- Nine -

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Sorry for typos

T H A N K •  Y O U • F O R • 3K!

Balls were smashing the gym floor, flying around and hitting student's body. You could hear pupil screaming each other's names, shoes jaring over the floor, seeing them run through the hall as if something was chasing them. Covered in sweat, the students played one of their favourite games, zombie ball. A game were everyone was playing against everyone, throwing the ball against each other and those players who were hit had to sit on the benches, watching the person who just threw the ball at them lose too so they can enter the game again.

Baekhyun sat on the bench, he loved gym but this game was too much for his coordination skills. Not even two minutes later, Kyungsoo followed the small boy and took a seat right next to him. Only a little sigh caused Kyungsoo to ask Baekhyun what was wrong.

"You see Kyung, Chanyeol and I had a fight right. Well, he said that I should ask the person who told me all this stuff about it, because it would make things clear." Baekhyun explained while staring at his sport shoes, the sound of students yelling at each other at the background. "I. ." He took a deep breath. "I don't want to fight with Chanyeol, you understand that right?"

Kyungsoo nodded his head while watching the others playing around, he didn't dare to look at Baekhyun.

"That's why I'm going to ask you, why did you tell me that?" There was curiosity behind Baekhyun's voice. It was true, that Kyungsoo was the one who told Baekhyun about Chanyeol and the other student. One day, the two of them were walking through the park, admiring the beauty of nature. That was where  Kyungsoo decided to tell Baekhyun what happened between the teacher and the ex - student. Both sat there, no one spoke eventhough Baekhyun waited for an answer.

Afterwards the teacher told the students that they were allowed to change in the cabinets and they are free to leave. Kyungsoo literally ran towards the door as if his life would depend on it, meanwhile Baekhyun still sat on the bench and sighed. He entered the cabinet after everyone left, maybe he didn't even want to hear Kyungsoo's answer. Baekhyun changed his clothes, took his bag and went towards the door, grabbing the door knob.

"There is a reason behind all I said, Baekhyun" Kyungsoo's voice sounded out all of the sudden, making the small boy shudder for a second before turning around. "I told you about Chanyeol and the other person, about the whole situation and the things that happened between them for a reason. I told you that he slept with another student, which is true, because I wanted him gone."


"Gone. Not gone, meaning that he should dissapear, but gone, meaning that he should stop it."

"Stop what Kyungsoo, can you explain clearly?"

"Thinking about you." Kyungsoo finally spilled out. "Having. . . a crush on you. I felt it, the way he smiled at you while passing the papers, the way he stared at you while you were busy writing things down, the way he said your name while calling the students." Kyungsoo's gaze never left the floor as he was talking to Baekhyun, those pictures of Chanyeol flashing back from his memories. "I knew he loved you, but he knew that it was not allowed to date a student. After a few month I could feel his depression, his need to touch you, you didn't realize that right?"

The atmosphere turned violet, very negative and sad, there was a silent lingering in the cabinet until Baekhyun shook his head. "He started to touch your shoulders or even bent over while standing behind you so his upper body would touch your back Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo's voice even raised, blood boiling in his body. "Than I had no chance but to get him away from you but how?!" He sounded mad, Kyungsoo let out a soft, broken chuckle. "I. . I arranged a student, who I knew he will change school soon. I paid him for seducing Chanyeol, I hoped that with that he would forget you and his love, hut he didnt. He didn't Baekhyun, he was dissapointed in himself, eventhough he didn't had to. At the end you weren't his"

"To clarify my reason, I love you Baekhyun. I always did, I'm sorry that I had to do this to you, I never wanted to see you broken, especially not because of me."

Baekhyun's eyes were filled with light tears, about to leave his eyes and roll down his cheeks. He took a deep breath, shook his head and left Kyungsoo alone in the cabinet.

- ℘ -

After school ended Baekhyun decided to visit Chanyeol's house. On the way he thought about every single thing Kyungsoo said.

I love you Baekhyun, I always did

That wasn't possible, there was no reason to ruin a relationship. That was one of the things Baekhyun hated the most, people who tried to ruin a relationship for their own will and love, that was nothing but selfish. Love should be about making the one you love happy, even though it would hurt you. A relationship should be about making each other happy, no matter what you would've sacrificed for that. He jumped the stairs up and knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened a in pajama dressed Chanyeol with fuzzy hair stood infront of Baekhyun, he didn't waited a second an hugged the taller one. Chanyeol let out a yelp but soon wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's body.

"What's wrong Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked, trying to push Baekhyun off but that cause the smaller one to tighten the grip around Chanyeol's neck. "Please, let's stay like this a little longer" Baekhyun pleased and Chanyeol wrapped his arms around him again.



"I love you, you know that right?" Baekhyum mumbled into his neck, making Chanyeol giggle. "I know, does that mean I am forgiven?" Baekhyun only nodded.

In the living room Baekhyun was clingy as always, sitting on Chanyeol's lap, arms wrapped around the taller's body, giving him unexpected kisses on his cheeks, forehead, lips and neck. Chanyeol didn't even complain, since he loved it way too much. It didn't take him even a second to push Baekhyun on the couch and hover over his body, kissing him with passion. "I missed you so much" Chanyeol whispered between the kisses. Baekhyun respond with a kiss and pulled the taller's sweater to press the two bodies against each other. "Ch-Chanyeol" Baekhyun tried to speak while Chanyeol was covering his neck with sweet kisses. "I asked the person" he finally said, but this made Chanyeol stop. He looked down to Baekhyun and asked "You did?" Baekhyun nodded his head.

"I asked Kyungsoo why he did it, he said that-"

"I can imagine what he said Baekhyun. That I was frustrated because I had a crush on you and that's why I sl-" Before Chanyeol could finish Baekhyun placed his palm on Chanyeol's mouth. "Don't say what you did, it kinda hurts me okay?" Chanyeol nodded, it hurt him seeing Baekhyun sad. Even though it was a long time ago, Chanyeol was ashamed of his actions, that was no manly way to get over his crush.

Afterwards Baekhyun explained what happened and that Kyungsoo knew about their relationship. That was Chanyeol's chance to confirm that he also told Jongin about it. Both ordered their pizza and talked til night, until it was time for Baekhyun to go home. Chanyeol asked him to stay, but Baekhyun refused since he had things to do too.

At home Baekhyun threw his bag to the corner and was ready to go upstairs and sleep. It was a hard week,  many things happened and it was enough for Baekhyun to work things out. He climbed five steps until his mother stopped him with saying "Baekhyun there's a letter for you."

"A letter?"

"Yes, I put it on the table honey." His mother pointed on the table of the living room. Baekhyun walked over and saw a white envelope, he picked it up and found thick papers in it, one of them was inscribed. Baekhyun folded it open and started to read.

I know your relationship towards Mr. Park
Want me to tell the whole school about it?
I don't thing so, right.
Well, guess things are going to become interesting, Byun.


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Well hello, I'm back from London!
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter
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don't you guys like this story?

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