- Ten -

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The next day the students attended to class, some of them were missing, probably ill or skipping class. Pupil were handing their homework to Mr. Park, who gladly accepted those. He handed some paper around in the class and made his way back to the board where he wrote examples down, which the student suggested. One of the topics today were, if people have no choice on feeling the way they do, or if they're having those emotions because they want to feel like this.

"I think it's because we want to" A student answered Mr. Parks question. "Don't you guys know this situation, where you're like 'okay I have to be happy stop being sad' and you automatically feel less sad?" Immediately another hand raised, Mr. Park picked him.

"I don't agree, what you just explained only shows us that we can fake our emotions or hide them, but only after we realized that we're sad or happy whatever. That doesn't mean that we can control if we're going react happy towards something, got it?"

That was the way the discussion went, students agreed but also disagreed with each other, a few of them were even taking this topic way too personal and got angry. After a non stop discussion between the students, it was time for a break. The students grabbed their bags and left the classroom, lastly Mr. Park also left the class. While walking down the hallway he saw his favourite human being standing there, talking to one of his friends, Chanyeol walked by and greeted both students, but instead of getting a respond from Baekhyun he only got one of his friend, meanwhile Baekhyun looked out of the window, completely ignoring the teacher.

Chanyeol didn't want to make a big scene, that was why he smiled weakly and walked away, leaving the two friends alone. In the teacher's office he placed documents on the table and sat on his chair, preparing things for his next lesson. His mind was filled with Baekhyun, yesterday everything seemed fine, what was wrong right now. Baekhyun wasn't actually the type who would make a big scene or would forgive and then be angry and him again, so it has to be something else again, but that what Chanyeol was afraid of the whole time, having another problem that would insecure their relationship.

Baekhyun walked through the hallways, his head was filled with questions, questions he had no answer for. Who was the person, that just sent him this letter, what would someone's reason be to do such a thing. With slow steps and books pressed against his chest he looked to his right, out of the window while walking.

"Did you like my little note Baekhyun?" A voice sounded out. Baekhyun looked straight forward and saw a male student standing in front of him, wearing the same uniform as him, black, styled hair. Baekhyun could tell, that he was almost as tall as Chanyeol. The male stepped forward but stopped when there was almost no space between the two.

"I hope you liked them"

"You sent those?" Baekhyun whispered in disbelief, the male nodded. "Why, what's your point?"

"Having fun" The tall guy explained. "Maybe. . With you?" Baekhyun's eyes opened widely, what does that even mean. "I want you to do something for me Baekhyun, something very important."

"What do you want, who are you even?"

"I'm Hwan, enough? I want you to do me a favour, a favour which includes you and your body Baekhyun."

"What?" Baekhyun stepped back, this guy has to be crazy. "You're crazy, leave me alone." Baekhyun walked pass and made his way to the lunch room until Hwan said. "Otherwise, I will publish my knowledge about your relationship." That caused Baekhyun to turn around.

"You. . .you wouldn't dare to, right?"

"Ou, I would Baekhyun, now come back here."

Baekhyun had no other choice than walking back to his usual position. "You know the consequences about this right, me telling the whole school about what you're doing. I would never guess, that you have that kind of kink" Hwan chuckled. "The first thing I want you to do, is to shut up, because your lover boy is just heading towards our direction."

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