"I just know." Liam finally said failing to sum up what he had witnessed."Why were they fighting anyway?"

"Niall's heart constricted in panic."They didn't tell you?"

I didn't give them a chance to, to be honest. Anyway, I had a feeling it had something to do with you so I wanted to hear your side of things in the meantime."

Niall kept quiet, not so sure what to do. There was no point of hiding his relationship at this point onwards, once Louis knew he was going to tell Lim anyway. And then somehow like most secrets do, everyone was going to end up knowing about it. He might as well fess up now, in person, to those that mattered the most.

That knowledge didn't make coming out any less difficult anyway. This was what it was right? Coming out?

Niall sighed, pressing the cold compress over his beating heart. His mouth had gone dry again and was making swallowing the saliva that pooling in his mouth hard. He put the cold compress aside and proceeded to wring his palms together. When that didn't work he went on to biting the nails of his left finger.

Niall's eyes were darting everywhere but meeting Liam's slightly concerned and curious ones. Liam went and sat beside Niall."Niall? What's going on mate?"

Another troubled sigh escaped Niall's chapped lips. He licked them nervously before raising his those baby blue of his to meet Liam's warm brown eyes."I don't know how you are going to take this. Louis didn't take it so well and I wish I was strong enough to say that I didn't care about his opinion or yours but I do. I love you guys. I don't want to lose you."

"Niall, you can never lose me, okay? I won't ever let that happen." Liam placed a kind hand around Niall's shoulders. Niall all but sank into Liam's side hug. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Harry and I are going out... Louis found us in a comprising position ... and yeah ..." He trailed off, his voice barely above a whisper. He just realised that ever since he got together with Harry he had never said it out loud. Not even to himself.

Now saying it with Liam out loud seemed to affirm the whole thing. Like it was no longer a hazy dream that he had been dreaming up. He said it out loud and there was no going back from there.

Liam's hand pulled away slowly and Niall leaned away from Liam not knowing what to expect. The room went quiet for one time. Niall didn't know what to do. What to say.

What do you say at a time like this?

Finally, Liam reached over and covered his hand over Niall's."Hey, look at me."

Niall slowly looked at Liam. He looked at his chest covered in a white hoodie first, letting his eyes trail slowly up to his eyes, giving himself time to steel himself for whatever expression he was going to find on Liam's face.

Bust all Niall could find was a love written all over it."I don't care about who you love, as long as you are happy." Liam earnestly conveyed with his eyes that were looking deep into Niall's eyes.

"Thanks, Lee. I love you so much, mate." ushing in for a hug, Liam hugged him back just as tightly as he did before And it made Niall feel so happy, relieved and loved. A short knock went off before the door opened slowly.

"Hey, is he awake yet?" Harry's whispered question was voiced before he even came into the room. It made Niall smile a little bit.

"Yeah," Liam said clearly.

Harry hurriedly walked towards Niall and sat on the other side of him. He scanned Niall up and down." Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah. And you?" Niall asks.

"Well, I no longer have the strongest urge to break Louis'  jaw, if that's what you are asking," Harry says with a smile.

"That is what I'm asking," Niall confirms with a tired smile. Louis enters the room and everyone keeps quiet, watching him cautiously and waiting to see what would happen.

Louis awkwardly stands in the middle of the room, with an unreadable expression and his hands behind his back. "Come on! I'm a little shit you know this! Don't treat me like I'm some loose cannon that will go off at any minute."

"But you are a loose cannon that will go off at any minute, mate," Liam says totally unimpressed.

Louis sighs, "Okay fine. I'm sorry. I'm a stupid shithead. I didn't mean all those mean things that I said earlier. Forgive me?" He says producing two large pizzas from his back.

"Do you really think Niall is going to forgive you just because you brought food, mate?" Liam asks disapprovingly.

"Yep," Louis answered cooly.

"Well, he is right," Harry says as he fondly watches Niall reach for the box of pizzas reverently, prompting everyone to burst out laughing. Somethings never change after all.

Secret Love Story (narry) (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin