19 5 1

The sudden appearance of Kim Taehyung came to a shock to Jungkook, as he hasn’t seen or heard from him for a total of 3 years. The young Jungkook looks at Taehyung, not knowing why he appeared and helped him but after Taehyung explained his side of the story and how he came to be at the same building Jungkook was trapped in, the whole situation became more confusing for the both of them.

Jungkook POV
I didn’t think V Hyung would go through all that difficulty. I always thought he would get a decent job, seeing as he was... Well he wasn’t  a bright kid in school but he still did good. I wonder what his connection to all of this may be.

Taehyung POV
Jungkook has sure grown up, can’t believe I’m looking at the same kid that always used to joke around. I must say these past few years sure did change him and I’m happy to see that.. but I can still see the hurt in his eyes, maybe it’s still hurting him. Well  I still have to do what Hanbyeol told me to do.

Taehyung: So Kookie, wanna grab a bite to eat?
Jungkook: Oh.. Yeah sure sounds good..
Taehyung: Oh yeah we can go to that Cafe.
Jungkook: Do you mean the one where Beth works?
Taehyung: Oh so you met her too, I saw she still has those cute cheeks..
Jungkook: Hyung why are you always talking about her cheeks..(laughing)
Taehyung: I’m just saying she’s got cute cheeks..(smiling)

Jungkook POV
And here I thought V Hyung changed seems he’s still the friendly crazy guy he always was. I have to say having him here makes me a little at ease, but I still get the feeling there’s something or someone who is trying to keep me from finding out the truth..

Taehyung: Kookie..
Jungkook:..(Still in thought)...
Taehyung: Kookie.. Are you listening to me..
Taehyung: JUNGKOOK!!!
Jungkook: What...Whaaa...
Taehyung: Dude were you spacing out.. What’s Up??
Jungkook: It best we go to the Cafe first then I’ll tell you..

Normal POV
Jungkook and Taehyung walked the distance back to the Cafe, but to Jungkook’s annoyance Taehyung wouldn’t shut up about how Beth and this new friend of his Hanna has the same cute cheeks. The trip was finally coming to an end when Jungkook saw the Cafe Logo...and trying to get Taehyung to be quiet he ran to the front door.

(Taehyung and Jungkook enters the Cafe... And finds a table to sit)

Taehyung: Dude why did you run?
Jungkook: The walk from the building till here was at least 30 minutes walk..
Taehyung: Yeah.. I know but why did you run?
Jungkook: For that 30 minutes all you spoke about was chubby cheeks.. You can be glad I didn’t run all the way to America.
Taehyung: (laughing).. Sorry I just love...
Jungkook: Don’t you dare say Chubby cheeks..
Taehyung: Okay. I just love cheeks, I didn’t say chubby..
Jungkook: WAITER!!!

Normal POV
The waiter finally serves Jungkook and Taehyung's table. They both ordered the burger with chips special and waited silently for their food to come. Jungkook now looking to Taehyung mumbling something.. And curiosity finally takes over.

Jungkook: V Hyung..
Taehyung: What’s up??
Jungkook: You keep mumbling stuff... What do you keep saying..??
Taehyung: It’s just something Hanbyeol told me before she went...(starts getting sad)... Before she went and helped Hanna and Sarach..
Jungkook: Oh sorry man... But what did she tell you..?
Taehyung: I’m trying to figure out what it means.. But it says..” The branches on the tree.. We will one day see...”.. That’s what she told me..
Jungkook: The branches on the tree.. We will one day see.. It sounds similar to my..
Taehyung: To your what??
( Jungkook turns to Taehyung)
Jungkook: I think your part and my part are related somehow. Hyung..
Taehyung: What do you mean??
Jungkook: I got something similar but mine said..” The leaves may fall one by one... But the tree will remain standing”..
Taehyung: Do you think it may be connected at some point..??
Jungkook: That I don’t know..

Normal POV
The boys look at each other as if they’re trying to see who can come up with an explanation for all of this but deep down they know they have no clue what’s happening. The boys waited talking random things until their lunch finally came.

Waiter: Sorry it took so long.
Taehyung: It’s okay, it looks yummy..
Jungkook: Everything looks yummy to you Hyung.
(The waiter serves the food to the two boys and leaves the table. Jungkook now staring at his food can’t seem to notice the concern look Taehyung is giving him)
Taehyung: Kookie... What’s wrong?
Jungkook: (Stays quiet for a while)... It’s just that I remembered..
Taehyung: You are remembering the first time you and “she” shared a burger and chips together right.


