here and why stop at a Cafe.

Unknown Girl: Hi
(Taehyung Turns around)
Taehyung: Hi..
Unknown Girl: You must be Kim Taehyung right.. I’m surprised you don’t recognize me V..
Taehyung: The only girl I’ve ever known to call me V was.......BETH!!!
Beth: It’s been a while V..
Taehyung: Yes it has been. I’ve..(Taehyung was cut off by Beth)
Beth: V I know we’ve not seen each other for a long time but I need you to go to this address immediately...(Beth writes something on a piece of paper).. And before you go..
Taehyung: What!!
Beth: Be Careful!!

Normal POV
Taehyung sees the piece of paper and what is written on it, he immediately runs to this specific address. He arrives there in no more than 20 minutes and sees a huge building. Taehyung now confused as to why he’s here and what he’s suppose to do, suddenly walks to the front door and tries to open it but it was locked.. He goes to the left side. Its locked as well he tries all the sides but all are locked, now at a complete confusion he hears something but its really faint..” I’m so sorry everyone, I’m so sorry *her*.. I couldn’t save you...I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you mom and dad.. I’m so sorry I was so weak.. I’m so SORRY!!!...”.. the sudden voice of someone crying for help inside could be heard by him.
Taehyung now looking around for something to use , but he could see whoever planned this was really clever seeing as there was nothing to open this door. The only option left for him was to kick it open.

Taehyung POV
I’ve been running since this morning and I’ve been walking as well so kicking this door open is going to probably injure my leg, but someone is inside and desperately needs help. I guess I have no other choice. ONE... TWO.... THREE...AND..

Normal POV
Taehyung kicked open the door but by putting power into his leg to kick open the door the sudden shock by the kick pushed him to fall backwards. He slowly tries to get up, but suddenly sees a figure running really quickly away from the building.. But he could of sworn he knows this person. Taehyung stands up and puts his hoodie on and runs after this person. This familiar figure runs really fast and reminds Taehyung of someone he knows really well. The figure finally comes to a stand still... And the shock of Taehyung's face appeared again as well as a happy smiley face.

Jungkook: Wow I made it out!!...But who are you??
(Taehyung suddenly smiles under the now covered hoodie)
Taehyung: I was the one who kicked open the door.
Jungkook: You did it!!..(Shocked)... Wow Thanks.
Taehyung: Sure no problem.
Jungkook: But.. How did you know someone was inside??
( I can’t reveal to him I heard his cry out, so best to just think of a lie)
Taehyung: To tell you the truth.. I have no idea... I was just told to do that..
Jungkook: But anyway who are you?
Taehyung: Well all I can say is... It’s been a while Jungkook..
Jungkook: How do you know my name??
(Taehyung removes his hoodie)
Jungkook: V HYUNG!!!


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