Jungkook POV
I’ve got to hurry, why did I have to go sleep so late last night. I need to pick up my pace or I’ll be late for sure... I can’t face another detention.

Jungkook: Oh my head..
Girl: Watch where you’re going..
(Jungkook looks up)
Jungkook: Oh......
(Girl looks up)
Girl: Oh.....

Normal POV
The two look at each other as if they’re busy in a musical play. The magical moments could be seen from the looks they are giving to each other and the smile each of them are showing. Jungkook stands up first and offers his hand to the girl in order for her to stand up.

Jungkook: Hi.. I’m sorry I was in a hurry and I didn’t...
Girl: It’s...... Okay I should’ve looked up and see you running..
Jungkook: Oh..  No you’re...(hears his phone vibrating).. Oh crap I’m late.. Bye
Girl: Bye

Normal POV
Jungkook now sprinting even faster than before finally sees the school gates from a distance and finally calms down a bit, but his worries worsens as the gates started to close..

Jungkook: WAIT!!!!
Security Guard: Hurry Up Boy!!

After some real forcing speed Jungkook makes it into the school gates just in the nick of time.

Security Guard: You have to stop coming in so late Jungkook..
Jungkook: I know but this time...
Security Guard: (looks at Jungkook with a funny face).. Don’t even try..
Jungkook: You guys never believe me..(smiles)

Jungkook POV
I made it into the school grounds but now the real challenge starts.. How to make it to class in time when I don’t even know what my first subject is. Why am I always such a idiot..

Jin: You have Arts class first Jungkook..
(Jungkook turns around..)
Jimin: Late again I see..
Jungkook: I had a good reason..
Hoseok: Let’s HOPE it is a good one...(laughs) see what I did there ..
Yoongi: Hoseok please don’t start so early in the morning.
Taehyung: Well let’s GOOO!!!!
Namjoon: Taehyung can’t you just be quiet for one day.
Taehyung: Sure, but then what will get..
All the members: NOTHING!!!
Taehyung: You guys are so rude..(fakes crying)
Jin: ( Laughing).. Come on guys let’s go..

Normal POV
The gang walks to their class room but while they walk to class they saw a very attractive girl in the Principals office. The boys take their time to observe her beauty, well everyone except Jungkook seeing as he’s so in thought that he hasn’t realized the boys aren’t walking with him.

Jungkook POV
I’m still thinking of that girl I saw this morning, just who is she... And why did it feel as if we had a connection. I have to find out who she is and where she’s from because I mean almost everyone in this city knows each other and I’ve never seen her here before..

Jungkook: Hey.. Guys maybe we should..(turns around).. Hey Guys...
Jimin: You’re in thought..mmmm... Wonder who’s on your mind.. Kookie..
(Jungkook suddenly hears voices behind him)
Jungkook: Where were you guys..?
Hoseok: Well we saw a beautiful girl in the principals office... So we stayed and looked at her for a while.
Jungkook: Maybe I should go back and see for myself..
Taehyung: Are you sure you’ll be able to handle it.
Namjoon: You are a really shy guy when it comes to girls Kookie..
Jin: Yes you are. Do you remember....
Jungkook: Fine.. fine I got it..
Jimin: Come on let’s go Ms.Nayeon is probably in a bad mood already..

Normal POV
The boys now a few steps away from their class finally reaches the door. And tries to slowly open it. The creaking of the door alarms the teacher and the whole class. Ms.Nayeon slowly walks to the door trying not to show that she knows they are at the door..

Namjoon: Okay guys let’s go..
Jin: Be very Quiet..
Jungkook: We better go one by one or that...
(Opens the door)
Ms.Nayeon: That what???.. I’m waiting for your so continue Mr.Jeon...
Jungkook: Umm... Good morning Ms.Nayeon...
Ms.Nayeon: I’m waiting for you to continue. What you were about to say...
Jungkook: Well miss...(whispers).. Help me out here guys!!
Ms.Nayeon: Detention for all of you... Go take your seats..

Normal POV
The boys enter the classroom and went straight to take their seats.. They get out their books seeing as Ms.Nayeon already got the work written on the board, and their faces immediately went to a sour look.

Jungkook: Ms.Nayeon can I ask a question..?
Ms.Nayeon: I came in early and started writing today’s work..
Jungkook: How... How..
Ms.Nayeon: Because you ask the same question everyday..
Jungkook: What if I wanted to ask something else..
Taehyung: No you asked that question for 2 years now Kookie.
Jimin: And it’s more annoying than when Taehyung makes noises everyday.
Taehyung: Hey!!!
Class: (starts laughing, even the teacher giggles)

Normal POV
The class gets busy with writing but are soon interrupted when someone starts knocking on the door. Ms.Nayeon goes to open the door and the principal enters the class is with a young girl.

Jungkook POV
That girl, she’s the girl I met earlier. What is she doing here.. Is she going to attend our same school...

Principal: Good morning class..
(Class stands up from their seats)
Class: Good Morning Sir.
Principal: Ms.Nayeon I have a new student for you..
Ms.Nayeon: Welcome Young lady what might your name be.?
Girl: Hello Miss.. And everyone my name is Madelyn Rico.
Class: Welcome Madelyn..
Taehyung: Your name sounds like a Filipina’s name..
Namjoon: Yes and Taehyung sounds like a crazy name.

(The whole class erupts into laughter)
Taehyung: I was just saying..(laughing)

Jungkook POV
So her name is Madelyn. I surely hope we will become good friends or maybe more. I don’t know it’s as if we are meant to be... Like we did have a connection when we met by accident. I just really hope.....
Ms.Nayeon: Mr Jeon is that a blush I see on your face..
Jungkook: (Blush deepens)... What!!.. No Miss..
Class: (starts laughing)

Madelyn POV
So his name is Jeon Jungkook. I can’t  believe he’s in the same class as me. I’m so happy to have to see him again.

Ms.Nayeon: Okay Madelyn you can go and sit next to Yoongi.
Class: Ooooooooooooooh.....
Taehyung: Trouble... Trouble...
(Madelyn sits down next to Yoongi)
Madelyn: Hi..
Yoongi: Hi..

Normal POV
The class stares at Yoongi and Madelyn having a conversation.. As they never saw Yoongi talking to anyone else except with his friends. The teacher saw that the class weren’t paying attention to the lesson and she just followed their eyes.

Ms.Nayeon: Mr.Min and Ms.Rico!!!
Yoongi: Yes Miss..
Ms.Nayeon: Mr.Min... I’m surprised you’re calling me Miss
Yoongi: (shocked at how he changed so easily)...
Class: (starting giggling)..
Namjoon: Mr. Swag has gone soft..(laughing)
(Taehyung stands up and approach their Yoongi's table.)
Taehyung: (Touches Yoongi's forehead).. Are you sure you’re okay.
Yoongi: I’ll be better if I can punch you.
(Taehyung rushes to his seat)
Ms.Nayeon: Okay class let’s start.

Jungkook POV
So I guess she couldn’t sit next to me seeing as Jimin sat here.. But at least I know now she’s in my class as well as in my school. I really hope we can become good friends. The spark between us gives us reason to believe there may be something more than friendship. I just really hope she feels the same way.

Madelyn POV
I couldn’t sit next to Jungkook, but at least we have the same subjects as well as the same classroom. I don’t even know what I’ll be able to tell him.... Wait... why am I suddenly having trouble talking to boys especially with Jungkook. Am I falling for him or am I going crazy. I mean there was a spark when he bumped into me.

Ms.Nayeon: Madelyn.....
Madelyn: (still in thought)...
Ms.Nayeon: Madelyn...
Yoongi: Yo.. Are you listening to Ms.Nayeon..
Madelyn: Huh... What???
Ms.Nayeon: Ms.Rico, did I disturb your daydream...
Madelyn: I’m sorry Ms.Nayeon..

Jungkook POV
She’s so cute when she apologizes. I wonder what she was thinking about, it must’ve been one crazy thought to lose focus so quickly and for so long as well.

Normal POV
Class lasted for 2 hours straight until the bell for lunch finally rang. The students packing their books under the table headed straight for the cafeteria, where the free food was being served. As the rest of the class as well as the school students headed to get lunch, Jungkook and Madelyn seems to be taking longer packing their things away.

Jungkook POV
We are alone now.. What do I say to her..

Madelyn POV
We’re alone but I don’t know how to start the conversation..

Normal POV
Jungkook and Madelyn stands still and just stare at each other not knowing what to say. The awkwardness could be seen, seeing as neither one wanted to sound like a idiot.

Jimin: I can’t believe you two are having a staring competition right now...
(Jungkook and Madelyn turns to the door)
Jungkook: What are you guys doing here??
Jin: We came looking for you, but we see..(smirks).. You already have company..
Madelyn: (blushing)...
Jungkook: It’s not like that...
Yoongi: Then why is Madelyn blushing..
(Jungkook turns around)
Jungkook: I.... I....
Taehyung: Jungkook I’m going to be honest here..
Hoseok: It’s best we go..
Jimin: Yeah let’s go..
Jin: Bye enjoy your lunch Kookie..(smirks again)
Namjoon: Taehyung being honest is going to be a disaster.
Taehyung: All I was going to say is Jungkook, you must trust your feelings..

(BTS turns around immediately, and looks at Taehyung in a very shocked way)
Namjoon: What did you just say?
Taehyung: I just told him to trust his feelings..
Yoongi: It’s about time.. Taehyung has finally grown up..
Jimin: I’m so shocked right now..
Jungkook: (turns to Madelyn).. Madelyn would you like to have dinner with me later..
(The BTS members look towards Madelyn. Madelyn looks at the 6 of them while they nodding a yes)
Madelyn: Yes I would love to..
Jungkook: Really!!.. Yes..(Jumps up)

Normal POV
After Jungkook’s success in asking Madelyn out, the boys as well as Madelyn headed towards the cafeteria to get their lunch. They sat at a table and finished their lunch quickly as they could see they didn’t have much time left. The day went by really slow as Jungkook thought as well as the members but luckily for them most of the subjects that remained didn’t happen due to the teachers being absent.
The school bell rang to signal the end of the school as well as the end of the week. The boys ran to the school gate as quick as possible to just get away from this tiredness they call learning.

Jungkook POV
I think I should ask her to go to dinner tonight... Or would that sound wrong, why am I suddenly having trouble asking her now.

Yoongi: Just ask her Jungkook..
Taehyung: You need to get that shyness you have towards girls to leave.
Jungkook: Guys am I going crazy or does Taehyung sound professional..
Hoseok: Yes and it’s starting to freak me out..
Jimin: Me too...Taehyung are you perhaps on meds

(The group starts laughing ,as well as Taehyung)
Taehyung: I’m just saying... Because it seems Jungkook really likes this girl..
Namjoon: That’s true.. Jungkook!! There she is, go ask her now..
Jungkook: BUT!!..but...
Jin: No Buts... Go..

Normal POV
Jungkook turns around and looks at the direction of Madelyn and decided to approach her. As he slowly reaches her someone else comes there first.

Boy: Hi Sexy, wanna go out with me..
Madelyn: I’m sorry... I....I..
Boy: You what!!!. Trying to make something up I see..
Madelyn:’s just that...that...
Boy: WHAT!!
Jungkook: She’s with me!!! So you better make sure to beat it..

(The boy turns around, and sees Jungkook)
Boy: (laughing).. She’s with you. You’re the scared kid in this school. So...
Jungkook: I used to be, but not anymore...So if you wanna get hurt real badly here today I suggest you keep doing what you’re doing..
Boy: You got guts Jungkook.. BOYS!!!... Let’s see how you handle... Four of us

(Three boys approach Jungkook and Madelyn)
Boy: So what you going to do now Jungkook..
Jungkook: You really think I’m going to run away from four Clowns..
Boy: Are you calling us clowns!! You bastard!!!
Namjoon: I suggest you boys start running...
Jin: Or we tell Yoongi that you were the ones who stole his Kumamon T shirt..
Boy: But we didn’t...
Hoseok: Do you think he’ll believe you CLOWNS!!!
Boy#2: Why should we be scared of Yoongi..??
Boy: Because when it comes to that Bear character.. Yoongi will beat up anyone that talks badly about it..
Jungkook: HEY YOONGI!!!!
Boy: Fine you win...let’s go boys..

Normal POV
The four boys immediately start running as a bored looking Yoongi approach the circle. Jungkook just smiles as the boys ran away at a pace that’ll give a cheetah one good race. The rest of the boys decided to walk ahead home while Jungkook handles his business, but the look each member gave him made his blush intensify.

Jungkook POV
I don’t know how to ask her..??.. How do I ask her out to dinner tonight...or should I rather just leave it for now and ask when I have more confidence.

Madelyn: Do you want to grab dinner now??
(Jungkook looks up and realizes what she just asked him)
Jungkook: I wanted to ask you.. But I didn’t know how..
Madelyn: Well I was nervous too, but I wanted to see you again..(blush intensifies)
Jungkook: (blush intensifies as well).. Well do you wanna go to a Cafe for...
Madelyn: Burger and...
Jungkook: Chips..

( The two look at each other as they finish each others sentences)

Normal POV
Jungkook and Madelyn stood still on the same spot for a while staring at each other. Jungkook smile could be seen showing his bunny teeth and Madelyn showing her amazing smile..

Taehyung: Are you two going to stare all day or go eat your dinner..
Jungkook: Oh yeah right let’s go..
Madelyn: (giggles).. Yes bye everyone.. (Waves)
BTS: Bye enjoy your dinner..(smirks)..

Normal POV
Jungkook leads Madelyn to a restaurant but deep inside he knows he doesn’t have enough money on him to pay for dinner especially at an restaurant that’s so expensive. Jungkook now struggling on how to explain that to Madelyn, he looks at her but sees a smile on her face.

Madelyn: I wanna eat at a Cafe please..
Jungkook: But isn’t a restaurant more romantic.. I mean a first date should be romantic right...

(Jungkook turns to Madelyn who has a smirk on her face)
Madelyn: So is this a date..?
Jungkook: (Shocked by what he just said)..
Madelyn: Well if it’s a date I wanna eat at a Cafe..
Jungkook: Are you sure..?
Madelyn: Yes I’m sure..
Jungkook: Okay let’s Go..

Madelyn POV
I could see he doesn’t have money for that kind of restaurant but why did he think I’ll have a problem with going to a Cafe. To be honest I’ll eat anywhere as long as I’m with him.

Jungkook POV
She seems different from other girls, and to top it all of she doesn’t mind going to a Cafe. What more interesting facts does this girl have.

Normal POV
Jungkook and Madelyn walks to the Cafe known as Bangtan Cafe. The two finally reaches the Cafe and enters, luckily for Jungkook the people there knows him and immediately gets him a table. The waiter approaches the table and gets ready to take their orders

Waiter: What may I serve you?
Jungkook: Two burgers and chips special please..
Waiter: What kind of Burger?
Jungkook: Ummm...
Madelyn: Two Cheese Burgers please... As well as two Strawberry Milkshakes..
Waiter: (stunned by what the girl ordered).. Okay coming right up..
Jungkook: Thanks..

(The waiter looks at Jungkook and whispers.)
Waiter: She’s a keeper..
Jungkook: (smiles his bunny smile)

Normal POV
The two started chatting and enjoying each others conversation while waiting for the order to be served. The conversation became so intense that their laughter was beginning to get louder, but the customers being as regulars didn’t mind as they were happy to see Jungkook smiling for the first time in a while. They knew he only ever laughed when he was with his friends but other than that he sat alone.
The orders finally came, and Jungkook was starting to get hungry. He looks at Madelyn and could see she was starving as well.

Jungkook: Madelyn may I ask you something.
Madelyn: I would love to..
Jungkook: What??
Madelyn: I would love to be your girlfriend.. Forever..
Jungkook: Really!!.. (Smiling brightly).. But how did you know?
Madelyn: (Blushes).. To tell you the truth.. I just guessed..
Jungkook: Wow.(looking amazed)...Really?
Madelyn: No.. Your friends told me you’re going to ask me.
Jungkook: Whaa... What...(mumbles) those bastards..(smiling)

Normal POV
Jungkook and Madelyn now on their first date starts eating their dinner.. Each one starting with their Chips as well as serving it to each other. The conversation between them lasted for hours and  the love they found towards each other didn’t want to end. The once shy Jungkook went away as he found it comfortable to be with Madelyn. The two love birds was so busy with each other they didn’t notice the table across from them.

Taehyung: The boy has become a man.
Yoongi: Yeah and now we’re waiting for you Taehyung to become human..
(The whole group including Taehyung erupts into laughter)



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